A Taste Of Chaos


Again, my father was screaming at me and calling me a slut and a whore and beating me to a bloody pulp. I was screaming for my mother to stop him, to do something. She just stood there watching. I could feel my ribs crack as my father kicked my stomach and chest. After a while he left me to watch tv. I tried to stand but couldn't. I crawled to the front door and used it as support. I needed to leave. I got out my mobile, which had miraculously survived the beating and called Frank.
"Hey baby, what's up?" The sound of his sweet voice soothed me. That was until I spat blood.
"Frank, can you come get me please?" I said, struggling for breath.
"Why, what's the matter?" He was serious and telling all the guys to shut the hell up.
"Can you just come, I'll explain when you get me, I'll be at the corner." Frank didn't even say goodbye and he didn't need to. I dragged myself from my front yard, now vomiting blood everywhere. I got to the corner and stood against the sign post to steady myself. I had no idea how I looked and frankly, I didn't want to. It seemed to take Frank forever to get to the corner but in reality he was there so fast I'm amazed the cops didn't get him. He took one look at me and I fainted. He jumped out of the car and grabbed me. He put me in the back seat and drove as fast as he could back to Gerard's house. Everyone was there and he yelled for help as he picked me up and carried me to the house. Alicia screamed as he put me on the couch. I was beaten so badly. My lip was cut in several places, I was covered in bruises and cuts all over my body, I most probably had ribs cracked or broken. Gerard told Frank to put me back in the car and take me to the hospital. At that moment I woke up and spewed blood everywhere. Alicia and Jess were at my side and mopping up my mouth with a towel. Frank picked me up and took me to the hospital. Everyone followed in Gerard's car.

I woke up screaming again. Frank grabbed my good wrist and told me to calm down.
"What's wrong?" I looked up at him and started crying, all the guys were there and they had all kept their promise not to shower before coming. Frank jumped up on the bed with me and held me close to him. He ran his hand over my bandaged arm. I felt so safe in his arms. The other guys came over and we had a huge sweaty, smelly, group hug. I laughed as we all pulled apart.
"I didn't literally mean you couldn't have a shower!" I told them. Bob sighed angrily.
"That's what I told them!" we all laughed.
"Well, I'm glad you're ok. When did the doctors say you could come back with us?" Gerard asked.
"Uh....don't know, I haven't asked." I shrugged. Frank chimed in.
"The doc said that you'll be out in...like a day."
"Thanks Mr Knowitall!" Ray said and we all laughed.
I felt so happy. I was surrounded with the band I love, the guys I love and the man I was in love with. I felt so much better and the dream was pushed out of my mind....for now anyway.