A Taste Of Chaos

You Promised

Later on, I was drugged up and asleep on a hospital bed. I was trapped in my dream of my father laying into me yet again. Frank woke me up.
"Hey babe, you were yelling are you alright?" His voice was soothing but I didn't want to hear it. I tried to roll over but found I couldn't. I was cuffed to the bed.
"Get these fucking things off of me!" I screamed at him. I started thrashing my arms and legs to get out. Frank told me to calm down. I screamed louder so I couldn't hear him.
"Be quiet or they'll give you another needle!" He yelled at me. I shut my mouth and started crying and pulling at the cuffs. They were tight and I could barely move. A nurse came in and tried to tell me to stop.
"Miss Johnson, calm down or I will get the doctor to give you another sedative." she said and I stopped. Frank touched my arm but I flinched and turned my head away from him. I hated him. He promised he wouldn't let them take me. He lied. Frank sat next to me.
"Lily, please. Talk to me, I'm sorry that I let them take you." He whispered.
"You promised you wouldn't." I replied coldly and looked away from him. Frank gave up after a while and walked out.

*****Franks POV**** (I decided it needed to be told from someone else for a change.)
She wouldn't talk to me. I felt terrible, I promised her I wouldn't let them take her. But I hadn't meant the promise, I just said it to make her feel better. All the guys were waiting in the waiting room, 'cause you know that's what you do in a waiting room. Gerard looked up as I sat next to him.
"She alright?" He asked I shook my head as a single tear ran down my cheek. Gerard saw it.
"Come outside for a cig dude, get your mind off it." We walked outside and both lit up our cigarettes. I breathed in the disgusting smoke but I felt heaps better for it.
"What did she say?" Gerard asked after my fourth cigarette.
"She started screaming when she found she couldn't move and then she turned her head away from me when I told her I was sorry. She hates me dude!" I told him and sat on the grass behind us. Gerard sat down next to me and put his arm around my back.
"She doesn't hate you Frankie, she is mad at you, but she could never hate you. If anything she probably hates herself. She needs you." He tried reassuring me. After a while, and hell of alot of cigarettes, Gerard went back inside to get coffee. I stayed outside and sucked on my 8th smoke. I needed more, so I got up and went over to the convenience store. I saw a stand completely covered in skittles in the shop. I bought 10 packets and a few packets of cigarettes.
"Hey, your from that band My Chemical Romance!" said the chick behind the counter, her eyes lit up with excitment.
"Yeah, that's me." I said, trying my best to sound happy for a fan.
"Wow, oh my god! Um... could you sign this reciept?" she asked shyly looking up at me. I smiled at her and signed it for her.

Back outside the hospital, I was eating my third packet of skittles and smoking yet another packet of cigarettes when Ray came out to talk to me.
"Hey man, pass us a skittle." He said sitting down. I held the packet close to my chest and eyed him evily.
"Or not then." I went back to eating them and passed one to Ray. He put his arm around my back like Gerard had done.
"She's asking for you." he said.
"She hates me why would she be asking for me?" I shot him a look of utter sorrow. Ray squeezed my sides.
"Get up and go to her!" he forced me up. I picked up the plastic bag full of skittle packets and finished my cigarette before walking into the hospital.

I walked into her room, she was asleep. If it wasn't for the terrible cuffs around her wrists she would look so peaceful. I sat beside the bed and stroked her face. She stirred and turned her head towards me and opened her eyes.
"Hi," I whispered and smiled slightly.
"Hi," She croaked and returned the smile. Good sign.
"How are you feeling baby?" I asked still stroking her face.
"Hungry and tired, but I don't feel like eating." she replied. I held up the plastic bag.
"Skittles?" she smiled. I love her smile, even though she is in so much pain, that smile could light up the darkness in the bottomless pit which is me. I laughed as I put one into her mouth for her.