Fall From A Star

Keep Holding On

We made it to our first venue in New York City. The guys where at sound check and me and Alicia were walking around the venue.

"I'm hungry" Alicia whined.

I laughed. "When aren't you?"

She glared at me and laughed along with me after a while. "Right."

I pulled the blonde part of my hair up and left the black stay down in a half up. I still had the hair that made me smile. It was just a little longer and the purple faded.

"So." Alicia said after we sat down with our food. She had a burger and I had some sour cream and chive fries. Another that has change is I became a vegetarian.

"So what?"

"Do you miss them?" She asked me.

I looked down at my food and dipped my fry in the ranch longer than needed. I sighed and nodded. "Everyday."

She nodded and looked at me. "What would you do if you saw them?"

"Honestly?" I asked and she nodded. "I don't know." I said and began to think about it.

"You know I wouldn't be mad if you decide to move back to Cali."I nodded."I'm only saying because we will be in Cali and there's a good chance you might see them."

I nodded again. They didn't know my family was Avenged Sevenfold, actually I'm not even sure if they know who Avenged Sevenfold is. I just gave them first names and thats about it, I never said they were in a band.

"I know" I said softly.

"Hey ladies." Mikey said. I looked up and saw him and Gerard coming to sit next to us.

"Hey" Alicia sang and kissed Mikey's cheek. Gerard smiled and sat down next to me. "So what did you guys do?"

"Setup for our set thats in like ten minutes so we had to come find you two." Mikey told us.

We nodded. "Let's go then."

Gerard grabbed my hand and Mikey grabbed Alicia as they walked towards the stage.

I looked down at a hands as we walked towards the stage. It wasn't because he was in love with me or the fact that I was in love with him, it had a different meaning. All the guys held my hand even Mikey did. Why? They don't want me to run away.

After I told them about my past they decide they didn't want me to fall apart again. So a way to keep that is to keep me close at all times. Holding hands was just a way to make sure I didn't run or get hurt again. And for that I thanked them.

It doesn't feel the same when Zack used to hold mine though. No butterflies, no aching knees, no sweaty palms. Nothing.

"Okay you guys going to stay here or you going to go into the crowd?" Frank asked us when we came up to them.

Alicia and me looked at each other and smiled wickedly at each other "Crowd!" we screamed.

Frank cleared his eardrums from the high pitch and we giggled at him. "Right."

"Alicia can we talk for a second." Mikey asked pulling her to the side.


{Alicia POV}

"Sure" I said and followed Mikey as he pulled me off to the side.

"Be care-"

"And make sure Julia doesn't run away. I know I know." I said cutting him off.

All the guys told me the same thing this morning when me and Julia went out when they were at sound check. This is the sixth time today and about the billionth time in three years. I get it.

He sighed and smiled at me. "Good. Now wheres my good luck kiss."

"I don't know ask Frank" I smirked.

He pouted and I rolled my yes as I gave him a kiss."Good luck" I said as I pulled Julia with me into the crowd.

{Julia's POV}

Alicia and me pushed ourselves into the crowd and somehow made it to the front. I smiled as the guys ran out and began to play their set. Frank winked at me and I smiled brightly at him.

I looked past him and was met with something familiar.

Or someone

"Is that-" I mumbled to myself trying to focus my eyes towards the backstage.

"JuJu!" Alicia screamed in my ear. I shook my head and looked at Alicia.

"Yeah?" I asked. She just smiled and looked up at Gerard. He was looking at us and I jumped up and down dancing to the music.

I looked back behind Frank and the familiar face I saw wasn't there anymore. I just shook my head and told myself I imagined it.

Only I wished I hadnt.
♠ ♠ ♠


Always Searching
Once Upon A Broken Heart
I'm Not The Only One Who Cries When I See You