A Taste Of Chaos


Again I was screaming at him. I hated doing it, but sometimes he needs to know when to grow up.
"Frank! Why won't you just be normal and talk to me?" I screamed at him as he threw all his clothes into his battered suitcase.
"Because all I get is this! A fucking screaming match!" I sank to my knees, as much as I hated him for smoking pot again, I couldn't bare to see him leave.
"Please don't leave me Frankie, I don't know what I'll do. I need you. Please stay with me." He slowed and looked around our tiny apartment. I could see him waying up his options. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. I was 17, I'd moved out of my parents house to live with the man I had loved all my life. We met at a concert and we clicked so we kept seeing each other. Frank bit his lip ring, he's so cute when he does that. He walked around the bed and knelt in front of me.
"Lily, I love you, I'm not leaving you." he kissed my forehead, then my damp lips. I could feel his nose ring on my own nose. I have a phobia of needles so there is no way I am ever getting a piercing. I hate it when Frank and his band, My Chemical Romance, go out together because they always get drunk and smoke weed. Accept Gerard Way, the lead singer of their band. He's a recovering alcoholic so he's always the designated driver. Frankie is the baby of the group and he is absolutly adorable, I love him with all my heart. Frankie picked me up and put me on the bed, he kicked the suitcase off the bed and put me down. Even though he's small (only about 5"4) he's really strong, I love it when he carries me around. I'm kinda small aswell I guess you could say, I'm 5"3 and a 1/2 and really skinny but not sickly skinny. Frankie laid down next to me and I put my head on his arm and fell asleep. My head was hurting from screaming. Frank stroked my long, wavy black hair.

*The Next Day*
A knock at the door woke us up at about midday. It was Gerard.
"Hey Lily, how are you, or rather how is Frank?" he smirked as he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.
"Well, he has a hell of a hangover." I said and lead him into the living/bedroom. Frank was still getting out of bed. He welcomed Grerard with a hug and a playful kiss on the cheek. I put on the coffee machine and made the boys coffee. I gave them each a mug and they thanked me. I sat on Frank because we only had two chairs
"Mmmm Coffee." Frank said as he took a long sip of coffee.
"Lily, did you put any sugar in this?" I jumped up and grabbed the sugar pot, and dumped 3 teaspoons of sugar into his cup.
"Sorry baby, I forgot." I kissed him and put the sugar back in the cuboard. I resumed my place on Frank as Gerard told us about the time when they all used to get drunk together and do stupid things. As I listened to Gerard I wondered why he was the only guy in the band who didn't have a girlfriend. He was smart, gorgeous, funny and he was so nice.

The band were having a practice before the last show tomorrow in New Jersey before they go on tour. Frank kissed me goodbye after having a few panadol tablets and left with Gerard.
I started to pack Franks things for him. I was going to miss him so much. At about 6pm my mobile phone started ringing out 'Helena)'. I answered it.
"Hi baby, it's Frank."
"Oh hi Frankie, I was just packing your shit for the tour. I'm goin to miss you so much."
"No you won't." Frank said in a sad tone.
"What? Of course I will miss you! I love you."
"You don't love me...." I was caught by suprise, I didn't know what to say.
"....as much as you will." Now I was confused. I could hear Frank laughing.
"Frankie what are you on about?" I knew he was up to something.
"You won't miss me, 'cause you're coming on tour with us!"
"Oh my god! Seriously?" I started screaming. The door opened, it was Frank holding his phone about a metre from his ear.
"You don't have to scream!" he laughed. I ran and jumped on him, kissing every part of him that I could. Frank pushed the door closed and walked over to the bed with my legs around his waist. He sat on the bed and I got on my knees, still attached to his lips. I lifted his shirt over his head and our kiss broke. I started softly kissing his collarbone as he laid down. Now it was his turn to undress me. He lifted off my shirt and unhooked my bra. It was my first time having sex and I was very nervous and shy. I covered up my chest a bit. Frank grabbed my hands.
"You don't have to if you don't want to." he said staring into my bright green eyes. I stared right back into his hazel ones. I lent down and kissed him softly.
"No Frank, I'm ready." he smiled and flipped me over so he was on top. He took off his jeans and then showered my neck and chest with soft kisses. Holding himself up with one hand, he used his free hand to take my jeans off. Now I was completely naked accept for a pair of lacey black underwear. Frank moved down my body to my belly button, kissing down my stomach and tracing around my belly button with his tongue. I ran my fingers through his hair. He pulled down my underwear and made his way back up to my mouth. I pulled down his boxers and kissed him hard. He broke away from the kiss.
"You ready Lily?" he asked seriously.
"As I'll ever be Frankie, just...go slow okay?" Frank nodded and positioned himself. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the pain. Frank told me to relax and he slowly pushed himself into me. I gasped in pain. Frank bent down and kissed me. He kept going as slow as possible as tears started sliding down my cheeks and I grabbed hold of the sheets. Frank stopped inside me.
"Are you okay baby girl?" he asked me. I nodded.
"Do you want me to stop?" he was so cute, all concerned like that.
"No Frankie, keep going, it's okay." I opened my eyes. He bent down and kissed me. He started again still as slow as last time. I started moaning as the pain subsided a tiny bit. Frank smiled as I started to enjoy the sex a little. He pulled out of me one last time and collapsed next to me and I turned to face him.
"Thankyou." I said as I cuddled up to his chest.
"What for baby?" he asked kissing the top of my head. I smiled.
"For waiting and then making my first time the best." Frank grinned.
"Anything for my princess. You know what I want right now?" he asked me.
"I have no idea, what?"
"Skittles!" he squealed like a kid and jumped out of bed.