The Only Difference Between Bill Kaulitz and Brendon Urie Is Press Coverage

Annoying Brendon

"Tara, Tara, Tara, Tara, Tara," Brendon yelled right in my ear, pouncing on me.

"Oh my God Brendon get off of me," I groaned, still half asleep.

"But you promised we'd go out in the city to find some Starbucks," he said, pulling me off the bed.

"Brendon go bug Ryan or get a whore or something," Bill moaned, still half asleep, and pulled me back down into his arms.

"I promised you once we got to Philly," I explained, looking up at Brendon's adorable pouty face. "Right now we're in a hotel in Allentown."

"But theres one like ten minutes away! I looked on the internet!" he cried.

"Okay Brenny gimme like two hours," I yawned and snuggled up next to Bill.

"Kiss me and he'll go away," Bill whispered in my ear.

I started tonguing with Bill right there in front of Brendon.

"Ewie!!" he squealed and jumped off the bed, running out of the room.

"That got rid of him," I said, parting my lips from Bill's.

"Just cause he's gone doesn't mean we have to stop," he smiled, his eyes still closed.

"You're right," I smirked and started kissing him again.

Bill tasted so good, I don't know why I ever thought Brendon's kisses came in comparison.

"I really should go with Brenny I promised him," I whispered in between kisses.

"But baby..." Bill moaned, pulling me closer to him. "I want you."

"Tonight I promise," I said, not really wanting to live up to my promise.

Bill after shows=no.

"Whatever I mean I'm only your husband," he said, pushing me away and pouting adorably.

"I fixed everything between Brendon and me though and now we're friends," I explained.

"Go get me a Java Chip," he whispered, still pouting. He reached for the remote to turn on the TV.

I sat myself right on his lap, blocking his view of the TV.

"You know I love you Bill," I whispered, kissing him softly.

"I love you too. Now go get me a Java Chip!" he commanded, pointing to the door.

"You're such a Nazi," I muttered under my breath.

"What did you call me?!" he yelled, pulled me back.


He straddled himself on top of me and held my hands above my hands.

"RAPE!!" Ryan shouted at the door.

"You do know how stupid that was?" Bill got off of me and I sat back up again. Oh darn...that was fun....

Ryan was laughing. "Yeah pretty much. Brendon said you were mean cause you won't go to Starbucks with him. He woke me up in the process so I guess I'll go too."

"Oh alright," I got off the bed, ran my fingers through my hair, and put on my flip flops.
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okay my mom wants me to watch stardust with her but if i get to come back down on the computer when it's over i will be able to update three more times. and bea will come back in that time.

so now comment....or i might not update again for two days cause i'll be gone tomorrow.

thanks you =]