The Only Difference Between Bill Kaulitz and Brendon Urie Is Press Coverage

On our Way to Chicago

When I woke up the next morning I was on a tour bus. Woah, where am I? I thought instantly, but then sat up on the comfy couch I’d been sleeping on and realized.

“Where are we?” I asked. Only Bill was around, holding Kayden in his arms. Well I guess we hadn’t made it to Chicago then. That was the first stop, and we’d be dropping of the twins at my parent’s.

“Is he sleeping?” I went over sat next to Bill, who nodded and gave Kayden to me.

He was a precious boy, so quiet. And he looked like his dad, except he had my eyes. Sophie looked more like me, with lighter hair but I could see the brown already in her eyes. Boy she was a feisty one, and she rarely slept at night when we wanted her to.

I looked to Sophie’s carrier. Wow she was asleep.

“Are we almost there?” I asked and put Kayden over to lie against my shoulder.

The windows of the tour bus were frosted and we really couldn’t see much out of them.

“We’re not too far,” Bill sighed and put his arm around me. "I'm glad you're coming."

"I'm glad I'm coming too," I smiled and laid my head down on his shoulder.

"We're gonna meet Metro Station in Chicago. And they're only our openers, us and Panic are the big ones. In fact Ryan said something like Metro Station isn't even gonna be on the whole tour," Bill explained.

"Well that's okay. We only need you guys," I placed Kayden back in his carrier and snuggled up with Bill. "I need some coffee."

"Chicago is only a few miles away," Tom walked into the room and sat down on the couch at the opposite side. "Then you can get some Starbucks."

Now let's explain the tour bus. You walk in and there is a tiny little kitchen area with just a microwave and a mini fridge and a pantry. On the other side of that is a little closet where Tom keeps his guitar and Georg keeps his bass. Then you walk into the next part, which is a long couch on one side and a smaller couch on the other. There are cabinets for junk on the side with the small couch and a medium-sized TV built in. Then you go back to the bunks where the band sleep, two bunks on each side. There's an extremely small bathroom with only a toilet, sink, and mirror after that and a little room off to the side where you just put all the extra junk like clothes and Gussi's drums and tolietries. Right then it was occupied by tons of the twin's things.

I was surprised my rents allowed the twins to stay with them for a bit and for me to tag along for the tour. They hadn't seen their grandkids yet so I guess it would be nice for them to spend some time together. And my rents were good rents and would take good care of them. I just felt bad for leaving them with Cam there. He's my little brother and he'd be starting his senior year of high school with his neice and nephew keeping him up every night. But I was sure he'd enjoy having them around after a bit.

I hadn't met Panic yet but I was sure excited to. We'd left late the night before so we'd be in Chicago early in the morning. We'd be here for like two days, thank God, cause I missed home and I'd get to see Bea, my best friend for like ten years, up at Illinois State main campus.

The first show would be tomorrow...I just realized then that I had free admission to every single concert. Woah this would be fun.

Panic's album was set to come out the next week. It was entitled 'Even Odder' and was said to be a mix of their old stuff and new stuff. So I was excited to hear their new stuff too.

The only thing I was sorta bummed about is that I was gonna be like the only one that couldn't drink, not counting Metro Station cause I didn't know how old they were. Tom and Bill had turned 21 a week ago and well Tom had wasted no time in getting himself drunk already. But Tomi was a good kid now, and I was gonna find him a girl on this tour if it killed me.

And I mean how hard could it be, every girl's dream is to date Tom Kaulitz.
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