Fall From A Star

Hate Me

I reached my bedroom with out running into Jimmy this morning. Red skin and all.

I changed into a yellow wife beater with a grey sports bra under it and some dark green shorts.

"Jimmy you asshole" I heard Leanna scream after a large splash. I walked over to my window and looked out into the back yard.

Leanna was the only person soaked. So I assumed Jimmy just threw her into the pool.

"But you love me." Jimmy shouted as he jumped in next to her 'cannibal style' and splashed her again. She scoffed and tried to drown him but it didn't work to well. Too Bad

I shook my head at there childish antics and looked around at the rest of the gang.

Lacey, Val, and Michelle were laying out on the lawn chairs basking in the sunlight.

Brian and Matt were cooking on the grill and staring at their girls once in awhile.

Johnny and Zacky were sitting at the table with their shads down and sipping on some JD.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my night stand.

I pulled my phone out of its charger and plopped onto my bed.

I flipped open my phone and went to the contacts. When I found who I was looking for I pressed send and waited for them to answer.

"Hello?" a groggy voice answered.

"Jake, Are you kidding me its one pm and your not up yet?"



"Oh hey how are you doing?"

"Better, than expected." I answered truthfully.

I heard him yawn and he spoke again, "Thats excellent, so whats up?"

"I was wondering if you could come over?" I asked biting my lip at the end.

"Sure. You miss it don't you?" He meant cheerleading. And he was one-hundred percent right.

"Yeah. Do you think you can come over and we can stunt."

"Sounds good I'll leave right now." He said I could hear some ruffling in the background.

"Thank you. Oh and my brother and his friends are having a BBQ, I'll have them make you some."

"Alright. See you in a few. Bye."

"Bye." I said and clicked my phone off.

I grabbed a towel and headed down stairs into the Kitchen.

"Hey mommy." I said as I opened the freezer to pull out another hamburger for Jake.

"Hey sweetie." she said and kissed my cheek. "Someone else coming?"

I nodded, "Yeah Jake is. Can you tell him to come on back when he gets here."

"Alright, sweetie." she said and handed me a bowl of chips."Here take these out."

I took the bowl from her hands and walked out the sliding door into the backyard.

"Hey Julia" Brian smiled as I walked over to them.

Matt turned and smiled at me."Matty, can you make another burger." I said and handed it to him.

"Extra hungry?" Brian asked and raised an eyebrow.

I shook my head and said, "No. I have a friend coming over." I stated and walked over to the table.

I set the chips down and sat in Zacky's lap. He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I leaned back and rested my head on his chest.

"Who's coming baby?"


"why is that fag coming?" Matt barked from the grill.

I glared at him. "He's not gay and he's still coming."

I heard the sliding doors open and Jake walked through them. Everyone turned to look at him. Can you say awkward.

"Hey Jake." Zacky said breaking the awkwardness. I turned around in his lap and looked at him. I mouthed 'thank you' he nodded and pecked my lips before letting me get up.

"Hey Jake." I said.

"Hey Julia." He opened his arms for a hug and I just kinda stared at them for a second. "Oh, um sorry. " He said and scratch the back of his head.

"Its okay" I said and wrapped my arms around his torso. I felt him wrap his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. He spun me and I saw Zacky just staring at us weirdly. "So lets go over here and start."

"What are you guys doing?" Val asked as she pulled her sunglasses down.

"Some stunts." I said and sat on the ground and stretched. Jake did the same thing.

"Awesome. I wanna watch." Val squealed and pulled up a chair next to Zacky.

Zacky turned around and was watching us to along with Johnny.

"So what first?" Jake asked as we did some final stretches.

"Um. A chair?" He nodded and got set up for it. I ran at him and he threw me up into a chair.

Val clapped and Zacky was just sitting there glaring at Jake . Probaly having his hand half way up my ass was making Zacky mad. Jake pooped me down and we did a couple more things.

"Hey lets do a ball up to a Quippe." Jake said. I always hated being tiny you get throw into the sickest stunts ever.

I nodded and faced towards Zacky and Val. Jake grabbed the back of my shirt with one hand and my waist with his other. "Ready?" I nodded. He dipped with me and I threw my me and I rolled like a ball up into the air. I landed in one of his hands.

"Thats was so cool Julia." Val said. I nodded and looked at Zacky. He was smirking. When he caught my eyes he smiled.

"Ohhh lets cradle from it." Michelle said run over to us. "O-down on Jake. You better twist or I'll make you do it again."

I nodded and waited for Jake to pop me up. I twisted down and Jake basically caught me bridal style. My arms were around his neck and our faces where inches apart.

I felt Michelle let go and Jake was still holding me.

I heard someone cough and Jake looked away from me. "its time to eat. You can put my sister down now." Matt ordered.

"Oh right. Sorry Julia." Jake said as he set me down.

