What It Takes

What it Takes 22

10 o'clock was beginning to roll around but still no sign of Zacky. Wherever he and the guys decided to follow Matt to, must've been far away because Val hasn't even heard from them. By the time 11:30 P.M. rolled around I decided to give up waiting on him and go to sleep in our bedroom. I was asleep for about a good hour when I heard him stagger in the house. I acted asleep so I wouldn't have to put up with him.

He fell onto the bed and got under the covers. When he pulled me into his arms, I smelt a strong smell of alcohol coming from his mouth.

"Hey Melodee! I'm home bay-buh. Wakey Wakey!" He slurred.

I knew he was going to get drunk if he went with the guys. His mind just wasn't strong enough to be around alcohol without wanting any. I continued to fake sleeping but he keep pulling me closer and tighter to him. His arms had the grip of a python.

"Melly Belly, wakesy upsy! I want to go ice skating on the ice in the kitchen!" His voice was always high pitch and annoying when he was drunk.

Fuck fake sleeping! I turned around to face him and all I saw was a sweaty, confused, alcohol driven face. The doctor said he couldn't drink for awhile and here Zacky was drunker then a french whore. He looked at me for a split second and then his eyes rolled in the back of his head and he passed out, hopefully for the rest of the night.

***Next morning***
Our bedroom smelled like pure alcohol and sweat, when I woke up. I did my morning routine and then walked into the living room to watch television, leaving Zacky still laying in our bed, face down snoring in the clothes he wore yesterday. I figured he would probably sleep for the whole day so I might as well stay in the living room all day. I was so fucking livid at him. He obviously didn't remember what put him in the hospital.

The morning soon shifted into the afternoon and he still wasn't awake yet. I was about to go check on him when I heard him run into the bathroom and start throwing up everything in his system. I ran in the bathroom and knelt beside him. I rubbed his back to calm him. When he was finally done, he flushed the toilet and leaned up against the bathtub. Oh, he knew he fucked up last night, and the hangover was repaying him. His cheeks had a pink tint to them, probably because he was embarrassed. His eyes were so bloodshot to the point where the green in his eyes were barely noticeable.

"I'm so emba-----." He stopped his words when I cut him a glare.

"You're embarrassed aren't you! Hell, I'd be more then embarrassed if I just got of the hospital for alcohol poisoning, and then promised my girlfriend I'd be home at a certain time to spend time with her and don't show up till like 2 hours later even after the fact that she stayed up half the night waiting for your bitch ass and didn't even get a fucking call. Oh, and then we you finally did show up late, you were drunk off your fucking ass!" I let my words hit him harshly because he needed to hear them.

The pink tint in his cheeks transformed into red. He looked down a couple of times and then looked back up but avoided my eye contact.

"Are you embarrassed to look me in the eye to?" He shook his head 'no,' but did not dare to look me in the eye. "Because right now I'm wondering where the hell my boyfriend went and why he isn't here." I said coldly as I got up and grabbed my purse from the counter.

He was to speechless to say anything back to me and he was probably to scared to. Before walking out the house, I picked up Ichabod and told Zacky I was going to pick Lola up from the airport. Maybe I should show up shit faced and make him deal with my drunk ass.

About an hour later, I pulled up to the airport and tackled my long missed friend to the ground. She looked so different and mature. Her hair wasn't pink anymore, but it was black with mixed in green and her lip looked actually pierced.

"Way to fucking run over me, Mel!" She shouted as I helped her off of the ground and started to put some of her stuff in my car.

"I fucking missed your skank ass! Where the hell is all your shit?"

"It's being flown over. Some of it is already at my new apartment." She smiled, getting in my car.

"Your lip! It's it's actually metalized!"

"Yeah, I got it done a couple of months ago. So how has everyone been? How has Matt been?" She asked as we drove down the highway.

I didn't tell her about how Matt flipped out last night so instead I just said he was doing the same as always. We caught up on as much as we could and then decided to stop somewhere to eat before going back to my place.

***Zacky's P.O.V.***
As soon as she left, I staggered up to a mirror and wanted to immediately punch myself in the face. I acted horrible last night and I looked horrible. I did a dumb thing last night that's probably going to ruin my relationship when I thought it was getting back on the right tracks again. I better clean myself up before she comes back home with Lola. I need to impress Mel like I use to, except I never had to really try to impress her and now I have to try. That's it! I should get the guys over and we should all cook a nice dinner for our girlfriends. That leaves Lola and Matt, odd man out. Maybe they'll talk some things out? Who knows but I do know one thing, and that's that I need to make Mel fall in love with the old Zacky again. The guy she met at her house party years ago. I love her and I need her but I don't want her to feel pressured into loving me. Sometimes, I question if she does. I called all the guys to come over but Matt, I decided to call him last. His phone rung forever but he finally picked up.

"Zack? Hey I'm sorry I probably got you in trouble last night."

"Don't worry about it man! Listen, the guys are coming over and we're going to make dinner for tonight. You should come over and help." I said trying to encourage him.

"Will Lola be there?" His voice got all of a sudden deeper then it usually is when he asked about Lola coming.

"Uh I don't know, dude...." I lied because if he knew that Lola would be there, he most likely wouldn't come.

"Alright, I guess I'll be at your house in 20 minutes so see you later man."

The call disconnected and my doorbell rung. That ought to be Brian, Johnny, and Jimmy now. It's a good thing Jimmy can cook.
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