Fall From A Star

Save You

"Kiss it"

"Um no"

"I said kiss it" he yelled pointing to his lips. I shook my head. "I'll cry"

"Then cry. You shouldn't of been in the way when I opened the door." I said sticking out my tongue.

He pouted. "Ugh fine" I said and quickly pecked his lips."Happy?"

He nodded."No." I looked at Frank and realized he didn't say anything.

When I turned my head I was met with piercing green eyes. Those eyes that where so happy an hour ago were filled with hurt.

"Zacky it wasn't-"

"It wasn't what Julia? You didn't just kiss Frank?" He hissed at me.

"It was like that Zack." Frank spoke up.

Zack shot him a death glare. "Zacky." I whispered walking to him. He backed up and shook his head before storming off into the bus.

I sighed. "Well don't just stand out here" I looked over at Frank."Go get him back."

I nodded and walked onto the bus.

"Whats happened?" Jimmy asked me when I came on. I knew he was talking about Zack.

"Long story short. Zack saw me peck Frank's lips" they all gasped. "But it wasn't out of love or like it was because I hit his with the door, I promise."

Val stood up and walked over to me. "He went into the bunk area. Just talk to him okay." I nodded. She gave me a reassuring squeeze before sat back next to Matt.

"You guys are still going to the MCR set later right?"

Johnny nodded. "Yeah six right?"

I nodded. We were in Chicago and now I just had to make sure I could get Zack to come.

"Sounds good. I'll get Zack's ass there." Brian said. I nodded and smiled at them before I walked into the bunk area.

Zack's curtain was closed. I could hear him shuffling around.

"Zacky." I said softly.

No answer. I took a deep breath and opened his curtain.

His back was towards me and he was pushed all the way to the back wall.

"Zacky." No answer again. I crawled into his bunk with him and slowly traced small circles across his back. "I'm sorry. It didn't mean anything, I promise." I whispered.

He didn't move, but he was awake because he was tensing up by my touch.

"Please turn around." I said softly. I could feel the tears coming if I was going to be ignored my him. "Please." I said and kissed the back of his neck. "Please" I whispered even softer, letting a single tear roll down my cheek.

He slowly turned around in the bed and I moved my hands up to my face quickly to wipe the tear.

His face was red and his eyes were narrowed at me, as he glared. "Why?" he hissed.

I gulped and looked him in the eyes. "He hit his lip when I came out of the door and was bugging me to kiss it to make it feel better" his expression didn't change. "So I did to shut him up." I said locking in his gaze.

"Are you lying?" he asked with a little less angry in his voice.

I shook my head and more tears fell and splattered on his Grey Jack Daniels shirt. "I'm sorry. I promise it didn't mean anything between us. He's like a brother."

He sighed and cupped my face with his calloused hands. He softly wiped the tears away and smiled. I smiled at him and he kissed my cheek.

"I just don't want to lose my baby girl again." Again. The words made me cry again.

I wrapped my hands around his wrist and kissed one."You wont lose me again."

He nodded and crashed his lips onto mine. "I love you."

"And I love you, with all my heart."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and bought me closer to him. I left mine on his chest and kissed his jawline before I closed my eyes.


"Julia." I heard a sweet velvet voice whisper in my ear. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Zack looking back at me. I kissed his lips and I felt him smile. "Your phone." he said and gave it to me.

I nodded and looked at the tiny screen.

One New Message from Frankie I sighed and flipped it open.

Sound check is in ten get here soon. I closed my eyes and my phone at the same time taking in deep breaths.

"Everything okay baby?" he asked brushing some hair out of my face.

I opened my eyes and smiled. "I got to go. But don't forget to be at the MCR set."

He nodded and kissed my cheek. "Do you want us in the crowd or the side of the stage."

"It doesn't matter." I shrugged.

"How about front row center." he purred in my ear. I giggled and he kissed my lips. "See you in like an hour."

I nodded and pecked his lips one more time before leave and heading towards the stage.

"JuJu" I heard Alicia squeal. "Come on Come on. We have to sex you up."

"Sex. Me. Up.?" I asked slowly. She nodded her head vigorously and pulled out a denim mini with black leggings, a white wife beader with My Chemical Romance written in red and red flats. "And where do I change into this?"

She smiled and pointed towards a bathroom to the side of the stage. I sighed and walked over there and changed. I came back and she was attacking me with the eyeliner and the guys were already playing.

"They out there?" I asked her.

She looked past me and nodded her head. "Front and center."

I gulped and she laughed "Stupid Zacky." She giggled and added some lip gloss.

I watched as they were finishing I'm Not Okay and Frank just kissed Gerard's cheek and I giggled. I looked out into the audience,and I saw all of them having fun. I looked past them and gulped.

"There's alot of people." I muttered and looked at Alicia. I had a scared look on my face Alicia just shook her head and glared at me.

"Your doing it. You'll be fine, just sing to one person and block everyone else out." I nodded and took at deep breath as I watched Frank change to an acoustic guitar.

"Hows it going Chicago?" Gerard yelled in the microphone. The crowd screamed and I smiled. "So I'm going to get a drink of water but" he said and looked over at me then back to the crowd, A7X more than anyone else."I have someone taking my place for one song that she wrote for some very." he looked at all of them and smiled. "very special people to her." he stated and everyone cheered again. He looked at me and smiled holding out his hand. "Everyone Julia Sanders." He said and I walked out and took his hand. "Any Avenged Sevenfold fans?" he asked and there was alot on yelling. "Sweet, well Miss Sanders here is the singers Matt Sanders little sister so give her a big hand." I gulped as everyone cheered. Gerard laughed and kissed my cheek. "You'll be perfect."

I nodded and looked at Val, Matt, Brian, Johnny, Jimmy, and Zack before taking a deep breath and nodded my head at Frank to start.

"Woot go Julia.' Val screamed and I giggled at her.

"Shake it sexy thang." Brian yelled and I saw that Matt and Zack both glared at him for a second and Brian just gave a sheepish smile and shrug to them.

I smiled at Zack as I began to sing.

I can tell how much you hate this
deep down inside you know it's killing me
I can call, wish you well, and try to change this
but nothing I can say would change anything
where were my senses
I left them all behind
Why did I turn away

I wish I could save you
I wish I could say to you
I'm not going no where
I wish I could say to you

[I paused and captured Zack's eyes with mine and he smiled at me before I sung the next line.]
It's gonna be alright

I didn't mean, didn't mean to leave you stranded
Went away cause I didn't want to face the truth
[I looked at Val as I followed down the line at each of them but lingering on Matt the longest.]
reaching out, reach for me empty handed
You don't know If I care trying to find the proof
There were times I wonder,
Could I have easied your pain
Why did I turn away,away

I wish I could save you
I wish I could say to you
I'm not going no where
I wish I could say to you
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be alright
save you
I wish I could save you

We can pretend nothings changed
Pretend its all the same.
And there will be no pain tonight

It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be alright

I wish I could save you
I wish I could say to you
I'm not going no where(save You)
I wish I could say to you(save you)
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be alright
Save You
I wish I could save you
It's gonna be alright

As I finished the song everyone was cheering and I heard Zack and Brian doing wolf whistles and I smiled at them as Gerard came out and kissed my cheek before I exited the stage.
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Fake Boyfriend
