The Only Difference Between Bill Kaulitz and Brendon Urie Is Press Coverage

Going to see Bea...

Okay, our cab driver was an idiot. It took him a whole hour to get to main campus but whatever we still got there.

Well Bea didn’t really seem too interested in me right away. As soon as the door opened she threw her arms around Gussi and gave him a big kiss. He wasn’t expecting it and fell back a bit when she let him go. I had to steady him.

“I’m here too Bea. Where’s my kiss?” I giggled as we walking into her dorm room. Wow, she had cleaned for once. That was a first.

“If you really want one,” she laughed and came closer to me.

“No Bea!” I put my hand out to stop her.

“Oh you know I’m joking,” she smiled.

“There are times I used to think not.”

“What?” Gussi asked, his eyebrows raised.

“Nothing,” Bea smirked. Well she had been an attention whore. Jeez how do you think she’d had all those guys?

“So how is school?” I plopped down on her comfy couch. She sat on her bed next to Gussi. Well, the dorm room was small.

“It’s going okay actually,” she replied.

“Really?” I raised my one eyebrow. Bea was not so good at school, she used to get C’s all the time, I didn’t know about recently.

"Yeah Tara I mean school only started like today!" She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Psh I don't keep track of school crap anymore," I smirked. "I'm done with school."


"What are you studying to be?" Gussi asked.

"I think I wanna be a teacher," Bea replied. Wow she'd finally made up her mind.

"That's nice," Gussi smiled and they looked at each other for awhile.

But I didn't bother them if they wanted to stare at each other. I just sat back and let them be together.

"You're coming to the concert tonight?" Gussi asked.

"I guess I am. I have a class at five but I'll be there. Actually I have a class in like five minutes sorry guys I can't miss first day!" she jumped off the bed, kissed Gussi real fast and then waved bye to me. She grabbed her books and stuff and headed for the door. "Sorry guys I've got class for the next two hours but I'll see you tonight."

Aw now Gussi was sad.

"It's okay hun we'll see her tonight," I said and we got up to leave.

"Yeah..." always the man of few words.

On the way home I called Cam.

"Mom and dad said they cried all night. I didn't hear a thing and whenever I'm around them they're quiet so I don't know...I guess they like me or something," he explained.

"Aw that's so cute. Do they miss me?"

"Well if I asked them I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get an answer," he laughed. "Is Kayden normally so quiet?"

"Yeah," Kayden was always a good boy, always sleeping at night and rarely crying.

"Cause sometimes I can hear Sophie at night, but never him."

"He's a good boy. Hey are you gonna come to the concert tonight?" I asked.

"I dunno. Am I invited?" he asked.

"Well you have school tomorrow don't you?"

"So, I'm in school now Tay. It's not like I have homework on the first day of school," Cam explained.

"Fine, you can come."

"Can I bring a friend?"

"Hang on," I pulled the phone away from my face. "Hey Gussi how many friends can Cam bring to the concert."

"Two maybe," Gussi replied, looking out the window. Aw he was sad. He wanted Bea.

"Okay two but no more," I explained to Cam.

"Kay gotta go. Calculus time," he sighed.

"Have fun! Bye."

"See ya."

We got back around one. The bands were each in their tour buses. Jon had gone out and bought McDonald's for everyone. Well I knew Bill would be happy, but I didn't eat that junk.

The boys were stuffing their faces like pigs, so I just stood back as Gussi joined in. I went to sit on the couch and Bill came to sit next to me, and handed me a salad.

"I told Jon to get you one instead of crap," he explained, taking another huge bite of his burger. How in the world did he stay that skinny?!

"I love you," I declared and started eating some good substanance.

Once they were done eating they all piled off the bus. They left tons of wrappers and containers just sitting there on the counter.

"Ew," I scrunched up my nose and dumped everything into the garbage.

Bill came running back on the bus, I suppose he had forgot something.

"I will not be a maid for you guys," I explained, glaring at him.

"Tara this is a tour. Men don't clean up after themselves much," he smirked.

I just glared at him and blocked his way off the bus.

"Please move!" he demanded.

"No," I giggled and he put his arms around me and lifted me up and out of his way.

"I love you honey," he kissed me and then scurried off the bus.

I went to sit on the couch and watch some TV for awhile but then got really tired and fell asleep for a couple of hours.
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