Love Me Hate Me Never Leave Me

Chapter Five

I got to my house a little later then I thought I would, and I scrambled to get out of my car and into my house.

I rushed up the stairs and into my room and frantically searched for my wallet. I opened all the drawers in my room, and yanked everything out of them. I was looking through my underwear drawer when the doorbell rang.

My head popped up and my eyes went wide. That had to be Ray.

“I’ll get it!” I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

I breathed and began searching for my wallet again. I heard mumbled voices downstairs, and someone come upstairs.

“Knock, knock,” Ray said as he opened my door. His eyes went wide as he saw the state my room was in. “Whoa, did a bomb go off in here or what?”

“Heh heh, funny. I can’t find my wallet.”

“You mean this thing?” He asked and bent down and picked up my black and white Misfits wallet.

I looked at him, “Um…maybe,”

He grinned, “Come on then. Lets go.”

“Alright I’m coming, I’m coming.”

We walked out of the house and I jumped into the front seat of his car.

“Okay, so first we have to pick up Bob, then Gee and Mikey, sound good?”

“Yup. Floor it Toro!”

“Alright, lets rock!”

Then Ray hit the gas and we peeled out of my neighborhood.
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If you really want me to keep going, I need a few comments.