The Lips That Made Me Fly

Place Of Miniature Business

I basically ran to the phone, falling over the couch on the way.

“Hello?” I said into the receiver, slightly out of breath.

“ Is Katie there?” I heard a slightly timid voice ask.

“This is her,” I said falling back onto the couch.

“Hey Katie, it’s Alex,” he said a little less timid, “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

“Hi Alex,” I said smiling, “What? Oh no, I fell trying to get the phone.”

“Oh, okay,” he said laughing a little, “So, we still on for tomorrow?”

“Yeah, of course. What should we do?”

“I was thinking maybe Mini Golf. If that’s okay with you.”

“I think Mini Golf would be a blast,” I said excitedly, “You have to promise not to cry when I beat you, though.”

“I don’t think you can beat me,” he said triumphantly.

“I beg to differ Mr. Garcia.”

“And why would that be Ms. Askew?”

“Because, I kick ass at the game!” I said with a ‘duh’ tone.

“We’ll have to see about that one,” he said and I could tell he was smirking, “Alright, does 6 work for you tomorrow?”

“Yeah, that would be perfect,” I said smiling.

I gave him directions to my house, and we idly chatted for the next half hour or so. Eventually he had to go to band practice, so I was left to do nothing. So for the rest of the night, I sat on my couch, watching my favorite show ever, The Office. I watched the first 2 seasons in their entirety, before going to bed around 3AM.

The next morning, well afternoon, I woke up around one. I was insanely hungry, so I went downstairs to get some breakfast. I decided on Cookie Crisp, and fixed myself a bowl. I made my way into the living room, and turned on some pointless Lifetime movie, before digging into my delicious cereal.

About 3 hours later, I decided that I should go get ready. I dumped my bowl in the sink, and made my way upstairs and into a shower. After a longish shower, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. I ran a brush through my hair, before making my way into my walk-in closet. I picked out a pair of skinny jeans, and a white and black checkered shirt. I then grabbed my teal scarf, and teal vans, and quickly changed.

After I had finished my hair and makeup, I quickly changed into my outfit, seeing as it was 5:45. As I did a final check of my outfit, I grabbed my black ‘Untitled’ necklace from the counter, and fastened it around my neck.

Right as I made my way down the stairs, the doorbell rang. I grabbed my bag from by the door, and opened it, revealing Alex.

“Hey, you ready?” he asked smiling a little.

“Yeah, totally,” I said walking out the door, making sure it was locked.

We made his way to his car, and were off towards Adventure Golf in no time. Once we got there, Alex bought us a round of golf, much to my annoyance. He played the whole, ‘I invited you, so I’m paying’ card’.

“I still don’t see why I couldn’t pay,” I said grabbing a bright orange ball.

“I told you already,” he said grabbing a green ball.

“Fine,” I said making my way to the first hole, “But, the loser pays for a rematch.”

“Alright, deal,” he said laughing a little.

The whole round of golf, we were laughing and talking. Every now and then, we would take pictures with the cheesy props along the course.

“Wanna get some ice cream after this?” Alex asked as we waited for the last hole.

“Sure, that sounds good,” I said stepping up for my turn.

The funny thing was, Alex and I were completely tied at the moment. So whoever made this hole, had to pay for our rematch. As I hit the ball, it fell just short of the ramp to the hole, and fell into the secondary hole. I huffed a little, and stepped out of the way, letting Alex go. He hit the ball, and low and behold, he hit it perfectly so he got a hole in one.

“What? No fair,” I said watching the volcano shoot flames up.

“Looks as if I’m paying for that rematch,” he said smiling widely.

“So my plan worked out after all,” I said joking and nudging him a little.

“Are you just using me for my money?” he asked feigning shock.

“Of course,” I said playing along, “And your looks.”

“Well, at least we’re on the same page with the looks,” he said winking slightly.

“So are we getting ice cream here, or somewhere else?” I asked placing my putter in the turn in slot.

“I was thinking Cold Stone, considering they have more flavors,” he said following my actions.

“Alright sounds good,” I said as we left Adventure Golf.

The ride to Cold Stone was mostly silent, sans The Get Up Kids playing softly from the radio. The ride was short, and once we arrived, Alex was the perfect gentleman. He held the doors, and did the whole ladies first thing. I quietly thanked him as we approached the counter waiting for someone to serve us.

“Alex Garcia, with a girl?” I heard someone say in a shocked voice.

I looked up, and saw a girl with dark brown hair walk from the back storage room. Alex just started laughing, and waved at her.

“Katy, I’d like you to meet Kelly,” he said gesturing to her, “She’s our drummers girlfriend. Kelly, meet Katy.”

“Oh so this is the girl you talk about constantly,” Kelly said smiling, “Nice to meet ya honey.”

Alex’s cheeks reddened a little when it was mentioned about him talking about me. I decided to make the best of this situation.

“We really seem to be on the page about a lot of stuff. First, it’s the looks, now it’s talking about each other,” I said smiling at him, “Nice to meet you too.”

We conversed for a few more minutes, before ordering and receiving our treats. Adding to the whole ‘perfect gentleman’ thing, Alex paid, much to my protest. We exited the store, and made our way to the park across the street.

“I still don’t see why I couldn’t pay,” I said as we sat on a bench next to the lake.

“I, unlike some men, still believe in chivalry,” he said smiling at me.

“You’re just the perfect catch aren’t you,” I said blushing slightly.

“And you were the right one to catch me,” he said putting his arm around my shoulder.

I leaned into him slightly, and that’s how we stayed while we ate our ice cream. After we were done, we went back to his car, and made our way to my house. When we got to my house, Alex walked me to my door, and we stood on the patio for a few minutes.

“Tonight was a lot of fun,” he said shoving his hands in his pockets.

“Yeah, it really was,” I said smiling slightly, “Thanks again.”

“You’re welcome,” he said smiling back, “We should do this again.”

“That sounds wonderful,” I said playing with necklace.

A silence fell over us, and we both stared intently at each other. I’m almost positive that we glanced from each others eyes, to each others lips at the same exact time. Before I knew what was happening, we were both slowly leaning in and down/up.

The second our lips connected, I felt my knees go weak. Alex had his arm around my waist and I had my arms around his neck. All too soon, the kiss was broken, and we stared into each others eyes.

“I, um, should get inside, work tomorrow,” I said a little flustered, “Call me and we can do this again.”

“Alright, I will,” he said biting his lip, “Goodnight Katy.”

“Goodnight Alex,” I said opening my front door.

As soon as I closed it, I leaned against it. I slightly touched my lips, and smiled at the thought of me kissing Alex. Usually, I was never one to kiss on the first date, but something about him, made me feel comfortable.

That night, I fell asleep with a rather big smile on my face, and butterflies in my stomach thinking of the next time me and Alex would hang out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally updated.


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Cookies for who ever gets the Dane Cook Reference