Fall From A Star

Ghost of You

"Julia?!" one said.

"Oh" then another.

"My" and then another.

"Fuck" I muttered under my breath. I slowly got off of Gerard and looked up at the blast from a past.


I knew I wasn't imagining it. I really did see him.

"Hey Brian." I said softly and then looked at the other two. "Johnny, Jimmy." I said hesitantly.

"Wha Wha What are you doing here?" Jimmy stuttered. I think he was pretty speechless everyone around were.

"Um" I said and look at Gerard. I just wanted to run, far away and not deal with this right now.

Gerard grabbed my hand like he knew what I was thinking. He squeezed it and I looked back at Jimmy. "I'm here with them. My Chemical Romance."

Gerard smiled and I noticed the Mikey and Alicia were looking the others up and down.

Brian coughed and I saw a small glare being sent towards our hands. I let go of Gerard's hand and gave him a pleading look he nodded and kissed my forehead. "I'm going to find Ray." I nodded as he walked away.

I looked at Alicia and Mikey. They smiled at me confusedly and I looked back at Jimmy, Brian, and Johnny. Alicia gave my hand a quick squeeze before let it go.

I think Jimmy was getting the idea and he held his hand out for mine. I looked at it, like it was foreign and unkempt. I looked back at Jimmy and smiled weakly before I touched his hand ever so slightly and he pulled towards him into a hug.

"Julia." He breathed in my hair. I was passed onto Brian and Johnny and they hugged me like I was dead for the past three years. "We missed you, all of us."

I nodded and looked around trying to find familiar hazel and green eyes.

"They went back to the bus." Jimmy spoke. I locked eyes with him and nodded.

"Jimmy" I said softly and looked own our hands.

"Yes sweets?" Sweets. How I miss hearing him calling me that.

"Do they hate me." He looked at me for a second confused. "Matty, Val and Zacky" I said but saying Zacky's name ever so softly.

"Of course not." he said and squeezed my hand. "Actually they miss you like crazy."

"They do Julia." Johnny reassured me. I nodded.

"Matt and Val got engaged." Brian spoke and I looked up at him.

"They did I'm so happy for them." I said but my tone didn't sound happy at all.

Brian nodded and took a drink of his beer."But, they wont marry till your back."

I felt guilty right there. I was messing up a couples happiness because I was selfish.

"But your here." Johnny stated and I smiled nodded my head.

"Yep, I'm here."

They all smiled and so did Mikey and Alicia.
♠ ♠ ♠

♪I never, said I'd lie and wait forever
If I died we'd be together now
I can't always just forget her
But she could try♫