The Lips That Made Me Fly

Forgotten Birthday

I feel so unsure, as I take your hand, and lead you to the dance floor. As the music dies, there’s something in your eyes. Calls to mind to the silver screen and all it’s sad goodbyes. I’m never gonna dance again, guilty feet have got no rhythm. Though it’s easy to pretend, I know you’re not a fool.

I groaned as I heard my phone going off the next morning. I reached over to my nightstand, and blindly searched for my phone, knocking a few things off in the process.

“Hello,” I said groggily and rolling onto my back.

“GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!” I heard Pandora shout down the phone.

“Holy geez Pandora,” I said bolting up, “What the hell?”

“Well seeing how I know you’re not doing anything, I thought I’d tell you that we are having a big hang out day!” she said sounding hyper

“Okay,” I said snuggling into my blankets, “But who is we?”

“We is Alex, Jeremy, Jake, Katie, me and you,” she said as I heard a crash on her end of the line, “Oh shit, hold on.”

“Okay,” I said laughing a little.

“Alright, I’m back,” she said happily, “I just knocked the dog bowl over.”

“Wait, you have a dog?” I said getting a little confused.

“Oh shit, uhm no,” she said laughing, “I’ll see you later though. I’m coming over in an hour. Oh and bring your swimsuit.”

“Okay, whatever,” I said before bidding her a short goodbye.

I laid in bed for about 10 more minutes, before finally getting up and taking a quick shower. After I got out I didn’t even bother doing my hair, just throwing it into a messy bun. I applied a thin layer of eyeliner to my eyes, and popped my contacts in.

Since Pandora told me to bring my swimsuit, I decided to just put it on under my clothes. Right after I had finally gotten my top all tied and secured, I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly pulled a pair of shorts over my bottoms, and grabbed my shirt as I bolted down the stairs.
As soon as I opened the door, I couldn’t help but to laugh. Pandora stood in front of me, holding a mini pomeranian puppy, which was trying to get out of her grasp by wiggling all about.

“Need any help Panda?” I asked suppressing a giggle.

“Oh my gosh, yes,” she said exasperatedly.

I grabbed the puppy from her arms, and started untangling it’s leash from around it’s paws. Once I had completed that task, the puppy started licking my hands like crazy.

“Awh Panda Bear, she’s adorable. When did you get her?” I asked playing with her.

“This morning,” she said smiling, “And for you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATY!!”

She quickly tackled me into a hug, and I couldn’t help but to laugh.

“I totally forgot that was today,” I said laughing even harder, “No wonder we were all hanging out.”

“Sometimes, I worry about you,” she said patting my shoulder, “Now what are you going to name this little pup?”

“Lyric,” I said hugging the dog, “I love you so much for getting her for me. Thank you so so so so much.”

“That’s what best friends are for,” She said laughing, “Now we should probably get heading to Jeremy’s house. And yes you can bring your little dog, I have a kennel for her in the car.”

“Yay!” I said grabbing my purse as we walked out the door, “Wait! I need a shirt.”

Pandora just laughed and took Lyric from me, while I ran in and grabbed my shirt from the back of the armchair. After I quickly pulled it on, while almost tripping down the walkway, we were on our way to Jeremy’s.


About 20 minutes later, we pulled up to a Jeremy’s house. As I was getting Lyric out of her kennel, Alex pulled up. I waved to him, and he shot his dazzling smile back at me.

Over the past month, we had gone on countless dates, and hung out even more. Being with him, made me completely forget about the 2 years I had wasted on John. After I got Lyric out of her kennel, I stood up and almost ran into Alex.

“Hey you, happy birthday,” he said kissing my cheek, “And who is this?”

“Hi Alex,” I said hugging him, “Thank you. This is Lyric, Pandora’s birthday present to me.”

“She’s a cutie,” he said petting her, “So are you ready to have fun today?”

“Of course!” I said walking towards Jeremy’s door, “How about you?”

“Hell yeah!” he said grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers.

As soon as we reached the door, Jeremy threw it open, and tackled Pandora into a hug/kiss. Alex and I just laughed, and waited for them to regain their composure, before heading inside.

“Happy birthday Katy!” Jeremy said hugging me, “Do you like the puppy!?! I helped pick her this morning!”

“Thank you Jeremy! And I love her, you did a good job,” I said laughing a little.

We made our way into the living room, and I was greeted by Kelly and Jake.

“Happy birthday Katy!” they both said in unison.

“Awh thanks guys!” I said hugging them both.

“So what’s on the agenda today?” I asked as Alex and I sat on the loveseat.

“We were thinking swimming, eating, and movies,” Kelly said turning the TV, “So let’s head to the pool!”

We all hopped up and promptly made our way to the backyard. I set Lyric down, and she wandered around, before plopping herself under one of the lawn chairs. We all started taking off our over clothes, and setting them on the table.

“I didn’t know you had that tattoo,” Alex said as I took my shirt off, “I like it.”

I looked down, and noticed he was pointing to the cherry branch that ran up my right side.

“Thanks,” I said throwing my shirt on the table, “Now lets have some fun.”

We all jumped into the pool, literally, and started messing around. We eventually ended up in a chicken competition, with Kelly and I being the last two standing.

“You’re going down Askew,” she said as she got back on Jake’s shoulders.

“Psh, as if Marshall,” I said as Alex gripped my thighs.

“Go on 3,” Jeremy said from the edge of the pool, “One. Two. THREE!”

Kelly and I immediately started pushing and shoving, either of us hardly faltering. Pandora was cheering for Alex and I, while Jeremy was cheering for Kelly and Jake. After about three minutes, Kelly was able to push me off of Alex’s shoulders. Both of us ended up underwater, and I could hear Kelly, Jeremy, and Jake cheering.

Once we resurfaced, we all decided to head inside, and order some pizza. Alex and I were the last ones outside, and were just finishing pulling our shirts on.

“Hey Katy?” Alex asked drying his hair with his towel, “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure Alex,” I said re-adjusting my ponytail.

“I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?” he said sounding timid.

“I’d love to be your girlfriend,” I said smiling and hugging him.

“Good. Now I can do this whenever.”

Before I had time to react, Alex had leaned down and pressed his lips against mine, in a heart-melting kiss.

“I’m pretty sure that this is the best birthday I’ve had in a while,” I said as we parted.

“I’m glad I could help,” he said pecking my lips again, “Now we better get inside before the pizza gets here and they eat it.”

“That’s probably a good idea,” I said laughing, “Come on Lyric, let’s go!”

The little dog quickly bounded over to us, Alex scooping her up, and we made our way inside. When we got inside, Pandora started questioning as to why we both had huge smiles on our face. Once we told them, they all smiled, saying they knew it was going to happen sooner or later. We both blushed a little, and we saved by the ringing of the doorbell, signaling the arrival of our pizza.

The rest of the day was spent watching random movies, all of which were my choice. Alex and I cuddled on the oversized recliner, Jeremy and Pandora were on the loveseat, and Jake and Kelly were sprawled on the sofa. About halfway through our third movie, The Sandlot, I could feel my eyes getting heavy.

“You can go ahead and sleep, I’ll wake you up later,” Alex whispered into my ear.

“Okay, thank you,” I said closing my eyes.

I felt him kiss my temple, and was immediately drug into the world of sleep, with a smile on my face.
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I'm soo soo sorry it took like what 3 months? or 2?

Ooh and here's a picture of Katy's tattoo.

And credit to Kelly for making me write this.