Love Me Hate Me Never Leave Me

Chapter Three

I drove up to my sister’s house. Well, technically it wasn’t a house. It was an apartment.

I parked in the parking space closest to my sister’s building, and took Angela out of the car. I locked the doors and headed up the first flight of stairs in the building in front of me and knocked on the door.

My sister opened the door, looking bewildered and stressed. She was wearing a black pencil skirt and a white button up blouse. With heels that looked like they could kill, and her cheesy, gold colored name tag that read ‘Emma Paterson’.

“Cassie, come in. Hi Angela baby,” she cooed as she took her baby from my arms.

“How was your day today?” she asked her child.

The baby giggled and she tickled her belly.

“You’re a silly little baby, yes your silly.” She cooed.

We all walked inside her apartment, which wasn’t too bad. It was pretty clean, with the kitchen and a table to the right, and a TV and couch to the left. Down the hallway to the left was a bathroom, and across from it was my sister’s room. Down a bit further was the baby’s room.

“I’m going to put Angela in her crib, she looks a bit tired,” Emma said, “sit down, make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back in a second.”

“Alright,” I said.

I walked over to the couch and sat down, and pulled some papers out of my backpack.

“Okay, looks like the baby is going to nap for a bit, and -”she looked at the papers in my hand, “what are those?”

“Emma, I think you should really take a look at them. They’re about night classes at the high school. You only have to finish your senior year before you graduate and -”

“No.” she said.

“But -”

“I said no.”


“I don’t have enough time! I have to work three dead end jobs for food and rent, and I have to take care of my baby! I can’t put classes in there as well! There is just too much going on!”

I looked down at my feet. “I’m sorry. I just thought you might want to look at them is all.”

Emma sat down next to me and wrapped her arm around me in a sisterly way. “Its okay, I just can’t do it right now.”

I nodded and looked at my sister. She was only 17, the same age as me. But she looked as old and worn out as my grandmother.

“Maybe when things get better, I’ll think about it okay?” she said.

“Okay,” I said quietly.

“Okay. Well, I have a bunch of stuff to do. You should go home and relax; you’ve helped so much over the past few months. I think you deserve a break,”

My head snapped up in attention, “But, I have to help. There is so much to do! And don’t you have to work tonight?”

“I have the night off for the few days. Besides, I can take care of myself for a while. I’m a big girl.”

“Okay,” I said reluctantly, “but call me if you need me to come over okay?”

She smiled, “I won’t be calling you. Now go home, go to the mall or something. You can go have fun,”

“Okay….”I said.

“Now, go!” She said as she rushed me out the door. “I’ll see you later!”

She shut the door behind me.

“Bye,” I said.

I smiled at myself and walked toward my car and pulled out my cell phone and called one of the few people in my contacts.
♠ ♠ ♠
Egh, I posted the other chapter bad.