Fall From A Star

Better In Time

<6 months later>

"I'm a fucking whale!" I whined as I looked into my mirror. I was in a pair of shorts and a bar looking at my whale of a stomach.

"Baby your pregnant." Zack said as he wrapped his arms around me kissing my neck.

"I cant believe your kissing me I'm disgusting." I said trying to shrugging him off.

He just held on closer to me laughing slightly in my neck. "You'll always be beautiful to me Julia."

I smiled and turned around in his arms. "Thank you" I mumbled against his lips. He smiled and pecked my lips several times. "You ready to go?"

He nodded grabbing my hand and pulling me down stairs with him. He grabbed his keys off the table and we walked to his car together.

Today was our six month check up with Doctor Carson. He is awesome. I thought it be weird having a guy doctor but I love him.

When I told Zack he was guy, he was not having it until he came an saw that he was about fifty years old, then he was okay with it.


"Good morning, Julia." Doctor said as he walked into the waiting room.

"Zack" he said and shook his hand.

"Morning" me and Zack said to him.

"Alright why don't you lay down and lift up your shirt." he instructed.

I nodded and sat down on the table with the help of Zack. I lifted my shirt up a little and gave my hand to Zack who held it in his.

He applied the cold substance onto my belly and rubbed the scanner over it before he looked at the monitor.

"Everything, looks perfect." he said. "Have you been eating healthy?"

"Yep." Zack answered before I even could. "I eat all the junk food before she can even get to it." he laughed.

I glared at him and stuck out my tongue. "Really mature baby." he mocked me. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the monitor.

"Sex?" I asked.

Zack's head shot up at the word and he grinned. "Yes Please!"

I glared at him and slammed his arm. "What?" he winced rubbing his arm. "You asked and I answered." he mumbled.

Doctor Carson laughed and shook his head. "I think she meant the baby?"

"How does that baby have sex, in there." Zack said rubbing my belly.

"Zacky your an idiot!" I exclaimed slapping my forehead."I'm sorry." I said turning to the doctor. "That my fiance is a moron."


"Its alright Julia, I complete understand." he laughed as Zack huffed.

"Yes we would like to know the sex of the baby." I looked at Zack and narrowed my eyes. "No more talking from you"

He sighed as I turned to face the doctor.

"Well, it looks like your having a baby girl."

I smiled and let a little tear fall and looked at Zack. He was looking at me in awe and kissed me.

"A baby girl!"


We went over to Val and Matt's after the appointment to tell everyone the news at the BBQ we they were having.

"She is never having sex ever." Zack stated as he rubbed my belly. We were in the car outside Matt's house, about to get out. "Here that little one, your never having sex!"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Like you'll be able to control that."

Zack glared at me playfully. "She's never dating either, I forbid it."I rolled my eyes and got out the car. "I mean it Julia, I'll get all her uncles to agree with me."

"Agree with what?" Matt asked as he opened the front door.

"Nothing." I muttered and went into the living. "Hey Val." I said as I sat next to her.

"Hey sweetie" she said as she rubbed my belly."And hi to you to sweetheart."

I laughed."How was your honeymoon?"

Her and Matt got married about two months after the tour ended. Seeing that I was back they wanted it done quickly in case I left again...

"Fine" she blushed probably remember about it. And I personal didn't really want all the details of my brothers sex life, thank you.

Zack sat next to me smiling and held my hand."We have news." he stated to everyone.

I nodded and smiled at him. He grinned and kissed me before we turned to everyone sitting in front of us.

"Oh my god you know the sex, right?" Leana giggled in Jimmy's lap.

I nodded.

"What is it?" Michelle asked.

Michelle is Val twin sister who I never thought would hook up with Brian in high school and after all his man whore ways. But he finally got her, which made him happy so I happy.

"Do you want to tell them?"
"Its a girl!" I said at the same time Zack asked me.

"I guess so." he mumbled and kissed me again.

"A girl!" Lacey squealed.

"Yes!" Val laughed. " I don't think I could handle another little Zacky running around."

Zack pouted as I just laughed. "She's just jealous baby." I said and kissed him.

"Right jealous of a chubby guitarist." she scoffed. "I think not."

I gasped. "He is not that chubby."

"Yeah I'm not that chub- Hey!" he whined folding his arms over his chest.

I smiled and kissed him. He smiled and bite down on my bottom lip tugging on it a bit. I just noticed but ever time I do something bad he always does that.

"Take it back." And its always followed by that statement.

Then I smile and say "I love you" then he kisses me. It's like written or something.

Matt looked like he was thinking about something till he looked at Zack with a smirk.

"Your right Zack."

"About what?" Zack asked, like he was never right about anything before.

"She is never aloud to date or have sex."

"Told you" Zack whispered in my ear with a stupid smile on his face, that unfortunately am in love with.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry its been awile i was having fun with Fake Boyfriend =D

so this stoy is almost over sad know!!!!!!

BUT there's 1 person that needs to back into our Julia's life
CAN YOU GUESS WHO???? you might hate me but then again maybe not =] trickery!

cOMMENT pLEASE!!!!!!!!!

&#9834;Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time