The Only Difference Between Bill Kaulitz and Brendon Urie Is Press Coverage

Talkin to Ryan

We stopped off at a little town across the border for a quick lunch and then set off again for Toronto.

Tom and Georg were practicing some songs and I think Bill was taking a nap. Gussi was listening to some music so I had Ryan come on our bus to keep me company.

"I uh...was talking to Anna yesterday and God Tara I really like her," he explained, keeping his voice low.

"Aw Ryan that's so cute!" I smiled, and he blushed. "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks Tara," he blushed even deeper.

"Don't be so nervous with love, it's a good thing."

"I know I just...haven't really had a girlfriend in two years."

"Well I hope Anna's the one for you then," I smiled and put my arm around him. "She's really a nice girl."

We sat there quietly on the couch for a few minutes and then Ryan asked, "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, sure."

"I mean usually on tour Brendon is the loudest, most obnoxious guy ever. It's not the case on this tour. He barely even talks anymore. Last night I asked him why he was so like not himself and he said he....that he liked you....a lot. And I told him that Bill would beat him up if he even set eyes on you."

I wasn't really sure what to reply to this.

"Tara?" Ryan poked me when I didn't respond.

"I...well what am I supposed to say? He just likes me but I'm sorry I'm married. I know Brendon's never had much luck in love. Anna was originally for him but well if he wanted her then he shouldn't have pushed you into her room."


There was an awkward silence after that.

"Who is Bea? I mean I know she's Gussi's girlfriend but like who is she?" Ryan asked.

"She's my best friend. We've been besties since like third grade. She used to be really different too, emo and a complete slut..."

"That's not very nice to say about your best friend."

"No it's true. She was Tom's....uh...." couldn't think of a word.

"Booty call?"

"Yeah basically. Like two years ago," I replied and sighed. Things really hadn't changed much.

"So how did she end up with Gussi?" he asked, looking confused by all this.

"Do you know the story of how me and Bill even met?" I asked.

"No...I don't think so."

"Well I'll tell you cause then you'll understand junk."


"I used to be such a teenie for Tokio Hotel, well...actually just for Bill and I won the trip to see them in Rome back in the summer of 2008," I began. "I could take a friend, so I decided to take Bea. She was so obsessed with Tom. So we went in August, she instantly hit it off with Tom, yet Bill didn't even regard me at all and I felt like crap. We all went to a club after that and Bea was Tom were basically doing it on the dance floor. Gussi liked me then, and we danced for a bit but I was feeling like crap cause Bea always got what she wanted.

"So I ran back to the hotel, feeling like total shit and when I was there Bill called me, asking to come over and talk. Well I agreed and basically we had so many things in common. Tom was like his Bea. We talked for hours and had so much fun and like halfway into the night we..uh...yeah slept together.

"The next morning the band was over cause yeah Bea slept with Tom too and I went to take a shower and when I came out Bea and Bill were making out. I took it the wrong way, they'd been playing truth or dare and Bill never backs down from a dare yet at the time I didn't know. So I went home, telling myself I was never gonna talk to Bea or Bill for the rest of my life. I would be leaving for college in New York soon and I'd been leaving Chicago forever.

"And then I don't know, my roommate in New York got tickets for TRL, the day that Tok happened to be on. I'd had to pretend I knew nothing about them cause I was like so afraid of expressing my feelings. I mean my roommates were never gonna understand, excpect for one that knew. Her name's Jeni. She's Georg's girlfriend.

"So I went to TRL and we happened to win the meet and greet with the band. And guess who else happened to be there? Bea was there and she'd won the chance to meet Tom. Cause like you had to answer questions about band members. I knew everything about Bill and my roommate Deidre who had no clue I loved them was sitting back like what the hell.

"We met them and basically we forgave each other and Bea had really changed, she was like preppy now and nice instead of emo and told Tom that if he wasn't gonna treat her as more than a booty call then she was done. So she showed Tom and me and Bill forgave each other....."

"Oh that's right, you're the TRL girl," he smiled.

I frowned. "Thanks."

"Well I didn't actually see it I just heard about it. So wow he ended up marrying you."

"Shotgun wedding," I smirked.

"You naughty girl!" Ryan giggled.

"Agh now Time to Dance is stuck in my head," I laughed.

"Tara you're such a fangirl," he teased, pushing me.

I pushed him back.

"Getting a little roudy aren't we?" Georg laughed as he walked in the room. "Better not tell Bill."

"And how do you pronouce your name-Gay-orrr," Ryan declared with a smirk, making me laugh.

Georg rolled his eyes and walked up to the fridge.

"Wir brauchen mehr Essen," he whined.

"English please."

"We need more food!" he shouted.

"Tell me about it."

"You guys should come over to our bus, we have tons of food," Ryan explained.

"Okay," me and Georg declared at the same time.
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