
The Butterfly

A few days later:

"Watching the butterfly go towards the sun
I wonder what I will become
Whatever this is
Whatever I'm going through
Come on and give me a kiss
Come on, I insist
I'll be something new
A metamorphosis"

I sing as I lay on my bed listening to my stereo.
I start to think.

"Holy Shitcrackers!" I whisper-yelled.

I jumped out of my bed to walk to the mirror. "Is it possible that I am going through some kind of a metamorphosis? Changing into some sort of butterfly?" I ask my reflection in the mirror.

Over the last few days, things have been getting stranger and stranger. Not only have my ears gotten ¾ of an inch bigger—yeah I measure my ears so sue me—but my skins gotten considerably paler and my hair is growing noticeably faster.

Every time I go to my mom with these problems she gets nervous and tells me to go rest and that she would talk to me later. I started to go to Elvina she just pushes me away and tells me to bug someone else.

I have already gone through puberty so why am I changing so much! This is so aggravating! Next thing I might do is magic for all I know! As I think, I see something on my dresser moving in the mirror as soon as I turn around it’s not moving anymore. Did I do that? Oh-mi-gawd! Wonderful! This is just won-der-ful I’m magical! (Note sarcasm) I collapse on my bed wrapping myself in my blankets so I am in a cocoon. Maybe if I fall asleep for a while this will all go away.

3rd persons POV

Then, like a butterfly, little unsuspecting Genevieve falls into a deep dreamless sleep. The 14-year-old girl like a caterpillar metamorphoses in to a butterfly or in this case a young beautiful elf.

Her mother knew what was happening but was afraid with what her rebelious daughter would do when she would tell her. The mother has hoped for the change in her daughter. She also dreads it. Her younger daughter strives to be different I’m not sure if this transformation of being different from what she always thought. The young girl was lead to believe she was a human. She has lived in the human world with her family since she was born. The whole family is the common wood elf family, pointy ears and all. However to disguise themselves from the human population they use Glamour. Glamour is practically like make-up, only magic.

“Elvina, do you think I should tell Gene?” The mother asked.

“Mom you need to tell her or she’s going to find out her self.” Elvina said.

“You are right, Where is she?” The mother sighed.

“I know I am. In her room most likely.” The annoyed sister said.

“Go check on her for me?” The mother asked of her eldest daughter

“Fine, do you want me to talk to her.” Elvina grumbled.

“But not about elfish things, please.” The mother pleaded.

“Alright,” Elvina said walking up the stairs to her sister’s bedroom.

Elvina knocked on the wood door. There was no answer. She opened the door slowly. Genevieve’s room was cluttered with clothing, paper, band posters, and other necessities to a teenage hardcore girl.

She sees a bundle of blankets on the bed. Elvina walks over the junk on the floor and pokes Genevieve. Her little sister doesn’t move. She thinks about how beautiful she’s going to be as an elf and Elvina is jealous.
♠ ♠ ♠
comments r my love
It means soo much if u comment me!
Thank u all for reading!
You rock my socks!
Genevieve (aka dakota rose):
Elvina: ( aka Brandy Lynn)

please make me a banner maybee?