Love Me Hate Me Never Leave Me

Chapter Seven

Once we got to the theater, we had to decide on which movie.

Oh joy.

“We’re going to see an animated movie!” Ray yelled in a sing song tone.

“No, we’re gonna see a funny a one!” Mikey argued

“Nope, you guys are both wrong. We’re gonna see a horror flick!” Gee said smugly.




“Alright shut up you guys!” Bob yelled, “we’re going to see an action one because those are the best!”

Gerard looked at him and blinked a few times.

“Horror!” He yelled

Bob glared at him, and the four boys started yelling at each other about the movie. I couldn’t help but crack up at the sight of them.

“Okay, you guys,” I said. But they didn’t hear me.


They still weren’t listening.

You guys!” I yelled.

They all got silent and looked at me.

“What?” Mikey said. He sounded like a scared little kid.

“I have an idea,” I said as I walked to the ticket counter.

“May I help you?” The guy said.

“Yes, can I get five tickets to a scary/funny/action/animated movie please?”

The guy looked at me.

“Um….which movie?”

“I don’t care which one as long as its scary, funny, has action, and is animated,” I replied

“Well, you see Ms, I don’t know that there is one of those…”

“Fine,” I said, slamming down some money on the counter, “just pick a random one, I don’t care which.”

“Okay, how does -”

“Don’t tell me which one, just give me the tickets.”

“Okay,” he said as he took my money and gave me my tickets in exchange.

“Here you go,” He said with a smirk, “have a nice day and enjoy your movie.”

“Thank you,” I said as I walked back toward the guys, tickets in hand. I glanced down at the movie name printed in the ticket, The Notebook.

I couldn’t help but laugh. The guys are going to love this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Anyway. I really want to update tomorrow. I really do! But you see, I need a few comments first. If I get four comments by tomorrow, I'll update tomorrow. If I don't get four comments....well. I have no idea when I'll be updating then.