The Only Difference Between Bill Kaulitz and Brendon Urie Is Press Coverage


Tara's POV

I noticed that Tom was particularly happy that day in Raleigh. There was no hiding the fact that he'd been with a girl the night before. And maybe it was someone he was really starting to like. I wanted Tom to be happy.

We had like no food whatsoever left and I was getting pretty hungry and God damnit I needed some caffeine!

I walked off the bus and grabbed Tom to come with me.

"Where are we going?" he asked, glaring at me cause I'd pulled him away from his weird dancing.

"Target. We need some stuff," I explained and we started to walk down the street. This wasn't a northern city anymore. Only a few cabs here.

"You know it's probably not gonna be safe if you take me," he explained and grimaced. "It's not safe for me out here."

"You won't get raped Tom, I'll protect you," we crossed the street. But I knew it was true. The paps were horrible with me and Bill I bet if they found me and Tom they would assume that we're together or something.

And if the paps didn't find us then fangirls would. And Tomi fangirls were totally the worst. Remember Bea two years ago in Rome? Yeah.

He smiled. "Can I tell you something?"

"Sure," I said, wondering if it was about the night before, also at the same time wondering where that Target I'd seen was.

"You won't get mad at me will you?" he looked at me with pleading brown eyes and I just smiled.

"I wouldn't get mad at you Tomi. You're my brother, remember?"

"Okay," he nodded and a huge grin came across his face. He looked funny and I tried not to laugh. Tom didn't smile much anymore though. "Obviously I had a girl with me last night."

"Yeah...?" ah score I could see the Target in the strip mall down the street.

"I had Bea with me," he whispered fast.

I was sorta shocked for the first five seconds. "She...she came down here?"

He smiled shyly. "Yeah. She feels the same about me Tara...and I...I love her."

I smiled. "I always knew you two would end up together. Have you told Gussi anything yet though?"

He shook his head and his expression went blank. "I don't know what to tell him."

"Just wait. Things are fine now. We're gonna be away from everyone for awhile so we can wait till after the tour to tell him. And I'll tell him with you and Bea."

"Thanks Tara."

I smiled. "It's just nice to see you happy and I know Bea's happy too. You guys always loved each other you just too naive to see it. And I think Gussi knows that too."

"You think so?" we walked along the parking lot and I scratched my head. Ew I so needed a shower my hair was disgusting.

"Gussi's not stupid. His lack of talking allows him to notice many things," I giggled as we walked into the store.

Instanly about five people noticed Tom.

We ran to the snack section and hid, hoping no one would find us. I didn't want anyone to fine me, I looked pretty bad and I knew it.

"Gah I need a shower I'm all sticky," Tom whined and grabbed some coffee.

I raised an eyebrow and he giggled.

"It's probably what you're thinking, yes," he handed me some Cheetos and a huge bag of Skittles.

I got some gum and shabamm! I got Pop Rocks too. Oh goodness Halloween crack....good times in eighth grade. [[omg anna!!!!]]

Tom piled tons of snacks in his arms, trying to hide his face from anyone who might notice him. I walked behind him as we made our way up to the register and he had no free hands to pull up his unusually baggy pants.

"Hangin a little low there Tomi," I giggled, his pants were almost freakin at his knees. Haha.

I smiled, thinking of him and Bea. I always knew...I just always did...

He dropped everything at the cash register and pulled up his pants. But now he had no shield against fangirls.

"I'm so jittery Tay I need to smoke," he instantly regretted telling me that.

"Tom Kaulitz!!!" I cried.

I'd made Bill stop smoking before the twins were born because one I thought it was completely disgusting and two I didn't want the twins to get exposure from it. And he usually only smoked with Tom so I tried to stop him too but it didn't work as much.

He only did it now when he was really stressed or to calm himself down. Which happened a lot now.

"Don't worry I ran out and I guess I won't be buying any now," he sighed.

"That's right you're not!"

"I just...I don't know I feel so happy inside...I've never felt something like this before. Is this really what love feels like?" his eyes suddenly teared up and he looked away a second.

I hugged him. "It feels nice doesn't it?"

"Yeah," he looked back to me and hurriedly wiped away the single tear that fell down his face. "I never thought I'd feel it Tara. I just never thought she would ever love me back."

"So you're not gonna be a manslut anymore?" I teased, smiling up at him.

He rolled his eyes. "Well there's still that whore in Bea. I mean we can just have sex every night which I'm sure won't be a problem."

I giggled and shook my head sadly. They were made for each other.
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i lovers target. i could live in there. hehe.

oh yes update. thank god.

i might update again tonight but it'll probably be pretty fillerish

maybe i'll have morgan write it =P