Fall From A Star


I walked into the front area and smiled as I saw the guys all goofing around. Making fun of Johnny's height. Same old...same old.

"Short shit." Brian taunted. I giggled and everyone looked up at me.

They looked surprised at first but then smiled.

"Julia." Johnny whined. "They're making fun of me."

"Aw." I said and patted his head. "Don't make fun of my Johnny, its not his fault hes a short shit."

"Yeah..hey" I giggled.

I sat next to Matt and he pulled me into a hug. "I missed you Julia." he said and kissed my forehead.

I nodded and hugged him back.

"Don't leave again." Brian said. I turned to look at him and smiled.

I was about to reply when I noticed Zack was watching from the bunk door. He looked nervous.

"I wont" I smiled at Zack then looked at Brian. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

Zack walked over pulling me up so he could sit down then pulled me onto his lap.

"Oh fuck no" Matt barked.

I could feel the smile Zack made as his head was against my back. "She's mine."



"Don't think so."

"I do."

"Do you like yours balls?"Matt asked Zack and he gulped.

I busted out laughing remembering when I told Zack about that.

Everyone looked at me weirdly even Zack did. I looked at him with his eyebrow up and just began laughing again.

"I think" Brian started as I began to control my laughter. "She's laughing because Zack has no balls." I was completely silent after that and staring at Brian
blankly."Am I right or something?"

"Something like that." I said and they all laughed besides Zack. "Ow!" I said and swatted at his head. "You bit me."

Zack smiled evilly at me before pecking my lips."Don't be mean then." He said biting my bottom lip. He let go and sat back on the couch.

Matt glared at Zack before giving up. "Whatever. No breaking her heart Vengeance."

"I wont." he muttered and rubbed my back.

Matt rolled his eyes and I leaned over to kiss his cheek. "Thank you Matty." he smiled and nodded.

"How much longer till where at the next venue?" Jimmy ask. He was lying on the floor staring up at the ceiling.

"Almost." Matt said.

About five minutes later the bus stopped and we all got out to walk around for a bit.

I was looking around for something but that something was looking for me.

"JuJu!!!" I heard the voice yell behind us. I smiled and turned around and was meant with another six people. They turned around with me and looked at who I was looking at.

"Whats a JuJu?" Jimmy asked. I smiled and took off letting go of Zack's hand and running to them.

"Its a Julia." I heard Zack say. I heard them following behind me.

"Gee!" I squealed and jumped into his arms.

He giggled and spun me around.

"Getting sick."

"Oh right." he said and set me down. He kissed my cheek and I kissed his. I turned to see Zack, Jimmy, Matt, Brian and Johnny were standing behind me now.

"Guys." I said to them. "This is Gerard, Bob, Ray, Mikey, Alicia, and Frankie." I said each pointing to them. "And this is Zack, Jimmy, Johnny, Matt and Brian." I said doing the same.

They said there hello's even though they basically already meet Gerard and Mikey.

Frank walked over to me smirking. "Hey Frankie..." I said trying to figure out what that smirk was about.


"Frankiieeeeeee" I squealed as he picked me up and through me over his shoulder. He started running around everyone. "Put me down." I said and slapped him right under his butt.

He stopped and looked to his side at me. "Kinky" I huffed and hit him again. "JuJu I thought Gee said no slapping my ass."

"Gee!!" I whined. "Tell him to put me down"

"Frank put her the fuck down" Gee snapped.

Frank sighed and put me down. "Sorry Gee, sorry Princess."

I smirked at Frank and kneed him in the balls. Everyone giggled as he doubled over and I patted his shoulder. "Sorry Princess."

I said and skipped to Zack. He looked at Frank then at me with a smirk on his face. He pecked my lips and grabbed my hand.

"He will never learn" Gerard mumbled and he looked back at me, then down at our hands and glared.

"Its okay Gee" Alicia told him and he nodded. He looked up and smiled at me. "So are you staying with them?"

I shook my head. "I like to stay with you for the tour but I am going back to Cali."

They nodded and agreed with my decision. We walked away and Frank was still doubled over before he realized we had left.

"Ju Fucking Ju!" Frank yelled. I rolled my eyes and turned me and Zack around. "What did I tell you about that!"

I smirked and gave him the puppy dog eyes. "I sworry"

He sighed. "To cute for your own god damn good." he smiled and kissed my cheek. I could feel Zack grasped my hand tighter as Frank's lips touched my cheek. I gave his hand a squeeze and he loosened his grip a bit. "But you still owe me a dance" Frank shouted as he walked towards the others.

I watched him walk away and I looked up at Zach. "You okay?"

He smiled and pecked my lips. "Never better"
♠ ♠ ♠

♪Without me, you will be...
Free, without me
You're free, without me♫