A Taste Of Chaos

Ray's House

After Frank had his skittle fix, he climbed back into bed.
"Welcome back." I said as I wrapped my arms around him. His naked body was freezing against mine.
"You're freezing." I said rubbing his arms.
"I know, but you'll warm me up won't you?" I nodded sleepily, completely missing the sarcasm. I was so tired. I cuddled up to his chest again. Frank smiled and kissed my forehead.
"Goodnight baby girl." he said as I fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning, we'd all been invited over to Ray's house for breakfast. By the time we got there, we're always late, everyone else was already there. Ray's house was enormous, I loved going there. We knocked on the door. Ray's girlfriend, Jess, opened the door.
"Hi guys, come in everyone's in the living room." she said as she let us in. We both hugged her and kissed her cheek. Jess was five months pregnant and she was absolutly glowing. All three of us walked down the hallway to the living room.
"Hey everyone!" Frank yelled as he helped me into a chair, I was still very sore from last night. Bob was sitting on the lounge with his girlfriend, Kayla on his lap, playing Mikey on Donkey Kong. Mikey's fiance Alicia was sitting next to Mikey and egging him on. Gerard was sitting there with a coffee and laughing at all of them. Jess went into the kitchen where Ray was cooking up a feast. She came back with a coffee for me and a beer for Frank.
"Thanks Jess." We both said.
"Will you sit down Jess, You'll do yourself an injury." Gerard said as we watched her flit around the house doing odd things, like straigtening pillows. She laughed and came and sat in the living room. We all started talking about the tour, it seemed that I was the only girlfriend going. Kayla had to work, Alicia had to plan her and Mikey's wedding, Jess obviously couldn't go because she was pregnant. Frank put his arm around my shoulders and whispered in my ear.
"How's the pain sweetie?" I had told him it hurt to walk this morning. He had been helping me around all morning.
"It's getting better, but it's still there." I whispered back.
"I'll get you some pain killers." he kissed my cheek and got up to get some panadol from the kitchen. Gerard made his way over and sat where Frank had been.
"Everything alright?" he asked after we'd hugged and kissed cheeks.
"Yeah, I've just got a bit of a headache." I lied. Gerard hugged my shoulders. Frank came back and handed me two panadol and a glass of water.
"So I move for a second and already you take my seat and make a move on my girlfriend!" Frank said to him. Gerard gave him a puzzled look. Frank smiled and jumped on him.
"I was just joking GOSH!" Frank said as he tickled, a very ticklish, Gerard.
"You've been watching Napoleon Dynamite again, haven't you?" I asked him. He gave me a mischevious smirk and Gerard took the opportunity to push him back and jump on top of him.

Ray yelled from the kitchen that breakfast was up. We all went into the dining room, me with a little help from Frank. Ray had truly out done himself as usual. There was bacon and eggs and sausages, toast, ham patties and even party pies.
"Wow Ray, this looks delicious!" Gerard said as Jess helped Ray bring all the food out.

We all finished eating and decided on a time to meet up before the tour bus came to pick us up. We decided to meet at 5:30 because the bus would be here at six. Frank and I climbed into Frank's car and we went to the mall. I needed some new clothes for the tour. We bought a whole heap of clothes and then went to the hairdresser because Frank wanted to get his hair died blonde, I wouldn't let him so he got it cut instead.
"Why can't I go blonde?" He whinned as the hairdresser trimmed his hair.
"Because it would be too weird." he pouted and whinned but I wouldn't let him.
"Fine." He said eventually.
"Oh I told Gerard I'd get him some new black eye smudge." I told Frank.
"What are you his new servant?" he laughed as I tried to defend myself and kissed my forehead.

Frank helped me pack and we all met at Bob's place at 5:30. Kayla let us into their house.
"They're in the basement." Again we're always the last to arrive. We went down to the basement. I've never seen Frank get his guitar out of it's case so fast. They started playing Famous Last Words. Frank was going crazy and jumping up and down. Everything was right with the world. At least I thought it was.