The Lips That Made Me Fly

Just Dance

2 Months Later

Tonight the tour was in Las Vegas, and sadly it was the last night of tour. It was about 15 minutes until doors, and Kelly and I were putting the finishing touches on the table.

“Well, this is it,” I said plopping into my chair, “After this, it’s back to Florida.”

“I know! I can’t believe it,” Kelly said following my actions, “At least we all decided to stay an extra night and party together.”

“Oh I know! Tonight is going to be amazing,” I said looking down at our table, “I can’t believe we actually drew on this thing so much.”

“Me either,” Kelly said laughing, “Look at all of our stupid games and conversations.”

We just kept laughing as we went over everything that was written on the plastic surface.

However, this only lasted a few minutes, because the kids started pouring in and we were hard at work.

Lucky for us, the night was full of entertainment.

During Powerspace’s set, Kelly and I had the pleasure of attacking them with Glitter Guns and silly string. This caused more final night pranks to ensue, making everyone laugh uncontrollably.


Everything from the show was packed and cleaned up by 10:30, because the show was an early one.

All of the bands were staying at the Excalibur, so we all just hopped in a random van and left.

I ended up in Madina Lake’s van with Nathan Leone, Mateo and Kevin Kane.

“So are you ready to get completely wasted?!?” Kevin asked throwing his hands in the air.

“FUCK YES!” Mateo and I said giving Kevin simultaneous high fives.

We all started laughing, and were soon at the hotel. We all went to our respective hotel rooms to get ready, saying we’d meet in the lobby in an hour. When I got to mine and Alex’s room, he was just getting out of the shower. I gave him a quick peck and immediately hopped in the shower.

Once my shower was done, I dried my hair, and put it in loose ringlet curls, before straightening my bangs. I then put on my makeup, giving my eyes a smoky look, before finally picking out something to wear.

I finally settled on a pair of white skinny jeans, a semi-dressy black halter-top, and a pair of simple black heels, before walking back into the room.

Alex was sat on the bed wearing a pair of black jeans and a red button up shirt. I smiled at him before grabbing my purse and throwing all of the necessities in it. Once I had everything thrown into the small clutch, I walked over to where Alex was, and stood in front of him.

“So, are you ready to go?” I asked as he shut the TV off.

“Of course,” he said standing up, “And you, my dear, look absolutely gorgeous tonight.”

“You look pretty damn handsome yourself sir,” I said leaning up and pecking him on the lips.

He just smiled and kissed me back, and grabbed my hand, before we made our way out of the hotel room. We waited for the elevator, and when the doors opened we were met with Alec and Kevin already in the elevator. We all exited the elevator once we were in the lobby, and were met with almost all of the tour participants.

“Let’s get this show on the road!” Jeremy shouted before we all walked out onto the strip, and on our way to some club.


After countless rounds of drinks, I was starting to feel rather buzzed. I had basically lost sight of everyone except Alex, Kelly and Jake. The four of us were currently getting another round of drinks.

“I honestly don’t know why these things are so amazing,” I said slurring a little as I took a drink of my Puerto Rican Rum and Pomegranate Izze, “They don’t even taste like the rum! I can’t even feel this shit yet.”

“Oh trust me babe, you’re feeling it,” Alex said slightly laughing.

I just laughed with him, and sat in the booth we had arrived at.

Kelly and I couldn’t stop laughing about the people on the floor dancing. So many of the people here thought they were super good dancers, but they really weren’t.

“Dude, this music sucks,” Kelly said as another horrible rap song came on, “They need to play some good jams up in this bitch!”

“Fuck yeah they do dude! I shall go talk to Mr. DJ,” I said standing up and taking another sip of my drink, “I will be back soon!”

And with that, I started pushing my way through the throngs of sweaty bodies. I was met with a few familiar faces, but mostly creepy strangers. Once I was actually at the DJ Booth, it took me a minute to get his attention.

“What can I help you with miss?” he asked as he pulled his headphones down a little.

“Can I pick a song and make a dedication?” I asked practically screaming.

“Go right ahead miss. Just tell me the song, and then you can grab the mic,” he said pointing to the mic idling on the stand.

“Alright sweet.”

I quickly told him my song, and grabbed the mic. The music stopped, and everyone looked up at the DJ booth expectantly. When the spotlight was on me, I could hear Alex start to laugh; along with Jake.

“Alright, so I’ve kinda always wanted to do this,” I said trying not to slur, “EVERYBODY GETS HUMPBACK WHALES! YOU GET A HUMPBACK WHALE! AND YOU GET A HUMPBACK WHALE!”

I immediately starting jumping and pointing, literally thinking I was Oprah.
Most people in the crowd looked at me like I had lost my mind, but I heard Kelly practically die laughing. I couldn’t help but to join in and was finally cut off when the sound of ‘Just Dance’ by Lady Gaga started playing.

I quickly ran back to where Alex was, and grabbed him, before dragging him to the dance floor. I immediately let the mix of the alcohol and booming bass take over my body, and was dancing like I never had before.

Once the song ended, I was pretty sure I was sweating, and the place was getting really hot. I glanced up at Alex, and noticed he was feeling the same too.

“Hey, wanna go get some air?” I asked leaning up to his ear.

“Yeah, let’s go,” he said before grabbing my hand.

I motioned to Kelly as we were leaving, to let her know we were going outside. She just nodded, and soon enough, I was standing in the cool night air, leaning against a brick building.

“This seems oddly familiar doesn’t it?” Alex asked as he leaned next to me.

“It really does,” I said smiling, “Except for now you’re not some stranger.”

He just smiled at me and leaned over to kiss me. I eagerly kissed him back, and soon felt the brick digging into my back.

“I love you so much Katy,” Alex mumbled against my lips.

“I love you so much too Alex,” I said still pressed against him, “I say we blow this joint.”

“I like the sound of that,” he said before kissing me one final time.

He grabbed my hand, and we started walking down the busy Las Vegas Strip.

And for the rest of the night we lost ourselves in the bright lights.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally. An update.

And I hope you loved your reference Kelly :D
And before you ask, yes, you get a school as well (maybe even a full faculty)
