The Only Difference Between Bill Kaulitz and Brendon Urie Is Press Coverage


Bill called me back five minutes later. “He’s better. I didn’t tell him anything about Bea, though. I dunno if he can handle that now.”

“He’s responsive though?”

“Yeah, the drugs are wearing off, which means he’s probably going to be in pain soon.”

“Well can I talk to him?” I asked.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea…”

“I won’t tell him everything. I promise.”

“Okay,” Bill sighed. “Hang on.”

I heard talking in the background.

“Tara wants to talk to you,” Bill said.

“Isn’t she here?” Tom didn’t sound himself.

“No she’s in Chicago.”

Was??” Tom said. “What’s going on?”

“Here just talk to her,” Bill replied.

“Hallo? Tara?” Tom asked, sounding worried.

“Hi Tom…”

He cut me off. “Why are you in Chicago?”

“I’m with Bea…”

“Oh Gott is she okay? What happened?”

“Tom calm down. Don’t stress yourself, she’s fine.”

“Well then why are you there?”

“I…I can’t tell you right now. But she needs you, okay? When are you getting out of the hospital?”

“I dunno, a half hour maybe… Let me talk to her.”

“She’s uh…taking a shower now. But she’s not hurt or anything…”

“Thank Gott. As soon as I get out of her I’m flying to Chicago.”

“Tom! You’re not in a good condition to do that.”

“Tara you said she needed me!”

“Ja but…”

“No I’m coming. I don’t care if I’m still drugged or whatever.”

“Have Bill come with, okay?”

“Ja I will,” he hung up and I let out a huge sigh.

Go Tara, you’re totally stressing the hell out of Tom. Well he’d be coming with Bill. That was good. He’d be good as long as Bill was with him.

Bea came out of the bathroom ten minutes later, wearing a tank top and some sweatpants. Her wet hair was up in a bun.

“Tom’s coming,” I said as she sat down on her bed, her expression a bit blank. But she did look a lot better.

She smiled. “He’ll make everything better,” she muttered in a small voice.

I tried not to roll my eyes. I’d never seen Bea act like this. Quite frankly it was scary. But if Tom was here she’d probably take a test.

Things would be so much better when they got here.

Figuring we had a few hours I left her alone and went to the cafeteria to get some food.

I’d been up nearly all night and needed some coffee badly. I got some breakfast stuffs too-tons of food for Bea, and a coffee for me, and headed back to her dorm room.

She was fast asleep when I came back and I just put the stuff on the table. And she wasn’t crying in her sleep. I’d let her be.

why did tom force me onto this plane again? Bill texted me as about ten minutes later.

oh thank god you’re on your way

ja tom won’t sit still. he really shouldn’t be on a plane right now but if bea needs him…

she desperately needs him. i’ve never seen her act this way before.

what is she doing now?

she’s finally getting some sleep.

okay good. we’ll be there in like an hour i guess.

kay billa, see you then

bye tay
♠ ♠ ♠
mmkay so comments?

i'll probly update once more today