The Lips That Made Me Fly


The next morning I woke up with probably the worst hangover I had ever had. I let out a soft grown before trying to open my eyes.

I immediately regretted the decision, because the morning light that was pouring into the room made my headache worse.

“Oh my god, will someone turn the sun off or something,” I said as I buried my face into the body next to me.

“Babe, you know that can’t happen,” Alex said sounding equally pained, “But I really wish it could.”

“Gah, what even happened last night?”

“I remember going to the bar, you dedicating a song to Kelly, and leaving,” he said wrapping his arms around me, “But after that, I’m not entirely sure what happened.”

“Shit,” I muttered, “That’s all I remember too.”

We laid in silence for a few minutes, trying to remember any details from the night before. I figured we had just went to another club, or walked around. Then I realized that we had been completely trashed, and in Las Vegas. I panicked a little, and quickly threw my hands out from under the covers to check for any rings.

“What are you doing?” Alex asked looking at me like I was crazy.

“I’m just making sure we didn’t get hitched or something,” I said thankful I didn’t find any rings, “That probably wouldn’t have been the best of situations.”

“So, you’re saying you wouldn’t want to marry me?” Alex asked feigning hurt.

“I would, but you know, I’d like to remember it, and not do it while completely drunk,” I said laughing a little.

“Good, because I love you,” he said giving me a small kiss.

“I love you too,” I said returning his kiss, “Is it just me, or is it rather cold in this room?”

“It’s kinda cold,” he said thinking, “But I think I just found another clue as to what we did last night.”

I gave him a confused glance, but he just kept giving me the same small smirk. I thought for a few more seconds, before everything clicked in my head. I laughed a little, and blushed before pulling the blankets around me even tighter.

“Well, now I know we had some fun,” he said wiggling his eyebrows.

“Alex!” I said hitting his arm a little.

He just laughed and pulled me into a hug before nuzzling his head into my neck. I wrapped my arms around him, and started to feel my eyes get heavy again.

“Let’s go back to sleep,” I said trying to fight off a yawn.

I felt Alex nod a little, and before long, I could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest. I kissed the top of his head, before I let myself fall into another peaceful sleep in his arms.


A few hours later I felt someone shaking my shoulder gently. I wasn’t ready to get up, so I just swatted their hand away and attempted to roll over and go back to sleep.

“Come on Katy, we have to leave in about an hour,” Alex said causing me to open my eyes.

“Fine, but I’m sleeping on the plane,” I said sitting up in bed, “I’m going to shower, I probably reek of alcohol and sex.”

“I just did, because we both did,” Alex said laughing a little.

I laughed along with him, before hopping out of bed, and making my way into the bathroom. I turned the shower on, and grabbed a towel as I waited for it to warm up. I glanced at myself in the mirror, and almost grimaced.

My hair was sticking up in every direction, and the remnants of last night’s makeup were smeared all around my eyes. I let out a small groan as I realized I had a few hickies scattered across my collarbone. I made a mental note to not wear a v-neck today.
I could see some steam coming from the shower, so I quickly hopped in and started washing my hair.

Once I had showered and gotten dressed, there was a knock on the door. I told whoever it was to come in, and Alex poked his head in the door.

“Hey, are you ready?” he asked fully opening the door.

“Yeah, just let me put this all in my suitcase,” I said as I ran the brush through my hair one final time.

Once all of my stuff was in my bag, and we had rechecked the room for any straggling belongings, we made our way out of the room and down to the front desk.

While Alex checked out of our room, I called a cab to come pick us up. We would have been driving back to Florida with the rest of the band, but I had an important meeting with the owner of the Marquis about my internship, and possible future job.

“KATY!” I heard a tired sounding Kelly yell from behind me, “Don’t go yet, I haven’t said goodbye!”

“KELLY!” I said mock yelling at her, “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye to y’all.”

“Well good,” she said smiling, “Even though we’ll see you in a few days.”

I just laughed and gave her a hug, before I felt the rest of the guys squishing me into one massive group hug.

“Alright guys, I can’t breathe,” I said after a few minutes.

They all let me go, and after one final round of hugs, I saw the cab pull up by the doors. I signaled its arrival to Alex, and the two of us were soon in the cab, and on our way to the airport.


“We’re finally home,” I said as I dropped my heavy bag in my houses front entry, “I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed.”

Alex just shot me a warm smile before placing a recently picked up Lyric down, and wrapping his arms around me. I melted into him, and we stood like that for what seemed like forever.

“I love you so much Katy.”

“I love you more than you know Alex.”

I just smiled up at him, before placing a quick kiss on his lips. When I pulled away, he pulled me into another kiss, and wouldn’t let go. When we finally separated for air, I rested my head on his chest and let out a content sigh.

Every moment I was with Alex, I felt like my life was complete. He was my rock and always there when I felt like I was crumbling. Without him, I probably never would’ve been able to keep my life going the way it had.

For the first time in my life, I felt completely happy. There wasn’t another person I wanted to wake up to every moment, and fall asleep with at night. I didn’t want to ever have to find a person that could me butterflies the way he did.

As we stood in the front entry of my house, I knew that this was where I was meant to be.
In the arms of the man I loved, with a smile on my face.

There was nothing that could tear us apart, or change the way I felt for him.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I'm such a sucker for romantics.
But I loved the beginning of this chapter :)
(I hope you did too actually)

But the next chapter starts the drama.
Trust me, I already know how I want the next chapter to go.
And it might be the last part.

Before the sequel ;)