Fall From A Star


{Zack's POV}

"Did you have fun last night?" I asked with a wink.

She nodded and smiled. "I always have fun with you."

"You just remember how much fun you had last night when your with whats his ass tonight." I said as I stood up.I wrapped my arms around her waist and she placed hers around my neck.

"His name is Talon." she sighed. "And its just one little dance."

I scoffed. "Julia its fucking prom, that isn't just one little dance. He'll want you in his pants."

She giggled and smirked at me. "Why are you jealous?"

"Um let me think?" I looked up and pretended to think. I turned back to her and said, "Of Timmy not really? Of him being able to touch you..then yes."

She kissed my cheek and my grip grew tighter around her waist. "Baby, I promise it wont go any farther than dancing."

"I know I trust you, its just..this whole situation sucks ass. I should be taking you to your senior prom not some weak ass, cocky ass, steroid taking asshole." I said.

She giggled "Thats funny I didn't know I was going to prom with Brian."

"Haha" I laughed sarcastically. "I wish I could take you." I said as I placed my forehead on hers.

"Me too but you know that Matt would kill you or worse" she gasped.

"What could be worse then killing me?"I asked.

"He'd tear off your manly hood."We shuttered at the same time and laughed. "Thats make me sad. I like yours" she smiled and kissed my lips.

"I know" I smirked. "I'm like a fucking sex God."

"Something like that" she smirked back at me.



"I lov-"

"Zack...Zacky?" I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Jimmy looking at me. "Where going to be at the first venue in like ten minutes."

I nodded as he left. I sat up and closed my eyes again.

"I love you, Zacky"

I smiled as I saw her face in my head again. Thats the only place I see her anymore. I spend most of my day sleeping, just dreaming of her.

I wonder if she's changed. I wonder if she found someone to love her that she loves back. I've been waiting three years and I don't mind waiting. When it happens its going to happen.

I'm not the only one thats waiting for her to get home.

Matt asked Val to marry him and she said yes. But they both agreed not until she comes back. For them it didn't really matter, if they were married or not they act like it already.

We don't talk about her in front of Matt and Val. They break down the hardest each time they hear her name.

Jimmy and me probably talk about her the most. Alot having to do with what Jimmy has been keeping from us.

Because, all of my memories keep her near.

He told everyone but Val and Matt. They didn't want to know. They loved Julia and hearing one more thing that will make them think about how she was falling apart would just bring them into a bigger slump.

I haven't shown anyone the letter I found under her pillow that night. It was a promise even if she didn't state it was I know deep down it is. And I'll she her again.

Gena. I haven't seen her since the day she ran away. She didn't contact me, I didn't contact her. I know she talked to Johnny about it though. From what he says, she feels horrible about it. Not so much for me but for Matt and Val.

"Woot! Warped Tour here we come!" I heard Brian yell before the door opened and slammed shut.

'Yep Warped Tour here we come.'

I thought as I followed him off the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠

bUT cOMMENTS aRE mORE fUN!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of my memories keep you near
In silent moments
Imagine you'd be here.
All of my memories keep you near,
Your silent whispers, silent tears