Fall From A Star

Whole Again


The voice didn't answer back at first. "Hello?" a feminine voice asked back kinda clueless. "Who is this?"

"I don't know...who is this?" I spoke into the speaker of the cellphone I was holding.

"This is Val."

"Oh" I asked and looked around at the guys. "So what did you want?"

"Why are you answering Matt's phone?"

"Cause he's sleeping." I lied. I was sitting right next to him, watching him bite his lip.

She sighed in frustration. "Can I talk to him now!" she screamed.

"Ya hold on." I said and made some noises with my mint wrapper. "Matt, Hun wake up."

"What the hell!" you could hear Val scream into the phone. I muffled a laugh and handed the phone to Matt.

He smirked and kept the phone on speaker phone. "Hello?" he asked sounding tired.

"What the hell Matt. Who the fuck was that." I looked behind me at Zack who was smirking at the phone. He turned to me and pecked my lips with his.

I giggled and leaned back into his chest as I listen to Val yell at Matt.

"Baby calm down" he ordered calmly.

"Calm down? Calm down!" she screamed again. Everyone burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing. Am I on speaker phone?" she question sounding pissed off.


"Why? And who are you fucking? And why is it funny?"

Matt and me made the same disgusted face and the guys laughed at our expressions.

"Val sweetie I don't believe in incest"

"Incest? Matt stop fucking with me the only sibling you have is-" and then she kinda paused before she yelled"JULIA!"

I giggled and grabbed the phone back from Matt. "Hey Val."


"In the flesh."

"Shut the fuck up!"


"I mean oh my god. Julia sweetie I missed you. Why are you there? Are you coming back? Where were you? I missed you"

I laughed and answered her questions. "Uh..I am here with the band my Chem, yes I'm coming back, I was in New jersey, oh and yeah I guess I missed you too."

"You guess bitch?"she snorted.

I giggled and shook my head. Same old Val. "Of course I missed my sister!"

She laughed and right now I just wanted to jump into the phone and hug her. "God. I'm coming on tour earlier now so I can see you"

I nodded "Sweet. When?"

"Uh I don't know I'll fly out to your next venue let me talk to Matt."

"Alright love you."

"Love you to doll."

I laughed and handed the phone back to Matt. I watched as he talked to Val and told her we would be in Michigan next.

"Let me up babe." Zack whispered in my ear. I nodded and stood up. Zack grabbed my hand and dragged me with him to the bunks, while Matt was distracted.

Smart Boy' I smirked at my thought.

"Zacky, I should get back to the MCR bus." I told him as he picked me up and put me in his bunk.

He pouted and leaned his elbows on his bunks. "You don't want to stay with me?"

I hated how he has such a good puppy dog face. "Fine" I sighed in defeat.

"Success!" he cheered and hoped into the bunk with me. I giggled and pulled out my phone and texted Alicia to tell her.

"I think" Zack stated and looked me up and down. "That these pants." he said and tugged on my belt lops "need to come off."

I giggled and pushed his hands away. I unzipped and striped my pants down to my boy short underwear.

Zack frowned as he watched me. "I wanted to do that"

"You know Matt wont let you." I stated. He sighed and nodded.

"I can dream cant I?" he asked hopelessly.

I laughed as he hoped off the bunk and striped down to just his boxers. "Zacky can I have one of you shirts. This one is to tight" I asked and played with the hem of my shirt.

Zack smirked."Nope."

I gasped. "But its tight."

"Then take it off."

I rolled my eyes and took it off knowing he just wanted me in my bra and underwear. "Black lace" he smirked "very nice"

I threw my shirt and pants at his head and he placed them in his bag, so the guys wouldn't see my discarded clothes and get the wrong idea.

Whatever that might be.

I grinned as Zack jumped back into the bunk with me. I was already under the covers and Zack pulled them over him too.

I snuggled into his chest kissing the deathbat on his chest. I felt him shiver at my touch and it made me smile. That after three years of not having him he was still able to love me like he did back then.

"Zacky" I whispered.

"Yeah babe?" he whispered back placing small kisses on my head.

"Did you find my letter?"

I felt his head shake but I wasn't sure if it was a yes or a no."Yeah" he said and rolled out of the bunk. "Hold on"

I propped my myself on my elbows as I waited for him to come back. He came back in with a paper in his hands and I smiled.

"You still have it?"

He nodded and gave it to me. "I think Val still has the one you wrote to all of us but this one" he said and pointed it. "I kept to myself."

"You never left my heart Zacky." I said looking straight into his green eyes, as he looked into my hazel ones.

"And you never left mine" he said and sealed it with a kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠

So if I wrote a new story but I wouldnt start till my Pete is done should I make it another Zacky, Brian, or Matt???IDK!!!!!I cant decide!!!!! I need y'alls opinion. who would you read about.

~And I don't want to give out the idea and then someone steals it..I'd be sad.~

♪Time is layin heavy on my heart
seems i've got too much of it since we've been apart,
my friends make me smile if only for while,
you can make me whole again.♫