The Lips That Made Me Fly

Interrupted Showers

The next morning I woke up to the annoying beep of my alarm. I threw my single blanket off of myself and made a mental note that I needed to buy new bedding. I hopped out of bed, and walked over to my closet. I grabbed out a pair of shorts, and a plain yellow v-neck.

I walked into the bathroom, and turned the shower on. I quickly undressed, and stepped in once the water was at the right temperature. As soon as the water touched my body, I was jolted awake. As I was washing my hair, I heard the shrill ringing of my doorbell. I quickly hopped out and threw my hair in a clip. I wrapped my robe around me, and made my way down the stairs. I opened the door, and was met by Pandora, and a few people I wasn’t expecting.

“Uhm….hi?” I half asked looking at the 3 people in front of me.

“Katy Bug!” Pandora said hugging me, “Why is there soap in your hair?”

“Well, I was taking a shower. And your seizure door bell ringing made me think something was wrong.”

“I told her one time would be enough,” Jeremy said patting her shoulder.

I glanced at Alex, as Jeremy and Pandora went into one of those play fights. He was glancing between the 2, trying not to laugh. I caught his attention, and signaled him to lean in.

“How long do you think this will last?” I said in a hushed whisper.

“I’m guessing a while,” he said laughing a little, “Unless we stop them.”

“I think you’re right,” I said before straightening up, “Okay, so is there a reason you are here? Or did you just come to bicker outside?”

The pair quickly shut up, and looked towards me.

“Well, I decided that since we don’t have to be at the Marquis until 3,” she said rather slow, “That us 4 could all go to lunch!”

“Alright, that sounds good,” I said stepping aside to let them, “You guys can just watch TV or something while I get ready.”

Jeremy and Alex followed Pandora to the living room, while I made my way back up stairs. I quickly finished my shower, and finished getting ready. Once I was about halfway through doing my hair, there was a knock on my door. I hollered a quick ‘come-in’ and Alex peeked his head in the door.

“Hey, the phone rang for you,” he said shoving the phone forward, “And Pandora and Jeremy were too engrossed in the show.”

“Thank you,” I said grabbing the phone, “You can stay up here if you want, I’ll be done in a few minutes.”

He nodded, excepting my offer, and sat on the tubs edge. He gave me a funny look when he saw the basket of toys on the ledge.

“They’re my nieces,” I said as I put the phone to my ear, “Hello?”

“Honey! How are you?” my mom basically boomed into the phone, “Why didn’t you or John answer last night? And who was that boy that answered the phone? Didn’t sound like John.”

“Hey Mom. I’m okay, been better though,” I said pausing “And me and John broke up. I’ll tell you everything next time I see you. And that was my friend Alex.”

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry!” she said, voice full of sympathy, “And this Alex boy, moving on already?”

“No mother, we’re friends,” I said rolling my eyes.

“Sure, sure honey! But anyways, I was calling for something actually,” she said happily, “Me and your father are throwing a barbeque with the neighbors. We’d love for you to come! It’s next Saturday at noon.”

“Alright, I’ll be there. But I’m going to lunch now, so I’ll talk to you later,” I said before hanging up, “Sorry about that my mom has a tendency to talk, a lot”

“It’s okay, my mom gets like that too,” Alex said laughing a little, “Don’t put that on.”

I stopped with my makeup brush about halfway from my face. I looked at Alex, waiting for an explanation, and his cheeks tinged the slightest of red.

“And why not?”

“Well, because…I mean,” he said stuttering, “Pretty girls don’t need makeup.”

He said the last part so quiet, that I had to strain myself to hear it. Once I did, I blushed mad crazy. I gently laid the brush down, and felt a smile grow on my face. I looked up, catching Alex’s eyes, and we both quickly looked away.

“Well thank you, Alex,” I said standing up, “Now shall we go to lunch?”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea,” he said mimicking my actions.

We went downstairs, and found Jeremy and Pandora still engrossed in the TV. I just waltzed over and flipped it off. Earning many complaints, until they realized we were heading to lunch. Both quickly shot up, and ran out the door. Alex and I followed, but were just a tad too slow.

“Does Jeremy do this often,” I said as I watched the car speed down the street.

“Yeah,” he said laughing a little, “I’m guessing Pandora does too?”

“Basically every time we go somewhere,” I said laughing as well, “Oh well, we’ll just take my car. Do you know where we’re going?”

“Yeah, the Village Inn close to the Marquis,” he said as we got into my car.

I started the car, and started towards Village Inn. Alex played DJ, and we were at the restaurant. We walked in, and spotted Jeremy and Pandora already at a table. They waved us over, and Alex and I had just enough time to decide on what we wanted to order, before the waitress arrived.

Once we had all ordered, conversation overtook us. Alex and I basically continued our conversation from last night. We talked about practically everything, and anything we could think of. The funniest thing we touched on was our love for red candy. We agreed no other colored candy could beat it.

The whole conversation, I couldn’t stop smiling. There was something about Alex that made me feel comfortable. I didn’t feel like I had to hide my personality, like I used to with John at times. Alex gave me that schoolgirl feeling, butterflies and all. Part of me thought it was faith that John had left me, because if he hadn’t I would have never met Alex. Another part of me thought everything was too good to be true, and that he was just there to help me through my rough time.

I decided to not dwell in my thoughts, and instead enjoy my lunch with friends. The lunch was fun, and before me and Pandora headed to the Marquis, I got Alex’s number. We had agreed to hang the coming weekend, but would talk later in the week to finalize details.
As soon as we made it to the Marquis, we were put to work.

The day seemed to go fast, along with the rest of the week. Before I knew it, it was Friday night, and I was waiting for Alex to call. Once my phone rang, another smile was glued to my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
[feeling] In pain, dangg neck
[spinning] First Date by blink 182

Soo, this chapter goes fast at the end.
Sorry about that.
It's gonna pick up in the next few.
I think I know what's gonna happen, buut who knows


^^That's Katy and Pandora.