Fall From A Star

Dirty Little Secret

Zacky's POV

We piled into Matt's car and headed off towards Timmy err Talon's house.

Bitch is going to die.

"Does anyone know were he lives?" Jimmy asked from the backseat. Matt was driving, Brian was riding shotgun and Jimmy, Johnny, and I piled in the back.

"Oh fuck thats a good question" Matt yelled.

Mission failed.

"Fuck" I muttered to myself and placed my forehead on the window. I closed my eyes for a second then opened them again into the California sun.

I watched people pass by as we drove around the city heading back towards Matt's house.

And thats when I saw him, walking down the street.

"Matt rapist at 3 o' clock." Everyones heads turned in the direction I was pointing and smirked to themselves.

"But Zacky thats four o'clock." Jimmy whined. I rolled my eyes and slapped him in the back of the head "Ow." he squealed rubbing the back of his head..

"Not the point Jimmy."

Matt parked the car and we followed behind him as he walked in front of us.

And lucky for us, he walked away from everyone else. Sucks for him.

"Hey fuck-head" Matt barked at him. He turned his face to face us. His smile faded into a thin line. He stopped and turned to face us complete.

"Fuck" was all he said before he began to run.

"Get back here Timmy" Brian yelled and we all sprinted after him.

Matt being the fastest, ran into his chest knocking him down and throwing punches at him.

Brian caught up and started blasting his bat into his side. He yelled in pain with each hit we all gave him.

Talon began throwing punches to defend himself and hit me right in the jaw.

The angry in me grew and I began hitting him again.

"You fucking raped her." I yelled and kicked him. I noticed the others slowly getting up and letting me take over. "She said no and you just couldn't keep your dick out of my girlfriend."

Then he did the one thing I never thought he do. He laughed.

"Right" he laughed. "I raped her, is that what she told you" he said choking slightly on his bloody.

I kicked him and asked "What the fuck did you say."

He smiled and chuckled evilly. "Your girlfriend seemed to enjoyed herself. She was very well experienced." he said and winked at Matt.

Matt shot me a glare but I ignored it. "Shut the fuck up" I said and kicked him one last time before I turned and headed back to the car.

"Don't you dare tell anyone we did this to you or you will be dead." I heard Brian yell as I walked away.

I heard their footsteps behind me but I kept walking towards the car.

I opened the back door and got in waiting for the others. I saw them walking towards the car. They all looked high on life besides Matt he looked pissed even more. And I know why.

Fuck You Timmy!

They all piled into the car and Matt just sat in the drivers seat with his head on the steering wheel. Brian turned in his seat and glared at me.

"Zacky your lip is bleeding." Johnny said and pointed to it. Brian's glare fell and Matt turned around to look at me then started up the car.

"Who the fuck cares" I snapped and turned to look out the window.

"Dirty little secrets just keep coming out this week." Jimmy stated.

"Jimmy shut the fuck up" Matt yelled and turned up the radio.

I looked into the rear view mirror and saw Matt was glance back at me. He was pissed.

I turned back to the window and watched as the sand became grass. We where almost to his house.

He pulled up into his driveway and I quickly got out of the car.

"Everyone inside. Zack you stay." Matt ordered.

"Aw I want to see Zacky die" Jimmy whined.

"Why do you want me to die all the time?" I snapped at him.

He smiled and said "Because you be funny to watch die."

I rolled my eyes at him "Jimmy inside now!" Matt shouted. Jimmy pouted but went inside.

"How many times?" Matt asked in an angry whisper.

"Its not-"

"How many fucking times!" He shouted.

I sighed "Well?" he asked again.

"Hold on I'm counting." I mumbled to myself.

"What was that?"


Matt just stared at me. He looked like he was taking it in. "Are you lying?"

"No Matt in not. Four times thats it. First time was on Valentines day."

"Wait you said you started dating her on her 18th birthday." Matt cut in.

I nodded. "Her birthday is January 25. That was only three weeks Zacky!" he yelled.

"I know I can count." I said softly trying not to yell at him to piss him off more.

He sighed "And then?"

"Um once a month and the night before Prom. We only did it that many times because it was to hard to hide from you guys" I said.

"Oh." Matt said and stared at the ground digging his shoe into it. "Zacky, you know I should really kill you."

I sighed and nodded. "but I'm not."

He looked up at me and smiled slightly. "Your the only one who she lets touch her and I think you can save her."

"I want to." I said. He smiled and we did our man hug thing before we walked into the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
-make me happy-
D'= C=

I'll keep you my dirty little secret
Don't tell anyone or you`ll be just another regretJust another regret, hope that you can keep it
My dirty little secret
Who has to know