The Only Difference Between Bill Kaulitz and Brendon Urie Is Press Coverage

'I Just Want Your Kiss Boy.'

I’d have to forget about Tom for a bit.

Now Brendon was having problems.

All of us knew he was, he just never let them show, hiding in his bunk all day. Well he had to face his feelings sometime.

“This is because of me isn’t it?” I asked everyone currently on TH’s bus when the subject turned to Brendon.

Spence shrugged. “I don’t know. He only talks to Ryan about what he feels for you and just tells the rest of us. Brendon never knows what he wants so I doubt it’s just you.”

“When has he had sugar last? Maybe he’s sad you guys took it from him,” I suggested.

“No Brendon is so much better of without sugar,” Jon rolled his eyes. “Our second tour was hell. He woke up and had coffee and five Pixie Stix every morning.”

“But why does Brendon even like me?” I quieted my voice, cause I knew Bill was still sleeping in our bunk.

“Maybe cause your hot!” Georg cried and then started to laugh. I stuck my tongue out at him.

“You better not say that again or I’ll tell Jen,” I giggled.

He went back to his iPod quietly.

“Brendon doesn’t fall in love much. I’m not saying he’s in love with you but it’s rare that he likes anyone even,” Jon explained. “And when he likes someone he gets obsessed over then and acts like a total retard around them….”

Spencer laughed. “It’s true.”

“So he’s probably keeping himself away for two reasons. One-he doesn’t wanna act like a retard around you. And two-you’re already married so he’s trying to hide his feelings and hide from you because he’s afraid he’ll like you more and then Bill will kick his ass.”

“Bill-are you kidding me? He’d have Tom do that for him. Bill’s too much of a weakling,” I giggled.

My cell started ringing. Scott was texting me.

‘the company said our designs are lacking tay but we did sell so much this quarter they’re considering giving us a raise. okay have fun on the tour you’re gonna have a lot of work when you get home,’ it read.

‘oohhh raise sounds good =P’

“Tara are you even listening to us?” obviously the guys didn’t know I was texting my partner.

“Oh…uh what?” I looked up.

“We asked you if you felt anything for Brendon.”

“Okay ever since I’ve been married I haven’t felt an attraction to any other guy. Bill is my smexy beast!” I giggled with the weird stares from the guys. “I’ve been obsessed with Bill since I was like 14 guys.”

“Wow. You’re such a fangirl,” Spencer sighed and I threw a pillow at him.

“Not anymore. You should have seen her two years ago at our concert,” Georg sighed, a smile on his face. “Crazy insane I tell you!”

“Well at least I’m not like that anymore!”

“Yeah thank Gott,” I heard him mutter.

Someone was texting me again. I supposed it was Scott but when I picked it up it was Ryan.

‘pleaseeeee make brendon talk again!!!!’

We were on the way to Albany, I wasn’t sure how close Panic’s bus was to ours.

‘where are you?’

‘right next to th’s bus.’

“Ryan wants me to come over to talk to Brendon,” I explained and got up from my seat when we were at a stop. They all urged me to go.

Ryan, Tom, and Mason were on the bus talking and Ryan looked up at me with pleading eyes when I walked in.

Wow this place was so less dirty than our bus. I should come over here more often.

“He’s up in his bunk,” Ryan explained and I started off towards it. “Thanks Tara!” he called.

I opened the curtains to Brendon’s bunk and he was just lying there staring at the ceiling. Aw I missed old Brenny.

“Can I come in?” I asked, already half in.

“Yeah, sure,” he scooted over. He had a hard time even looking at me.

“Brendon you need to stop, okay?” I said to him. “Look at me.”

“I just don’t want to do anything stupid in front of you,” he explained, bringing his brown eyes too look at me.

“Brenny I’m around Bill all day,” I giggled. “Besides I like it so much better when you’re hyper and just a cool guy and not acting all depressed. Just cause you can’t have me doesn’t mean you’ll never find a girl.”

“Tara I really like you okay?”

“But you’re a smart guy. You are not like Tom, making me get drunk and then sleeping with me….” I looked away from him.

“What?! Did that really happen?” he looked at me with wide eyes.

I started to laugh. “Not really. We were both really drunk and we did sleep together.”

“Woah where you will Bill then?”

“Yeah it took Bill a month or so to find out. And he tried to kill himself,” I stared at him with a straight face.

“Wow,” he laid back a bit on the bed.

It was quiet for a bit till I explained, “Brenny I like you too, but not like this. I like the old hyper Brendon that tries to kiss Ryan. Panic was always my second favorite. After Bill I obsessed over you most,” I explained.

“Really?” he smiled.

“Yeah,” I smiled back. “Now start being your old self again! Stop worrying about me, be as crazy as you want. You’re gonna find a girl Brenny.”

“But how do I forget about you?” he looked at me funny.

“Kiss me Brendon.”


“Yeah you heard me. Then you’ll feel guilty and won’t ever like me again. Bill won’t know cause we won’t tell him and then it’ll be over.”

“You sure about this?”

“And when you kiss me think I’m just some obsessive fangirl that wants to get in your pants.”

“Why still can’t you be that?” he smirked, teasing with me.

“So are you gonna kiss me or wha….” I couldn’t finish because his lips were attached to mine, it was so passionate he was pushing me down against the bed.

Well I wanted another so I reached up for one and he returned it readily.

Holy crap he kissed just like Bill…except it wasn’t as good in my opinion. Maybe that’s cause Bill’s my husband…

“Ok Brendon you can get off of me,” I whispered, his face inches from mine, him practically on top of me. He smiled and blushed and got off of me.

“I bet you feel guilty now,” I said when I got up too.

“Maybe just a few more…?” he smiled, teasing of course. His face went red, “Yeah I do. Holy shit don’t tell Bill!”

“It’s okay,” I giggled, “He won’t know.”

I hugged Brenny and he hugged me back.

“Thanks Tara,” he smiled and we jumped down from the bunk.
♠ ♠ ♠
title curtesy of the song pumpkin soup by kate nash.

mkay so logan is writing again.

comments=seexxxyyness darlings.

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