The Only Difference Between Bill Kaulitz and Brendon Urie Is Press Coverage

Meeting the Bands

Where we were meeting them was like the other side of town. And with traffic in the windy city I knew it would be a good hour till we got there.

I was so tired I laid back down in Bill and my bunk. I was almost asleep when he joined me in there.

“Hey baby,” he smiled and put his arms around me.

“Bill am I gonna regret going on this tour?” I asked him and laid my head on his chest. Mmm…he was warm.

“No it’ll be fun I promise,” he lifted my head up to his and kissed me, and I kissed him back. I loved to feel that coolness of his tongue ring…

Eh Tom pulled back the curtain of the dark bunk and the light blinded us.

“Hey guys we’re almost there. There’s not enough time to make some more babies at the moment,” Tom called and pulled us out of the bed.

“You’re so mean,” I whined and clung onto Bill to pull myself up.

"Well save that stuff for later. Like really theres not enough time for that," Tom smiled and helped us up.

I fixed my hair a bit and so did Bill and then we waited with the rest of the band in the front of the bus.

"Eek I'm so excited!" I squealed. Oh my God I'd be meeting Brendon Urie!

"Calm Tara," Bill smiled and put his arm around my waist. Damn did I want some of that tonight.

The bus stopped in the huge parking lot for the South Mall on the other side of town and we all piled out. Metro's bus was already there, Panic's still had to come.

But Metro piled out anyway, and we got to meet them.

We introduced ourselves and then they did.

"I'm Mason," the medium-height, sorta chunky kid with dark brown hair said. "I'm lead singer and guitar."

"And I'm Trace, the totally much better guitar player," the tall, lanky guy with spider bites and a nose ring and tons of tattoos smirked. I would have never known then that he was Miley Cyrus's bro.

And then Blake was synthesiser and bass and Anthony was drums. Blake was older looking than the rest of them, who still looked like kids, and Anthony was asian. Asians=amazing!

Then Panic's bus pulled in. Georg was a big fan too, him and me were jumping up and down and squealing like total fangirls. =P

"Hey guys!" Ryan walked off the bus first, followed closely by Brendon, who just smiled. And then Spence and Jon came off too.

"Well you guys know who we are," Bill said and Brendon nodded and smiled.

"But who is this girl?" Brendon asked, looking at me. He sounded sarcastic, and I was pretty sure he was.

"Tara Kaulitz at your service," I smiled and stepped forward. "I love your music by the way."

"Oh no! A fangirl!" Spencer cried and backed off.

"Bill watch out for her," Jon laughed.

"Have you seen Georg?" I asked, laughing too. "He worships you guys."

Georg's face went red and we were all laughing.

We all decided to go out for some breakfast at this really cool diner I knew in the city.

Ryan rode in our bus. He was cool, I knew I could be friends with him. But Brendon I wasn't too sure about, I was afraid that I would get a little too attached to him cause well Bden is freaking amazing....I couldn't be such a fangirl, I knew that.

But I would get to know everyone equally. Just the way Brendon looked at me, smiled at me, I saw Bill staring him down like he was no good.

Hmm...Brendon just needed some love, friendship love I mean. He hadn't had a girlfriend since Audrey Kitching (ewwwwww). Jeez I'd need to find tons of girls for these guys.

I knew where we were going next.

We were going to pay one of my old best friends a visit. I didn't know Bden enough yet, but she would sure be good for Tom.
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anna your time is coming. don't you worry