A Taste Of Chaos


I couldn't believe that I had dreamt about Gerard. I mean it's not like we did anything in the dream but I still felt bad. Frankie didn't know what I'd dreamt but I was NOT going to tell him.

I woke up the next morning, still in the arms of my gorgeous man. I loved Frankie so much. He was still asleep so I just stayed where I was watching him breathe. All of a sudden someone yelled and there was a loud thump. Frankie jumped and woke up. He rolled over to see what had happened. Mikey had been sleep walking and ended up in Bob's bed. Bob woke up to find himself cuddled up to Mikey, yelled and fallen out of his bunk. We all laughed and Frank turned back to me.
"Morning darling." he said in an English accent. I giggled and he kissed me.
"Do you remember waking up last night?" he asked. I sure as hell remembered but I told him that I didn't. He shrugged and jumped out of bed in only his Green Day boxers. I laughed and followed him.

The bus stopped at our first hotel. We were in Delaware. We checked into the hotel and went up to our rooms. Frank and I were sharing so were Gerard and Mikey and Bob and Ray. We all decided to go for a night on the town before the first show, which was tomorrow. The pub was the most obvious place to go. Gerard seemed a little down all afternoon so while the boys were all getting ready, I went to talk to him.
"Gerard." I said as I knocked on the door. I waited this time. I heard some scuffling and a draw open and close and Gerard came to the door.
"Oh hi Lily." He opened the door and let me in.
"What happened to your room?" Everything was trashed and there was clothes everywhere. Gerard looked around guiltily. His eyes were puffy and blood-shot.
"Gee are you alright?" He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. His sleeve slipped down his wrist and I saw it, an enormous gash. I gasped and Gerard looked up at me. I bent down in front of him.
"Why didn't you talk to anyone Gee?" I whispered as I held him close. He began sobbing uncontrollably.
"Talk to me please." Still sobbing he looked into my eyes.
"Oh..L-Lily....I.. just...everything's fucked." he sobbed into my shoulder. I hated seeing him like this. It almost made me forget how I felt about him....almost.
I helped him up and took him into the bathroom. I wiped the blood off his wound and took a bandage from the first aid kit.
"I'll make it look like you sprained it." I told him. When I was younger, I had used this disguise many, many times. I took him back to sit on his bed.
"Do you still want to come out with us?" I asked him as he sat down. He leaned closer to me.
"Gee what are you...." I started to ask when he pressed his soft lips onto mine. I was so suprised that I didn't do anything. He pulled away. He must have taken my shocked look the wrong way, because he started to try and apologise. I put a finger to his lips and kissed him again. At that very moment the door opened.
"Gerard have you seen Lily, I can't find her any....." Frank had walked in just as Gerard had run his hand through my hair. We broke apart just in time to see Frank run as fast as he could from the room.
"Lily....I'm so sorry." Gerard said as I got up to follow Frank.
"Don't worry, it was as much my fault as yours."

Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I stood outside the door to our room.
"Frank!" I yelled banging on the door as hard as I could, he had locked it. I could hear him inside.
"Fuck off!" I heard him yell through the door. Oh god, this couldn't be happening.
"Frank please, let me in. I want to explain..." I pleaded with him but he cut me off.
"You don't need to explain Lily, I saw the whole thing! How could you! He's my best friend!" I could tell he was crying.
"Just let me in, please.I'm so sorry." I slid down the door, bawling my eyes out. Ray came running out of his room, closely followed by Bob and Mikey.
"Lily, what the fuck is going on?" Ray asked as he pulled me up off the floor. I was crying so much, they couldn't understand what I was saying. Gerard came running up straight past me and banging as hard as he could on the door.
"Frank open the fucking door now!" He yelled as I clung to Ray.
The door flew open and Frank punched Gerard in the nose as hard as he could. I screamed as Gerard stepped back.
"How could you Gerard! You're such a fucking bastard!" then he turned on me. "I never want to see you again." He spat venomously at me and I started crying even harder. He slammed the door. I would never get the look Frank gave me out of my head.