Fall From A Star


When we entered the limo about 10 other couples where in. Alot were on the football team with Talon and the rest were their girlfriends, cheerleaders. But I didn't mention that I was one to. But don't judge me by that alone.I just love cheerleading so much....not so much the people.

"Well don't you look pretty for once." People like her. Her as is Haley Thomas, head cheerleader my worst nightmare....

"Thanks..I guess." I smiled fakely to her. Doesn't matter because behind her cake face is a just as fake smile.

We drove to a light house by the ocean to take some pictures. The light was at the perfect spot in the sky. Right before sunset when the sky is slightly pink.

After our pictures we all headed back into the limo and drove off to the hotel prom was being held at.

The place looked at absolute breath taking. The colors were teal and silver and the theme was 'Til The Clock Strikes Twelve a Cinderella theme.

Absolutely like a fairy tale.

Talon and I took our pictures with the photographer there and they announced us in the grand march.

We found our table that we shared with the same people we rode in the limo with.

"This place is so beautiful." I said to Talon as he pulled out my chair for me to sit down in.

"I know." was all he said. I smiled as he was talking to one of his friends and turned my attention to the decorations on the table and all the other ones. Tiny candles in glass bowls were placed in the middle on the table and silver and teal fabric was draped over the tables.

"All right, now that the grand march is over you may go ahead and help yourself to dinner." Mrs. Peterson, the junior board adviser told us.

"Lets go." Talon said as he grabbed my hand and lead us to the tables with the food on them. We each grabbed a plate and made are way back to the table.

I wasn't really hungry so I just grabbed some fruit and bread. Talon hand a plate full with basically everything on it. The three meats, mash potatoes, greens, fruit, and bread. Boy that kid can eat. "Where do you put it all?" I asked referring to his food.

He smirked and went back to eating his food. I laughed and eat my fruit and bread. After we were done eating Talon and his friends pulled their dates to the dance floor and we began to dance.

The songs basically consisted of all rap and techno songs and a few slow songs to keep the "dirty dancers" at bay. Cough Haley Cough.

During our eighth grinding song in a row, I was getting thirsty and asked if Talon was to. He nodded and pulled me towards the drinks.

"One second" He told me as he made his way to the punch table. I stood on the outer part of the dancers and waited for Talon to return with my drink. "Hey you go sugar."

"Thanks." I smiled and to a sip of the punch. I stuck my tongue out from the somewhat bitter taste coming from it. "I think some spiked it."

"Probably." Talon agreed and gulped down his drink. I smiled and took another sip and finished it. "Ready for round two?" He asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. I giggled at his face and nodded. "Excellent. Lets bounce."

He grabbed ahold of my hand and pulled me back into the mob of sweaty people. He swung me in front of him. My back to his chest and placed his hands on my waist. And we began to grind again.

I noticed he kept grabbing my butt but I didn't think anything of it and thought it was just the amount of space..meaning none. I was being forced up his crotch as well.

During our breaks to get something to drink I could still taste the liquor in the fruit mixture.

It was about a quarter to 11 and Prom was over at midnight. I was sitting in one of the chairs while Talon went to get us more drinks. My head was pounding from all the music and the overall closeness of everyone in the room. It was somewhat suffocating.

"Hey are you okay?" Talon asked me as he placed a cup of punch in front of me. I shook my head 'no' and took a drink. "Do you want to go lay down?"

I don't know what I was think. I don't even think I was thinking. I just took his hand and let him take me up to a room.

He grabbed a hotel key from the lobby and walked me into the elevator with him. The elevator went to the sixth floor. As the door opened Talon grabbed my hand and lead me to room number 666. Freaky was all I thought when I watched Talon slide in the room key to open the door.

I went straight for the bed and Talon went into the bathroom. I closed my eyes as I heard the toilet flush and the water from the sink run.

I wished Zacky was hear right now with me. I'd feel safe in his arms, most definitely not the feeling I get when I heard metal clang out to the door like if someone was locking it or something.

"Talon?" I whispered. He appeared around the corner with his blazer off along with his belt. He threw them on the floor and started to unbutton his shirt. "Um What are you doing?" I asked him.

"This." was all he said and he crept onto the bed and on top of me. He began to kiss my neck.

"Stop..please" I whispered as his hands roamed my body. I tried pushing and
kicking but his body trapped me under him. "Please Stop." I began t cry as he undid the zipper on my dress.

"Its be easier if you stop fighting and talking." Talon spat as he pulled my dress off of me, leaving me just in my underwear. "No bra? Kinky." he said and began to nibble on my breasts.

I cried as he touched me in every way I didn't want to be touched by him. Some time after his pants were on the ground next to my dress and I felt his erection on my thigh. I took a deep breath and kept crying. I was choking on my tears as he thrusted into me harder with each pump.

"Please stop." I whispered. He looked at me and a smile played on his face.

"I said to be quiet." he ordered with venom in every word. He slapped me and my sobs became louder. He slapped me until I stopped crying on the outside.

But on the inside I was drowning in my tears.

I felt him pull out of me. He got up and put his pants back on and his shirt. He unhooked the latch to the door and walked out of the room.

The second the door clicked my eyes began to stung and my body began to ache in pain. I curled up into a naked ball and sobbed. I looked at the clock on the stand next to my head as it read 12:53. I choke on more of my tears as I slow got up and pulled my dress back on.

I looked in the mirror. My body was sweaty. My hair was a complete mess. My face was sweaty and my mascara was smeared from me crying.

And in this one second of looking into the mirror, I was complete broken because I failed to keep a promise.

A promise made to my Zacky.
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-COMMENTS PLEASE!-say what you think, mean what you say.

I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain is there is healing
In your name I find meaning
So I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on

I'm barely holdin' on to you