Fall From A Star

Smother Me

I wish I could save you
I wish I could say to you
I'm not going no where(save You)
I wish I could say to you(save you)
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be alright
Save You
I wish I could save you
It's gonna be alright

Her voice was like an angel as she sang the song that spoke out through the past three years of missing us.

"She sure is something." Brian said nudging me. I stared at him then back at the stage just as Julia was exiting.

"She sure is." I mumbled.

"Don't fuck it up." he said as he walk towards the back of the stage.

I followed slowly behind everyone, thinking. I never want to let her go. I always want to be with Julia. I don't think I could take another three years let alone another day with out waking up next to her again.

"Val." I said and grabbed her arm as she was about to walk up the stairs to the side stage.

"Yeah Zack?" she asked curiously.

I looked down at my watch. "I'll explain on the way but I need your help to get this done before everyone heads to hotel tonight."


{Julia's POV}

"Julia you were fucking amazing." Brian said as he gripped me into a huge hug.

"Thanks." I said and hug the others.

"It's cause she's a Sanders." Matt said and kissed my forehead. I smiled but frowned when I didn't see a blonde girl and a boy with snakebites around.

"Where's Val and Zack." I asked looking up at Matt.

He looked around like he didn't know either. "I don't know." he said and looked at the others who just shrugged. "Well I bet there at the bus lets head back and get ready to go to the hotel."

"Alright. Meet you at your bus." he nodded as we went our separate ways.

I packed at bag with toiletries and clothes for tomorrow and made my way over to the A7X bus.

They were waiting with two cabs that were going to take them over there.

I frowned when I didn't see Val or Zack still but there still was the other cab they could of been in.

We pulled up to the hotel waled to the desk to get our room keys.

"Miss Julia Sanders?" the lady behind the desk asked after Matt said who he was. I nodded. "Heres you key room 434. and Mister Sanders and the rest of you are in rooms 539, 540, 541"

I frowned as we walked away. I was probably sharing a room with MCR thats why we were on different levels. And still no Zack.

"Don't worry about it Julia, Zack loves you." Matt said as he pulled me into a side hug and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks Matty." I said trying to happy but it came out all defeated.

"Night." they all said as I stepped out of the elevator.

"Night" I said right as the elevator door closed. "Night Zacky." I mumbled.

I followed the room numbers till I came in front of Room 434. I sighed as I swiped the card into the door and opened it with my other hand.

The room was dark but tiny glows of light peered through out the room and out onto the balcony. I turned on the light next to the door and gasped as I same red flower petals that lead a path towards the balcony door.

I followed and saw more petals and candles around the room.

I opened the balcony door and stepped outside. The flowers lead to a table with a single candle and a white rose on it. I picked up the rose inhaling its smell before placing it back down.

I noticed a white folded up piece of stationary in front of the candle with Julia written in Script. I picked it up and smiled as I read the inside.

Let me be the one who calls you baby, all the time.

-Love Zack

I smiled as I was reminded of who set this all up, down to every placement of each petal and candle.

I heard a piano begin to play and a smile crept on my face as I felt familiar tattooed arms wrap around my waist and sway to the beat of the piano.

"Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time
Surely you can take some comfort
Knowing that you're mine
Just hold me tight, lay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time"

Zack was singing in my ear as he kept sway us back and forth.

"I found my place in the world
Could stare at your face for the rest of my days"

He spun me around and wrapped his arms around my waist as mine found their away around his neck and he kept singing.

"Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?

Let me be the one who never leaves
You all alone
I hold my breath and lose the feeling
That I'm on my own
Hold me too tight stay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time

I found my place in the world
Could stare at your face for the rest of my days
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?"

I rested my head on his shoulder to bring me closer to him afraid of ever letting go.

"When I'm alone time goes so slow
I need you here with me
and how my mistakes have made
Your heart break
Still I need you here with me
Baby I'm here"

It was like his song to me and that he wanted to say the same things I did today on stage. Even when I was broken back then, and the mistakes that we made, I still need him more than anything is this world. Forever.

"Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?

Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?

Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time

Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time

Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time

Let me be the one who calls you baby
The one who calls you baby"

He twirled me around letting go of my hand as I twirled. And when I slowly came back to him he was on one knee and he grabbed my hands in his. And I forgot how to breath.

"Julia." he said. He sounded nervous and it took even more of my breath away. "I love you more than anything and I don't want anyone but you. I want to be the one who calls you baby everyday for the rest of my life." he said and let go of one of my hands to get something out of his pocket.

He kissed the hand he still held onto and smiled up at me as he opened the tiny black box. "Will you marry me and call me baby all the time?"

Thats when I finally breathed and nodded my head quickly. "Yes, Zacky." I giggled. "Yes baby. I do." he smiled as he slipped the ring onto my finger and stood up to crash his lips onto mine.

"Hell Yeah."
"About fucking time." We pulled away as we heard yelling coming above us.

We looked up and saw everyone looking down at us cheering.

I blushed and buried my head into Zack's shoulder. He rubbed my back and wrapped me into his arms as he swayed me back and forth.
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