The Only Difference Between Bill Kaulitz and Brendon Urie Is Press Coverage

Tom's In Love.

Tom's POV

Bea shook me awake at about six the next morning. The bus wasn't moving, we were probably at the venue already.

"I have to go," she whispered, looking at me with sad eyes. "I'm not gonna make it to my classes."

I let her go and grabbed my wallet from the shelf above the bed. I gave her whatever money was in there.

"Get a cab to take you to the nearest airport and then you'll be in time for your afternoon classes," I said.

She sighed. "I wish it was Saturday and I could just lay in your arms all day."

"I'd really like that too but we've got a show tonight and you need to actually go to school for once," I smirked. I knew how she liked to skip.

She nodded and reached for her clothes.

I peeked out the bunk while see was changing to see if anyone was awake. Thank Gott no one was, and I could hear Gussi snoring. That was good.

"You better leave," I said, though I didn't want her to go. Her multi-colored hair was a mess, and I moved it out of her gorgeous face.

"Okay," she sighed and hugged me.

"I'll call you tonight okay, to tell you how everything went."

She looked like she was going to cry. "Don't break Gussi's heart, please. Have Tara help you she'll make him understand."

"Okay," I let her go and she jumped down from the bunk.

She smiled up at me and waved.

"Bye," I whispered, waving, and then she ran off the bus.

I sighed and laid back against my bed, smiling to myself, just thinking about Bea. My gorgeous girl.

She was Gustav's girl...just, not for long. Damn I was gonna break his heart and he was never gonna forgive me.


I was feeling pretty good that day, like I usually do after I fuck an amazing girl all night long. And that didn't happen much anymore. All those amazing girls were gone and taken.

Just like Bea.

But she was mine, we just needed to work on Gustav.

I jumped out of my bunk at around eight and poured myself some coffee, not bothering to do anything to it and gulped it all down within two seconds.

Gussi was sitting on the couch watching some TV, Bill was on his laptop, and Georg was listening to his iPod.

"Where's Tara?" I asked, that permanent smile still stuck on my face.

Bill looked up at me and started to laugh. "Why are you smiling like that?"

I shrugged and tried to tone it down a bit.

Bill raised an eyebrow at me. I was sure he knew something happened in my bunk last night, we had been loud enough. "She's in the bathroom."

I waited in the back area where all of our random crap and junk was until she walked out of the bathroom.

She took one look at me and giggled.

"Tom Kaulitz is smiling? He must have had good night last night," she smirked and walked off before I could say anything else.

Oh well I'd just leave it at that then for now.

I went to the bathroom and ran some gel through my hair and considered myself finished getting ready.

I walked out and Tara had her iPod on, on it's dock, and something by Metro Station was playing and I just started dancing. Party boy.

Everyone just looked up at me, not saying anything, just looking.

I grinned wide and went to the fridge and grabbed a Vitamin Water.

"So are we gonna practice soon?" I asked, wanting something to do. I wanted to just jam on my guitar and jump around like an idiot. Though that was Bill's job. No he just shimmied..

"I'm too tired," Bill whined and shot Tara a glance.

"Hey mister you were the one that got out the whipped cream in the first place!" Tara cried.

"Well maybe getting out whipped cream doesn't automatically mean sex!"

Tara rolled her eyes and Bill pushed me playfully.

I could just see me and Bea. Me and Bea settled down...

It made me smile, like an idiot of course.

"Tom?" Bill and Tara said at the same time, eyebrows raised.

I was just staring at them with a stupid grin. I turned away fast, embarrassed.

"Where did that whipped cream go anyway?" Tara asked and I was glad I'd turned away from them. I was sure my smirk would give me away.

"I dunno," Bill just said and I sighed. Close one.

About an hour or two later Gussi and I went out into the venue to help crew set up things backstage.

Not too many people were coming that night. Not that many people liked us in the south. Country was much more preferred. We only had one more venue in the south, Austin, Texas, and then we'd be working on the midwest, then two shows in California and our final show in Vegas.

I really didn't feel like helping. I mean that's what the crew there was for in the first place. So I just danced around, Gussi watching me and looking at me as if I was high or something.

"Tom why are you so happy today?" he asked me and I stopped spinning around, pretty dizzy.

"Man I'm in love that's why! Gott I've never felt this feeling before," I sighed and smiled again, spinning around again. I had to grab my pants to keep them up. Ha.

"With who?" he asked and I suddenly stopped in mid-spin.

I slowly turned around to face him. He really didn't show emotion much but I guess he sorta looked happy...for me.

"Uh..." I felt my expression go blank. "It's a secret..."

"Was she a fan?"

I shook my head. "I told you it was a secret."

"Can't I just guess? If I say the right name you don't gotta say anything," he smirked. "Just guessing.."

"Ah...okay...?" I really didn't like this. But Gussi did trust me, Bea would be like his billionth guess even if he got that far.

"Is it someone I know?" he asked.


"Oh okay. If I guess right you'll tell me?"

"I never said that," I could feel my stomach knot up.

"I won't get mad or anything," he laughed. "What's with all these secrets?"


"Oh my God was it Tara?!" he cried.

"Hell no! I don't sleep with my friend's girls Gussi," I forced a smile. Holy crap was I in the hole now if he found out.

His face went blank. "Well I was gonna guess Jeni but then I guess not."

" Georg's not even slept with her yet."

He frowned. "I thought they did. Haven't they been dating for like two years?"

"Oh yeah, nevermind."

"Um...some girl you slept with in Europe?" he guessed and I shook my head.

"Trina?" he smirked and I glared at him.

"Remember Gussi, she dumped me because I was begging for sex all the time. I don't think she'd be back here begging for more," Trina was probably my last real girlfriend. [yeah she is a real person]


"No," I could feel that smile come across my face again. He wasn't gonna guess Bea. "I don't think you know her actually."

He shrugged and got back to setting up. "It's nice to see you happy again Tom."

"'s nice to be happy," I smiled and walked off to the bus before he could question me anymore.
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comments=love. and smex.