Fall From A Star

Smile With All Those Tears in Your Eyes

"Um do you want to see them?" Jimmy asked me.

I looked over at Mikey and Alicia and they nodded. "Go ahead, will tell the others." Alicia informed me after she gave me a hug.

Mikey hugged me and kissed my forehead. "If you stay with them call one of us okay?"

"Will do." I said as I grabbed Jimmy's hand and Brian's too.

Brian kissed my cheek and I blushed. I missed how their touch felt so much different from the others. I missed it. I missed them.

As we walked to their bus my mind was going at a hundred miles a minute.

I didn't know if I should be sad or happy. Scared or excited. I had so many emotions going through me. The biggest one was regret.

Regretting leaving them to suffer without me. I felt horrible and I don't know if I could really do this. But I had to.

We stopped in front of a bus that looked similar to the one MCR had. I took in a deep breath as I followed the three boys onto the bus.

"Hey guys." It was Matt. I couldn't see him being that I was smaller than the three guys blocking me, but his voice it remind me of so many memories we had growing up.

"Hey" Jimmy said quietly squeezing my hand.

"Zacky" Brian yelled. I gulped when I heard his name as my heart dropped into my stomach.

I heard shuffling coming from the back and some mumbling. "What." It hit my eardrum and the butterflies instantly fluttered in my stomach.

I felt myself press up against Brian's back as I slightly fell forward. He turned his head looking at me smiling.

"Who's behind you?" Matt's voice asked.

"A surprise." Johnny sang.

"Really now?" Zacky asked. I could tell he sat down by the noise of the leather from the couch.

All three shook their heads and I could see the corners of their smiles getting bigger.

"Well came we see?"

"Right" Jimmy said.

Before I knew it I was pulled out from behind them and looking directly into the eyes on my brother and the love of my life.

At first they didn't hold any expressions in their faces. Until it hit them that I was really here and I wasn't some ghost.

"Julia" Matt said getting up and walking towards me.

"Matty" I spoke softly.

I was in his arms once again in his bone crushing hug, that still felt the same after three years. I could here the sobs in his voice. Knowing I was causing them made me sad and eventually I was crying along with him.

He pulled me away and wiped the tears from my face. "I missed you so much Julia. Look at me I'm crying." He laughed.

I laughed with him threw the tears. "I love you Matty."

"I love you too Julia."

I looked over at Zacky who hadn't moved from his spot. He was staring at the ground with his arms crossed over his chest and his lips pressed together tightly.

Matt coughed and I looked back at him. "Julia are you staying here the night?"

"If that's okay?" I asked and everyone nodded but Zacky.

"Alright sweetie. When you tired come find me okay?" I nodded as he kissed my forehead before heading towards the bunks with Johnny, Jimmy, and Brian in tow.

I watched them leave and as Brian Fedora was no longer seen. I looked back at Zacky who was now looking at me.

He patted the seat next to him and I walked slowly over to him and sat down.

We didn't say or move for about five minutes. We sat in an awkward silence, neither of us knowing what to say to each other.

Three years ago I was in love with the boy sitting next to me. His velvet voice and his calloused hands sent shivers down my spine and made my knees ache. And now he made me speechless, because I could still feel the same way and he didn't even speak or touch me. Until he finally did.

He pulled into his side and kissed my cheek twice. I snuggled into his side and wrapped my arms around his waist pulling me closer to him. I looked up at him with my newly stained eyes and smiled.

"How can you smile with all those tears in your eyes?" his velvet voice asked.

"Simple, I saw you"

He smiled and cupped my face in his hands with his hands."Would it be wrong to kiss you?"

I was wondering why he would ask. Did he think I had a boyfriend. How could I?

Ive been waiting for nothing else then this these past three years and I finally get it.

I didn't even answer him I just pressed my lips onto his.
♠ ♠ ♠

♪How can you smile with all those tears in your eyes;
and tell me everything is wonderful now♫