Love Me Hate Me Never Leave Me

Chapter One

My eyes darted between the clock and the board, while my fingers tapped on the desk. It was 1:45, which meant there was only fifteen minutes left until the end of class, but I had to get out of there as soon as I could, the sitter was only watching the baby until two.

“Cassie, chill out,” Ray whispered to me, “she’ll take care of the baby until you get there.”

“I know,” I said, “I’m just….I don’t know. Worried maybe?”

Ray nodded, “It’s alright, just chill.”

“Okay okay….”

We both turned our attention back to the board, and my eyes quickly darted back to the clock again.

“I hope you all took down the notes on the board, you’ll need to study them for the test on Monday. Also-” Mr. Bennett was cut off by the bell.

The once dead silent class became extremely loud as everyone started packing up their things and rushing out the door.

“Have a good weekend,” Mr. Bennett yelled out over all the commotion.

I packed up my things and dashed to my locker and grabbed my History book and my Trig book and ran out the front doors.

I was almost at my car when I heard Gerard call out my name.

“Cassie! Wait up!”

I turned around.”

“Dude, since when does someone with short legs like you run so fast?” He smiled.

“Hey! I’m not short! I’m fun sized!” I grinned, “But I really have to go, I have to pick up Angela.”

“Oh, okay,” he said, “do you want to meet up later for movies? Everyone is going. Ray is picking everyone up.”

“I can’t, my sister -”

“Needs you. I got it. But Cassie, you’re allowed to have a life too you know. You need a break once in a while.”

“I guess,”

A silence set itself between us.

“I have to go,” I said quickly and unlocked my car.

“Alright, see you later,”

“Bye Gee,”

I got inside my car and drove away.
♠ ♠ ♠
There's a baby now!