The Lips That Made Me Fly


I snuggled into my boyfriends warm body as our morning alarm went off. I felt him shift, and heard him slam his hand on the snooze button.

“Morning gorgeous,” he said kissing my forehead.

“Morning babe,” I said opening my eyes and gazing into his, “I guess I should go shower and get ready.”

“Mmm…no,” he said tightening his grip, “I like you right where you are.”

I laughed quietly as he nuzzled his face into neck and rubbed my back.

“Babe if I don’t go to school, I won’t be able to get a job,” I said hugging him.

“Alright fine, but when you get home, you’re all mine again,” he said kissing me and letting me go.

That was how almost every moment went. John never wanted me to leave, and I was always very hesitant too. He was my everything, and I was his. I guess after dating for two years, it’s hard not to have that happen.

Once I was out of the shower, I realized we had spent a little more time laying in bed this morning. I just threw my hair up in a messy bun, and put some eyeliner on. As I walked back into the bedroom, I found John silently sleeping again. I crept over and kissed his forehead, before practically dashing towards the door.

After a quick car ride, that I probably sped through, I made it to class with less than a minute to spare. I took my regular seat next to my friend, Pandora, and pulled out my laptop.

“And they say I’m the one always running late,” she said playing some random game.

“Oh hush, John and I just overslept,” I said quieting once the professor walked in.

“Sure, slept in,” she said winking, but stopping once I hit her.

Class seemed to drone on and on. The only positive of the class was that we were going to be doing an internship sort of thing. I was going to school for entrepreneurship and planned on opening a venue with Pandora. The teacher started calling our names off, and releasing us once we came and took our packet of info.

“Where are they sending you?” Pandora asked following me out the door.

“Marquis Pizza and Theater,” I said excitedly.

“Oh no way!?! They totally put us together!” She said jumping up and down.

“Oh man! This is going to be amazing!” I said as we walked to my car, “Do you need a ride to work too?”

“Yeah if you don’t mind,” she said throwing her bag behind her seat.

“Not at all.”

Lucky for me, she actually worked at the coffee shop next to the record store I worked at. The ride seemed longer than it was due to the horrid Florida humidity. Even with the AC blaring I felt sweaty. Once we reached work, we quickly made it towards the entrance.

“ Alright I get off at 6, so I guess I’ll see you then?” I asked getting ready to open the door.

“Yeah, I get off at 5:30, so I’ll just hang with you until you get off,” she said skipping, literally, to the coffee shop.

I just shook my head and walked into the chilly record store. I went straight to the back to clock-in and grab my nametag from my locker. I scanned the schedule and groaned seeing as how I had to stock before I did register duty. Lucky for me, there was only 2 boxes of CD’s to unload.

I was about halfway through my first box of CD’s when I heard the annoying bell over the door ring. I stood up and made my way to the counter, watching the guy walk down a few rows. He finally grabbed a few CD’s and made his way to the counter. I quickly rang up his purchases, and he left quickly. I went back to stocking the shelves, and finished within an hour. I took my seat on the stool behind the counter, and starting doodling on the note-pad I kept there.

It was a slow day for business, so once Pandora got there, my boss actually let me leave. I drove her home, and decided to get some take-out for me and John. I called ahead to our favorite Chinese restaurant and lucky for me, it was ready when I arrived. When I got to the house, I noticed only the living room light was one. I thought it was odd, but shook it off as I made my way to the front door.

“I hope you’re hungry, I got us,” I said as I pushed the door open but quickly stopped.

The sight before me made my heart drop. John was sitting on the couch, and there were multiple bags by the door. John silently got up from his spot, and made his way over to me.

“John, what’s all of this,” I said trying to calm down.

“I just can’t do it anymore Katy. I love you with all of my heart, but I can’t do us,” he said touching my cheek.

“Don’t touch me,” I said fighting tears back, “And if you loved me like you say you do, you would work whatever it is that’s wrong, out.”

He opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut it. I let out a bitter laugh and pointed at the door.

“Just leave. I can’t bear to look at you right now,” I said but he just stood there, “Please.”

He cast his eyes down and grabbed his bags. He looked back at me right before he left, and I simply turned my head. I took the food, and dumped it in the garbage losing my appetite. I walked upstairs, and realized that John was just pulling out of the driveway.

I slowly slid down the wall and began bawling my eyes out. I looked around our bedroom, and it felt cold to me. His side of the closet was open, and completely empty. His hat collection no longer spilled over on the dresser. And only my pillow was left on the bed. Seeing all this made the whole situation fully hit me. John wasn’t coming back, and I was alone.

And at that moment, I felt something I thought John would never make me feel.

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I'm liking this so far =]]

Should I keep it and write more??

Alex in the next one
