Love Me Hate Me Never Leave Me

Chapter Eight

As I gave the guys their tickets, their eyes went wide and Ray looked like he was going to die.

“You bought us chick flick tickets?” Gerard asked

“Yup!” I said proudly.

“We have to go exchange these, fast!” Bob said

“Can’t,” I said, “new policy.”

“But we can’t buy new tickets either! That would mean no snackage!” Ray said

“I know. So, your choice, we go see this movie which starts in ten minutes or we buy new tickets but no snacks.”

They all glared at me.

“We hate you Cassie,”

“No you don’t. Besides, think about how many chicks you could get it you told them you liked The Notebook?”

“If only Gerard swung that way,” Mikey mumbled.

“Mikey, I’m going to kill you!” Gerard screamed, and pounced on the poor younger sibling.
Ray, Bob, and I just laughed.

“Well, come on guys,” I said, “let’s get this show on the road.”

We walked inside the theater to get seats, and Ray and Bob went to go get snacks. Gee and Mikey kept shooting dirty looks my way, but I just smirked.

We found a row completely empty when we walked in, and we claimed it as our own. Gee and Mikey got the middle, and Ray and Bob had dibs on either side of the two boys. I was going to sit by Mikey, but I got yelled at.

“You can’t sit with us! You’re forcing us to watch this evil movie, so you are shunned from the group and get zero percent of the snacks,”

I pouted, “But Mikes….”

He looked at me, “Pouting doesn’t work here Cass.”

I screwed up my face, “Fine! Ray will let me sit by him!”

“No he won’t! Or he will be shunned too!”

“You can’t shun Ray! He’s un-shunnable!”

“Yes I can! I’m Mikey Way! I can shun anyone I want! So there!” He stuck his tounge out at me.

I screwed up my face again and plopped down in the seat farthest away from them in that row. Just then, two huge snack piles on legs walked into the theater.

“Ray! Bob! Why so much food? Its not like it’s your last meal or anything!” I said

“It will be if we see anyone we know here,” One of the snack piles said. I think it was Bob.

“Whatever,” I rolled my eyes. He’s such a drama queen. “Sit down,”

Both Ray and Bob did as they were told and I quickly moved next Ray.

“I told you, you can’t sit with us!” Mikey yelled.

“Eh, whatever, Ray doesn’t care. He likes sitting next to me.” I smiled, “Right Ray?”

Ray looked at Mikey, then back at me.

“Um…yeah,” he said cautiously.

I smirked. “I win!”

“Whatever,” Mikey grumbled and sat back in his seat.

The movie came on a few minuets after, and I couldn’t help but laugh as the boys became engrossed in the movie.
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I know things aren't too interesting now, but in the next few chapters it gets better.