A Taste Of Chaos

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

The guys had one more show before I was discharged from the hospital. I was at the front desk signing out, when all the guys ran in and crash tackled me.
"I see you have transport." The receptionist smirked as Frank put his head on my shoulder while I finished signing the documents.
"Oh yeah, definatly." I giggled and we walked out of the hospital. Suddenly we were surrounded by press. All the guys stood around me as they started to pelt me and Frank with questions and taking photographs. We made it to the van and I sunk down in the seat.
"I'm so sorry guys." I was so annoyed.
"It's fine, we're just happy that your alright." Frankie said squeezing me into him and laughing off the press attack.

We got back to the hotel and we decided to FINALLY go out for that night on the town that we were meant to do weeks ago. We called a Maxi Taxi to get us and we went out to the nearest pub. Everyone ordered and Frank kicked up a shit because we wouldn't get him skittles. I mean what kind of pub has skittles on their menu? We got our food and were talking about Jess and how her baby was going.Ray had been talking to her only a few hours before.
"She went for another scan, I wish I was there." he told us. We'd been on the tour for nearly a month now so Jess was around about 6 months pregnant.
"They told her what the sex of the baby was, but she won't tell me! I begged her to, but she won't."
"Aww, poor little Ray, he doesn't know if it's a Raymond or a Rachel!" Frank teased.

The boys had a few drinks, except for Gerard of course, and the effects were starting to show.
"I loove yooou babe." Frank slurred. Frank was a funny drunk and a defensive drunk, thank god.
Gerard and I got all the guys into the Maxi Taxi just as they had started drunkenly singing 'I'm Not Okay (I Promise).' Soon Gerard joined in and was singing his part and Frank was playing his air guitar as if he was really holding his guitar Pansy. When it got to the bit where Gerard was telling us he was okay now, Frank got closer to him and when it was his turn to say 'trust me' he kissed Gerard on the cheek. We all laughed and got back to the hotel. I tried to get Frank to come to bed, but all he wanted to do was run around and play tag with Ray, Bob and Mikey. But they decided to go to bed so he finally followed me. I had him by the shirt walking backwards. He was chasing me with his mouth, it was funny to watch. I let him catch up to me and he pinned me against the door of our room, his tongue beggin for entrance to my mouth. His hand made it to my face and up into my hair and I allowed him access to my mouth as I fumbled with the door knob of our room. I finally got it open and we crashed through it knocking over chairs and the small coffee table infront of the TV. I giggled as Frank picked me up and drunkenly walked me over to the bed. He tasted like beer and scotch but I wanted him so bad I didn't care. I started to pull at the bottom of his shirt and slipped my hand under his shirt. We broke apart for a second as I took his shirt off. He smiled at me, his hair was all messy it was so cute. Before long we were both undressed and I was moaning. It had hurt at the start as it was only my second time having sex, but even though Frank was drunk he still went slowly for me and he cared about me.

I woke up the next morning after nightmare free dreams. As a condition of discharge from the hospital I had to call a shrink everyday. My doctor was called Shirley. I hated shrinks, but if I didn't call her everyday until the end of the month, the hospital would send someone to get me and rehospitalise me. I called Shirley and she asked me how I was. She knew who my boyfriend was, so I jokingly told her.
"I'm Not Okay, I promise."