What It Takes

What it Takes 1

"Matthew Charles fucking Sanders WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I shouted while banging and kicking on my big brother's bedroom door. After 5 minutes of banging on his door and shouting I decided to barge into his hellhole of a room and shout some more.

"Matt wake the fuck up you fuck-face" I screamed as he layed there motionless with his tatted up arms holding a pillow over his ears.


"OK just quit fucking yelling and bitching at me Mel." he finally replyed after almost 10 min. I ran over, jumped on his bed,kissed his forehead and said very sweetly in the most annoying baby tone "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwh did Matt-Matt not get enough sleepy time?" because I knew he hated when I kissed him and I knew he hated to be called Matt-Matt.

"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ichhhhhhhhhh don't fucking kiss me I don't know where your tramp lips have been!" he said jokingly while shoving me out of his room.

I know this sounds like me and my bro. are not the best of siblings but we actually are really close, I mean we talk about almost everything. I really like talking to him about stuff until he brings up some "hott" chick he banged, then I draw the fucking line.

"Now just go tell mom and dad that I'll be there in a fucking minute." he said in a frustrated tone as he scrambled for something to wear.

"OK fuck face." I replyed.

Matt is supposed to be driving our parents to the airport so they can go on a business trip to New York for 3 months. Our parents are traveling lawyers, which means they aren't home alot, which leaves me with my 19 year old brother, Matt. I made my way outside to the backseat of the car where my parents were waiting.

" Mom, Daddy...Matthew said he will be here in a minute." I only called him Matthew when I talked to my parents.

"Honey, are your sure you will be okay staying here with your brother?" My parents said looking a Little worried.

"Of course, you know that Matthew is a responsible young man." I said with the fakest of all fucking fakest smiles.

"Well just promise me that you and your brother won't get any new tattoos or piercings while we are gone?" My mother pleaded.

"Of course not mother" I said with another fake smile and my fingers crossed behind my back.

Last time my parents left for New York, Matt got a whole sleeve tattooed, his lip pierced and gages, and I got a pink and black nautical star on the back of my elbow,my lip pierced, and my belly button. Since Matt is 19, he had to sign the papers allowing me to get all this done because I'm only 17.....and plus he knows some people that work at the tattoo shop.

Finally, Matt came stumbling a bit out of the house still yawning and rubbing his eyes as he was making his way towards the car.

"Well it's about time sleeping beauty awoke" I said punching his arm as he climbed in the drivers seat with me climbing over him to get to the passengers side.

"Okay shut the fuck up Melody I don't need your fucking bitching at me this early." He said rubbing one eye.


"Damn chill popz" said Matt as he pulled out of the driveway. For the whole trip to the airport, Matt and I bickered and bitched at each other just to piss and scare our parents.

We finally dropped them off at the airport and said our goodbyes and made promises to our mother about no more piercings and tattoos or parties as they boarded their plane. We didn't intend on keeping any of these promises! As we got in the car and drove off towards home Matt said "Damn I'm so fucking glad that's over with" and I recited with an "Amen Brother Mathew" as we both laughed.

"Hey Mel you don't mind if I have me a party, ya know invite da boys over?" He said with pleading eyes and a pouted lip.

"Of course I don't fucking mind Matty, I need a good strong drink anyway." I said trying to annoy him.

" Hey sis, Mel, I love ya and everything but promise that you won't call me fucking Matty in public" He said this with yet another pouted lip.

"Of course Matt-Matt" I said in annoying giggle.

"Okay I'm about to kick your ass out of this car." He said in a joking manner. My bro. is in some band with his friends called 'Avenged Sevenfold' and they are just starting out, they're pretty good. I have met some of his band-mates/friends like Jimmy, who is this crazy, funny, hyper ass kid, Johnny, who is kind of quiet but funny and also really short, and Brian, who is fucking silly and likes to get drunk, they are all the around the same age as Matt but I haven't met the fifth guy in the group, who plays guitar, Zacky? Yeah that's his name Zacky. well hopefully i'll meet him tonight. GOD I'M SO EXCITED. We got home and went in the kitchen and ate some breakfast while we talked.

"Well Mel. I'm gonna go get some sleep so I can party and fuck like the rock star that I am.....Oh and umm if any of the guys come by just wake me up alright?" He said while taking his shirt off, exposing more tattoos and throwing the dirty shirt in my face.

"Ok fuck face now go fuck your bed." I said sticking my tongue out and throwing his shirt back at him.

"SHUT UP TRAMP STAMP." He said as he proceeded up the steps towards his room.

"WHATEVS BITCH-BAG." I fired back.

While Matt was asleep, my friend Lola came over and watched some movies with me. She has bright gorgeous pink hair that she had up in a ponytail, which is unusual since it's always in her face, and her fake lip ring in.

As I stared at her fakey and said "Why do you wear that thing.....I mean Lols you should've came wit me and Matt when I got mine done."

"Mel oh my God you know how my parents are....How they freaked when they found out I dyed my hair pink....You know they would kill me if I had my lip actually pierced and besides I'm scared of needles and you know it!" she said as she messed with her lip ring. See her parents are squares just like mine are.

"GOD why am i friends with such a puss." I said shoving her.

"Shut up fag." She said throwing a pillow at me as we laughed and continued watching t.v. in the living room.

"Hey you want to come to some party my bro. is having later." I asked.

"OH MY GOD will there be boys there?" This is the first thing she always asked because she was forced by her parents to attend an all girls school.

"Of course and free booze" I said with a smile.

"I'll fucking be there." she said in a very exciting tone.

Later that day
As I said 'bye' to Lola, so she could go home and get ready, I noticed Matt come down the stairs already dressed. He was wearing a black trucker hat, black Metallica shirt, that showed off his tattooed arms, jeans, and black DC'S.

"Come on! Get ready." He said adjusting his hat.

"Alright" I said as I shut the front door.

I ran up stairs immediately and brushed my black hair that had purple highlights, put in my lip ring, belly button ring, earrings, then put on my skinny jeans and black Pantera shirt that showed off my belly button ring, and then I put on pink skate shoes. As I was walking down stairs I noticed Matt already greeting people in. And that's when I saw him.
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