What It Takes

What it Takes 12

We finally arrived at Val's and all that was running through my mind was Zacky and the things he said to me. I love the man but i just don't think we are right for each other anymore. It's completely known that he is still in love with his ex, and that breaks my heart.

"Alright baby girl, why don't we pop some corn and watch a flick." I heard Val ask.

" Sure." I replyed gloomy and still crying.

"Actually Mel. maybe we should talk, because as your best friend i hate to see you this upset over a jerk!" Val. said as we both sat on her living room couch.

"You need to just let it all out honey." She said.

"Val i just don't know if I'm right for him, i think he just belongs with Gena, not me." I said as i cried. The truth is, that i had never ever been this insecure about a boy i loved, but for some reason Zacky could make me feel that way, and i was beginning to hate him for it.

"Mel! Don't say that,you know you have to much pride to even think that." She said as she handed me a tissue.

"I know he's still in love with her, he didn't take his eyes off of her at all, not even when he said he loved me, he just kept his eye locked on her. Val. you should have seen his eyes when we first got their and saw her. It look as if he was confused but completely in love with the fact that she was there." I cried as sorrow drowned within me.

"Babe it's okay, just take some time off." Val. said.

"It's so hard though because it kills me to know that i love him but he's still in love with somebody else." i said as my phone began to ring. I quickly pick it up and checked the caller I.D. It read: "Zachary Baker."

"Who is it Hun?" Val. asked.

"It's him." i cried. Val immediately grabbed my phone and put it in her pocket.

"Ignore it, it's for the best, well at least just for now." She said. That whole night my phone rang constantly with phone calls and text messages from Zacky. I had almost calmed down, my tears had began to dry, but that damn phone just kept ringing.

"Why is he fucking calling me, doesn't he know my name isn't Gena?" I said as sorrow left me and hate began to strike up.

"I'm going to answer it!" Val said.

"THIS IS VAL. STOP FUCKING CALLING, OKAY?" Val. yelled into the phone.

"V-vv-al I I'm sorry i need to talk to Mel. and tell her that i love her and need her, i need to tell her that Gena is nothing to me anymore." i heard Zacky cry over the phone.

"Not now Zacky, you broke her heart and you need to remember that earlier "she wasn't good enough," did Gena decide not to take your sorry ass back or something? Is that why you want to apologize to Mel? Well Zacky it's to late, goodnight, bye." She immediately ended the phone call before he could even answer back. At that point i just couldn't stop crying.

"Ww-w-hat did he say?" I cried.

"He wants you back and shit." Val. said.

"I I can't deal with this right now, I'm gonna go to bed." I said as i got up to head to Val's guest room.

"Okay babe, maybe you'll feel better in the morning." She said as she reached to hug me and say goodnight. As i tried to sleep, my mind filled with thoughts of Zacky and how earlier that morning we woke up together and were so happy. Then I thought about how our day went downhill when we came to the studio. I just couldn't sleep, so later that night i went down to the kitchen to make me some coffee. I watch T.V. in the living room all night until the next morning. I heard Val coming down the stairs and into the living room that was my cave of emptiness and anger.

"Gee you're sure up early." She said as she rubbed one eye.

"Well that's because i couldn't sleep at all, i stayed up all fucking night." I said as i noticed Val examining my still tear stained face.

"Oh my, Mel. you just gotta lighting up, and uhh Matt called me and he needs our help today." She said as she sat down.

"Need us for what." I asked hoping it was nothing that involved being around or near Zacky. "Well the boys are working on some tracks before the go on tour and they need us to do some screaming and singing." she said as she flinched.

"NO, I'm not going just call Matt and tell him to count me out!" I shouted.

"Mel. you are going and that's final, i will not allow you to stay in this house forever and cry, and plus, you know you can't avoid Zacky, he's been calling you like crazy. Matt tole me that Zacky's been miserable and has actually been crying like a baby." Val said in an anger mother tone.

"Well he should be fucking miserable, and he's got Gena, he doesn't need me anymore." i said as i tried to hold back pointless tears.

" Get your ass up and get dressed." Val. said as she grab my arm to pull me up out of my misery. We pulled up to the studio as i felt a wave of emotion hit me dead in my face. Not only did i feel horrible, i looked it to.

"Okay we'll just go in, do our shit and then leave, just avoid him and don't show your misery okay?" Val. asked.

"Sure" i said. We walked in, and Matt came over to us.

"Hey, you okay Mel.? Because i cussed the bitch over there out." Matt said as he nodded his head in Zacky's direction.

"Umm yeah yeah I'm good" i said trying to hide my hurt feelings. Zacky, the last person i need to see, but the person i actually was dying to see, was sitting on that same couch, that our fight took place at, with his guitar. His sad,miserable eyes connected with mine, but i soon looked away.

"Alright Mel. you wanna get in the booth and do your screaming part." Matt asked.

"Yes." i said knowing that i wanted to leave as soon as possible.

The whole time i was in the booth, Zacky's eyes never left me. I reminded me of the other day when his eyes were glued to Gena and not me. Why was he so focused on me? was all that i could think of.

"Good Good." i heard Jimmy shout out.

"Yeah Mel. that was the shit, You're done for today, Val. you're next." Matt said as i left the booth. While Val. did her stuff i sat on a couch on the opposite side of the one Zacky was sitting on. I couldn't bare sitting beside him.

**Zacky's P.O.V.**
Damn i fucked up! the girl of my dreams, the love of my fucked up life, won't even look at me. I wish i could change the other day and how i made her cry. I just need to talk to her.

Matt's P.O.V.
Okay i need to find away to get them alone, i know Zacky fucked up but i know him and my sis. are crazy for each other. Hmmm what to do?

"Okay Val. all done, um can I talk to you guys." Matt asked so me and Zacky and the rest of the group got up and walked towards Matt.

" No i just need to talk to Val, Jim, Johnny, and Brian, um in the other room please." Matt said. All of a sudden it was clear that everyone took Matt's hint because they all ran into the next room and left me, Zacky, and Matt standing there.

"Okay I'm doing this for your own good, you two need to talk." Matt said as he walked off into the next room locking Zacky and I in the one that was now empty.
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this ch. is kinda short
thanks for reading