A Taste Of Chaos

Sugar Overload

*Two Days Later*
Even though Frank had forgiven us, Gerard and I were still a little strange towards each other and everyone was keeping a closer eye on Gerard. Especially Mikey, who used to do the same thing, not to long ago himself. It seemed that in this band, and including me, we'd all had this problem in the past. I could still tell Frank didn't quite trust me but we at least were acting like we used to. We were back on the bus off to another show. Gerard spent most of his day with his head buried in his sketch book and drinking coffee. At about midday Frankie's mobile started ringing. I answered it.
"Hello Mr Iero?" said a familiar voice on the line. It was my school principal Mr Carmen. When I'd moved out of home to live with Frank, my pricipal was told to speak to Frank if I did anything wrong.
"Ah..hang on I'll get him." I said shakily, we hadn't told the school I wouldn't be there. I shook Frankie awake. He rubbed his face and grabbed the phone. The conversation on Frankie's end went like this;

"Yeah this is Frank Iero, and yes I am responsible for Lily Johnson."

"Uh-huh, yep, I'm well aware."

"Oh must have slipped my mind, sorry."

"Yeah she's not gonna be there for about......um....." he covered the speaker on the phone. "Oi Gerard, how long does this tour go for?" he yelled. Gerard yelled back,
"Uh...I think Steve said we were touring for 2 months this time."

"Hello? Yeah, sorry about that, she won't be at school for about two months, due to personal reasons. Thankyou." With that he hung up. He looked at me.
"Are you aware that Lily Johnson has missed three days of school with no absentee phone calls. Well duh....you answered the phone didn't you?" he laughed and I kissed him.
"God I love you sometimes." I said smiling at him. I was so glad he had forgiven us.
"Only sometimes?" he pouted. I grinned.
"What? Do you expect me to love you ALL the time?"
"Oh...well then." he said grabbing me and tickling me to death. He got off me to let me breathe and jumped on Gerard.
"Come on Gee, lighten up!" Frank said as he was shuved away. He tried again and succeeded in kissing him, quite passionatly on the lips. I laughed at Gerard's reaction. It looked a little like mine the night he'd kissed me.
"Should I be jealous Frank?" I said crossing my arms. Frank jumped back on me picked me up over his shoulder and carried me into the bathroom. I pretended to scream, but I was laughing too much. He sat me on the bench in the cramped bathroom. I kissed him passionatly as he slipped his hands up my miniskirt. I moved from his lips to his neck and his scorpion tattoo, it had to be my favourite on his entire body. I outlined it with my tongue and he shivered. I smiled and licked his cheek. He growled and and attacked my mouth with his tougue, exploring every tooth. I pulled away.
"Does this mean you trust me again?" He just smiled and kissed me again.

We pulled up at another service station at about 5am the next morning. We all were dying for skittles and coffee. Frank was so lazy, he actually emptied his skittle packet into his coffee. He took a sip and his eyes bounced open.
"Uh-oh" said Ray.
"Sugar overload" said Bob.
"TAKE COVER!" Mikey yelled and we all laughed as Frank jumped up and ran around the table three times and sat back down as if nothing happened. I swear he is such a kid. I confiscated the coffee (gosh I sound like his mother!) and got him a new one.
"Aww....but...." he tried the puppy dog eyes but I was strong. He just sat back in the seat and pouted.
"Ooo crash and burn!" said Gerard, it was the most I'd heard him say in about two days. We all laughed and we were on the road again.