The Only Difference Between Bill Kaulitz and Brendon Urie Is Press Coverage


When I got out of the shower and got changed and all that it was past seven. The band was just gone, I checked the two rooms next to us too. Panic and Metro Station were gone too.

I found my cell in one of the bedrooms along with my other stuff. Bill must have dropped it off when they came.

I called him.

"Hey Tara sorry we couldn't wait for you. All of us were hungry," he explained. I could tell his mouth was full of food.

I wasn't too hungry so it was okay. "Just bring me back something, okay?"

"Okay, bye hun. See you soon."


I plopped down on the bed. Mmm...comfy. Much comfier than those bunks on the bus, but they weren't too bad.

I was suddenly missing my babies again. God I never wanted to be away from them this long. They were still so young and they needed at least their mommy.

I texted Anthony and begged him to set up the webcam when he got back but he didn't reply. He was probably stuffing his face like everyone else. God how the hell did every one of them stay skinny?

Bill came back within the hour and placed the package of food on the side table.

"Uh Tom sorta go into the food..." he said. "It's considerably light now."

"That's okay, I wasn't that hungry anyway," I was still lying on the bed.

Bill smirked and then pounced on me without warning.

I groaned in pain and pushed him off of me. "Not until you get a shower!"

"Will you come with me?" he smiled, already pulling me up.

"But I just did shower," I whined, but allowed him to pull me along anyway.

It was sorta awkward at first, but once we were in the shower it was much easier. He pulled me to him instantly and dang it felt nice, makin out with Bill and him just feeling me up while that hot water poured on us. This felt good...oh so nice...

Bill started biting at my neck and I giggled.

"You wanna fuck right here?" he asked, his lips still at my neck.

"Yeah," I sighed and felt that rush as he pushed inside of me again. I moaned.

My legs started to shake, we'd never done this standing up before, and Bill noticed I was shaking too and put his hands at my waist to steady me.

It wasn't enough. I slipped and fell and Bill came down on top of me. I hit my head against the wall. Agh he was really deep inside of me now and it hurt like hell.

"Au. Scheiße," Bill cursed and pulled out of me. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I just banged my head, that's it," I sighed and he pulled me up. Now my legs were really shaky and I could barely stand up. "I'm just gonna get out now, my legs are shaky."

"Okay baby I'll be out soon," he let me go and I got out of the shower. I threw a towel around me, dried off quick, and changed back into my clothes.

I went out into our room. Anthony was in there setting up the webcam on my laptop.

"Oh hey I was looking for you," he said, taking a look back at me. "Where's Bill?"

"In the shower," I replied, running my hands through my newly damp hair.

He smirked and got back to setting it up.

"Call your bro and tell him to turn his on and then it'll work," Anthony explained when he was done.

I gave Cam a call and he turned his on. By the time Bill came out of the bathroom it was working.

I placed the laptop between us on the bed and within seconds I could see Cam's face on the screen.

"I don't wanna see you I wanna see my babies!" I yelled.

"Tara, shh!! They are both sleeping at the moment."

"Sophie included?" Bill asked.

"Yeah. They're both sleeping pretty regularly through the night," Cam explained. "Their cribs are like right next to me."

"And they're eating fine? Are they asking for me?" I asked.

"Tara they aren't talking yet," Cam smiled, and turned the the webcam to face their cribs.

Our babies were sleeping soundly. We'd only been away what, like four days or something and they already looked bigger!

"Will you keep it on them Cam?" I asked. "I just wanna watch them."

"I can leave it on all night Tara if you want," Cam suggested, turning it back to him.

"Oh please do!" I declared.

He turned it back to face them.

"I'm gonna go start my homework now so bye!" Cam said and left.

Oh Cam, just like me, starting his homework at nine.
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comments please darlings