Fall From A Star

How Could This Happen To Me?

Zack went home to change and take a shower while I ate breakfast with Matt.

We didn't speak alot to each other mainly focusing on eating and that was about it.

"I'll get it." Matt said as he heard the doorbell ring. I nodded and grabbed his bowl from him and put it in the sink to clean. When I was done I went into the living and Jimmy was sitting on the couch.

"Where's Matt?"

"He went upstairs to change." Jimmy told me. I nodded and sat next to him on the couch.


"Yeah?" he said and looked at me curiously.

"When did you leave yesterday?"

"Um lets see." He said as he began to think back. "I went home at around ten." I gulped. "Why?"

"Um Zacky said you went to Leanna at midnight." I said and looked up at him. Studying his face. He looked confused.

"No. I didn't talk to Zack after he went upstairs with you." he said. After a minute or two he spoke again "Why? What happened."

I wasn't sure if I should really tell him. He could tell Matt and Zacky would just be mad because I didn't talk to him first. But Jimmy was like my haven I trusted him.

"Promise to keep it between me and you?" I asked and he nodded. "I couldn't sleep last night and when I was about to I heard Zacky say something in his sleep that confused me."

"What did he say?" he asked curiously.


Was all I said. I didn't need to hear what Jimmy had to say because his face told me something. It went pale and began to sweat like he knew what this one word would do to me if it was true.

"Um." Was all Jimmy said before I cut him off by walking upstairs.

"Julia, are you okay?" Matt asked as I passed him on the stairs. I nodded and smiled at him. he was hesitant at first but then smiled at me and gave me hug. "Where going down to Johnny's bar, to meet the rest of the guys. Be back later okay?" I nodded and hugged him before he descended downstairs and I walked into my room.

I plopped on my bed and hugged my pillow tight to my body. And did something I began to grew accustomed to. I cried.

{Jimmy's POV}

"What did he say?" I asked Julia. I wanted to know what was making Julia so sad and the fact that Zack lied to her. I didn't know he was able to lie to her.

"Gena." she said softly.

I could feel my face go pale and I felt the sweat going down my face.

"Um" I didn't know what to say really to her. And Julia didn't give me a chance to either she just got up and left to her room.

How can I explain Gena to you. Lets see.

Zack's ex-girlfriend from high school. I thought she left for New York after we graduate after Zack caught her cheating on him. I thought she was out of the picture.

She was good at controlling Zack and she knew it and used it to her advantage. She tell him something then go behind his back and fuck the first guy that walked by.

She made me sick.

So I wonder why Zack said her name. I hope he was having a nightmare of him catching her in bed with a different guy. Yeah that had to be it.

He is in love Julia. You could tell the day he beat the hell out of Timmy err Talon. Even if we didn't know the whole truth about those two at that point you could tell. He loves her.

"Ready to go?" Matt asked breaking me from my thoughts.

I nodded and we drove off to Johnny's bar to meet the guys.

When we entered we saw Brian, Johnny, and Zack already in the booze at a booth in the back.

I watched Zack closely and tried to see if I could see anything different.

"Something wrong?" Zack asked me. He must of saw me staring at me.

I nodded. "Can we talk about something." Even though I promised Julia. Zack needs to know she heard and that he better not fuck anything up.

"Sure" he said slowly and stood. We walked outside and sat on the trunk of his car.

"Julia told me something this morning." I stated and he looked at me.

"What was it?" he asked nervously.

"First I need to ask you something." He nodded and I continued. "Why did you tell her I left at midnight."

He gulped and looked away from me. When he didn't say anything I spoke again. "Thats what I thought." he looked at me. "Don't be fucking Julia over Zacky, with.." I stopped.

"With who?"

I looked at him trying to find some kind of guilt in his eyes. "Gena" And thats when I found it. "What does she want Zack."

"How does she know?"

"Who Julia?" he nodded. "You said her name while you were sleeping." He nodded slowly and gulped. I could see the hurt in his eyes. The hurt he was causing Julia. "What does she want?"

"She moved back here and wants another chance."

I glared at him. I think I want to punch Zacky in the face. Yeah I think I will.

"What the hell was that for!" He said holding his cheek.

"You better not break Julia's heart!" I snapped on him.

"I'm not planing on it." he said still rubbing his cheek. "I told Gena, I couldn't give it to her because I love someone else."

I soften my glare and felt bad for hitting him "Sorry."

"No its okay. I probably deserved it for making Julia think that."

I smiled. "No you deserve this" I said and slapped him in the head.

"Ow! What the fuck!" he yelled rubbing the back of his head.

"I don't ever want to hear Julia ask me about Gena again do you understand me?!" I barked at him.

He nodded. "Say it" I snapped.

"I wont."

"Good! Now lets go back inside." I said and walked back inside. "Oh and Zacky." He looked up at me. "I better see a happy Julia tomorrow." he smiled and nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠

How could this happen to me?
I've made my mistakesI've got no where to run
The night goes on
As I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me?