"Its okay." I said and walked with him over to the food. Zacky watched Jake and me walk over. Watching Jakes every move.

I sat in his lap and Jake took a seat next to us. Zacky placed his arms around me protectively and I just ignored the awkwardness.

"Jake" I asked. He looked up at me from his burger telling me to continue."Where are you going to school?"

"UCLA. What about you?" he asked.

"I really don't know anymore." I said and put my burger down. We continued eating. I ended up not eating anymore and let Zacky eat it.

"Well I got to get going."Jake said as he threw his plate into the garbage bag. "Thanks for the food guys." Matt nodded and everyone said goodbye.

Zacky wasn't letting me get up so I hugged Jake goodbye from his lap. He kissed my cheek probaly just to piss off Zacky and left threw the back gate.

"Your right Julia he is not gay. Zacky better watch you back." Brian joked.

Zacky glared at him and said "Fuck you." I could tell by his voice he was pissed as hell.

I sighed and struggled to get out of Zacky's grasp. When I did I stormed inside.

"Julia." I heard Zacky huff behind me.

I sat on the couch and he sat next to me. "Why are you mad?"

"I don't know. Maybe cause some guy was just feeling up my girl and he gets away with it." Zacky barked at me.

"It's called stunting Zacky. There needs to be touching." I snapped at him.

"Touching yes, groping no." he stated matter-o-factly.

"He wasn't."

"God dammit Julia. Yes he was!" He yelled and stood up in front of me. "Why do you let every guy touch you!"

Did he really just say that? I felt my eyes being to leak and I felt the tears roll down my face. I looked away from Zacky as he realized what he just said.

"I uh I didn't mean that." he said slowly tiring to find the best words to say.

I looked at him. He knelled down to my level and tried to calm me down. I swung my hand and slapped him across his face. "Yes you did." I screamed before I ran up stairs.

I slammed the bathroom door and locked it. "Julia." Zacky said and pounded on the door. "Let me in. I didn't mean it baby."

I walked over to the window and opened. I looked down at everyone having fun. Oh well guess I get to ruin everyones fun again.

"Someone come get Zacky. He's being an asshole." I yelled. Everyone looked up and saw me in the window.

Matt dropped a plate and ran into the house with Brian on his tail. I shut the window and sat on the toilet seat.

"What the fuck did you do Baker?" I heard Matt yell threw the door.

"I said something I didn't mean and now shes mad at me." He said and stretched the 'didn't'.

Right. You say things you didn't mean.

"You said it so you obviously meant it." I heard Brian snap at him. I knew I always like Brian for a reason. Besides the fact him and Matty were like my own hit man.

"Baker, get the fuck downstairs." Matt barked and I heard him pushing Zacky along.

I sighed and turned the water on. I lifted the lid and stuck my finger in my throat as I let the burger come up. I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet. I turned off the water and sat against the wall staring at the door.

I looked down and noticed a shadow on the other side. Fuck.

"Julia." Someone knocked on the door. "Will you let me in please." It was Jimmy. I sighed and scooted over there unlocking the door. He came in and locked the door behind him.

I sat back down 'Indian style' looked down at my ankles and Jimmy sat in front of me.

"So are you going to tell me or do I have to force it out of you?"

I shrugged and picked at my ankle with my nails.

Jimmy sighed and placed a finger under my chin. He lifted it up and made me look at him. "Please. I wont tell anyone."

I sighed and nodded. He removed his hand and I looked back down at my ankle. "What do you want to know?"

"Oh um first. Did you just make yourself puke?" he asked. I nodded. "Why?"

"Because the day I made Val cry I didn't want anyone else to be sad for me. So I guess I just did it when no one was around." I said softly.

"Julia. I know your having a hard time but seriously, sweetie, you need to stop. Please. If you feel like your about to do this again or burn your skin again I want you to talk to me." He said. I could hear the kindness and sincerity behind his voice. Its not really something Jimmy was now for.

"So you figured that out right away?" I asked referring to the burning.

"It took me a couple of minutes but yeah." he stated. I nodded.

"I'm sorry." I said hugging him.

"Its okay sweets." He hugged me back and wiped away a tear from my eye. "Just come talk to me okay. I don't care want I'm doing you say 'Jimmy I need you' and I'll be there."

"Thank you, Jimmy. I'm going to go lay down." I said and stood up. I was about to open the door but I turned around to see Jimmy still on the floor looking in the opposite direction. "I still don't want to talk to Zacky right now. Tell him after I wake up, I will. Oh and don't let them kill him. Zacky may be an asshole but I still love him."

"Okay, sweets." He said with a crackly laugh. I closed the door and placed my ear on it. I heard a soft sob escape from inside the bathroom.

I sighed and walked into my room.

Great, all I do is make people cry.

Was my last thought before I drifted off into sleep.
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{COMMENT and i will love you}

Hate me today
Hate me tomorrow
Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you