What It Takes

What it Takes 23

Lola and I walked in my house and it smelled like pure food. I know Zacky's ass won't up cooking, so I was betting it was Jimmy because I saw his car in front of my house. When I fucking see my brother, I'm going to fucking slap that boy into his grave for letting Zack drink last night. We walked in the kitchen and saw all the guys huddled over the stove whispering.

"Dude! You think it's done yet?" Zacky whispered as he watched the boiling water overflow of the pan.

"Shut up! It's working it's way up to be yummy!" Jimmy fired back causing Lola and I to fall to the floor in laughter.

All five guys turned around as if they had seen a ghost, especially Matt. Zacky walked over to me and embraced me into a sober hug. He cleaned up well and the only reason he did so was because he knew he had to. He had to.....For us.

"What's all this for?" I asked him with a smile.

"Just for you gorgeous gals and because I love you." He returned a smile back. With a smile like his, you couldn't help but to want to spend forever with him.

We sat at the table in the dining room and were joined by all the guy's girlfriends. Dinner was starting off amazing, until Matt walked in and realized that only one seat was left. The seat left, was beside Lola. He sat down and tried not to pay any attention to her but she continued to smile at him.

"Uh why are you lookin' at me, dude?" Matt said to her.

"No reason really but I just miss you." She smiled and then looked down at her dinner.

"Miss me? Really? So did you move back here for me or because you just hated Virginia?" He asked harshly as he excused himself from the table and walked upstairs. Lola soon followed him.

Dinner was done and I was in the kitchen trying to clean up a little, while everyone else was talking in the dining room. Zacky walked in with a plate in his hand and a smile like the one he had when I first met him. He placed the plate in the sink and then wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry for everything I've put you through. I just love you to much but I don't want you to feel obligated to love me. Love shouldn't be an obligation." He said as he looked deep into my eyes.

"I don't feel obligated or forced to love you, Zack. I love you because everything about you makes me feel like if you were to leave me, then I would be nothing."

My doubts about our relationship were starting to fade quickly. This was what I wanted. I wanted the man that was standing in front of me to be in front of me at an alter. All the feelings that I had when I first met him, before all the drama, were making me love him more than ever.

We walked in, where everyone else was. Now, Lola and Matt were back downstairs. They were still somewhat distant but it was going to take awhile to rebuild they're relationship, but I knew that love between them had never left and they knew it to. I was in such a good mood that I didn't even think to remember to cuss Matt out. Everything felt right once again and it couldn't get any better.

"I'm glad you guys are all here! You all are my family, my friends, my brothers, and my life. But I'm ready to start a new life..." Zack announced as everyone gave him their attention.

"My new life needs to consist of a new relationship." He continued. I looked up at him and bit my lip in a nervous manor. When he said a 'new relationship,' my heart dropped. Was he about to break up with me?

"Mel, You've always been with me. Their may have been times when you wanted to give up but you never completely gave up on me. You put up with my stupid ass and tried to help me. I need you in my life. You are what keeps me sane and wanting to wake up each and every fucking day. I love you, more than you'll ever know or more then I ever be able to show you. So I'll try to show you the best way I can..."

He looked around at my brother, and nodded his head. Zack then bent down on one knee and pulled a small red box from his back pocket. I was about 0.0 seconds from passing out.
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Thanks for reading! I'm beginning to realize that my first story I ever posted on mibba is finally coming to an end. The end is near my dear friends.

Comment please.