What It Takes

What it Takes 3

I walked Lola to the door and said goodbye after we ate some breakfast. Hmmmmmmmmmmm maybe I should wake up Matt and see what he's gonna do today? I thought aloud to myself. [Bang Bang Bang] I had reached Matty's door, knocked and then entered his room. As usual, he was laying there with his tatted up arms holding a pillow over his head. I ran over to his bed and jumped on top of his back screaming. All he did was grunt and turn to his side. I love to piss him off in the morning.

"MATTTTTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" I yelled as I still didn't get a reply. After my usual 10 minutes of screaming at him to wake up and getting no replying in return, I decided that there was one thing that would wake his vampire sleeping ass up.

"Okay Matty go head a sleep....."i said smirking,while thinking about what i was gonna say next.

"I'll just tell those two girls waiting at the door,that you said for me to tell them to fuck off.....they'll be so upset Matty, they are even in bathing suits!" I said smiling because i knew i was completely lying. All of a sudden he sprang up out of bed with just his boxers on yelling "What the fuck! two hott girls at the door?....Mel. go tell them I'll be right down!"

"Go tramp stamp" He said trying to get dressed in a rush.

I walked out of his door laughing my ass off and went in my room and danced to some Metallica. I heard him run down stairs and open the front door to see no one standing behind it.

"FUCK YOU." he said coming up the stairs in my room.

"Why did u get me all excited like that....I coulda slept for at least another fucking hour bitch bag." he said scratching his head.

"Sorry I just couldn't resist fuck face....I just wanted to know what you or we were going to do today?" I said still laughing as i turned off my music.

"Well I AM going to band practice for a couple of hours.....uhh you could come if you want" he said as he sat beside me on my bed.

"Yeah I'll come....I wanna hear you guys play" I said excitingly knowing that Zacky would be there.

"Good Zacky will be so fucking excited." He said in a giggle.

"What do you mean he will be excited?" I asked.

"Dude don't be stupid Mel."

"Zack likes you....After the party he texted me and told me." Matt said looking at me.

"SWEET." I squealed.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Oh umm nothing, I said swooshhhh...Ya know like basketball?" I said trying to hide my cheeks because I was blushing so hard.

"Dude i fucking knew you liked him...so don't try to hide it from me....Awwwwwwhh Melly got a Lil crushhhhh." He said taunting me.

"Shut up well um mm i saw how you were looking at Lola last night" i said winking at him.

"I was not looking at her....well I was looking at her looking at me." He said now sharing my part of blushing.

"Just admit it Matt. you thought she was hott....I'm not blind i saw you look her up and down" I said in a serious voice.

"OK I'll admit it...she is pretty damn hott and i noticed her at the party." He replyed.

"Well Matty she really likes you....would you ever go out with her?" I asked.

"Umm well maybe...Yeah if her personality matches her looks." He said.

" Well can i bring her to your practice so you to can talk?" I said with a puppy dog smile.

"Yeah....And you better talk to Zacky." He said in a tone as if he was our father.

"Trust me bro. that wont be a prob..."

"Whoa I better not catch you making out with him!" He said cutting my sentence off.

"Now that might be a problem." I said just to make him feel awkward. I went to grab my cell to call Lola to invite her to come.

***Phone call w/ Lola***
Mel: Hey lols wanna go to my bros. band practice today...I think he wants you to come!
Lola: Of course..I'll be over in a second
Mel: Ewwwwwwwwww my bro. and my best friend wanna fuck each other.
Lola: Hahahhahahahaha oh my god Mel.....Whoa wait Matt likes me?
Mel: You will have to see....Just talk to him at practice...And don't drool on him.
Lola: Oh my god I'm so nervous....I'll be there in 5 seconds.
Mel: Alright peace freak.

I swear that girl was literally there in 5 fucking seconds. She met me and Matt in our driveway as she and i climbed into the backseat leaving Matt driving in the front by himself. She sure know how to clean up. She looked soooo pretty, her pink hair was down, she had the fake lip ring in, a black shirt that showed her non pierced belly button,a pair of skinny jeans on, and some hot pink converses. And as for Matt. He had one his regular attire, which was a trucker hat,quicksilver shirt and jeans on with DC skate shoes....even though he doesn't skate. The car ride was pretty awkward because Matt and Lola wouldn't talk, he just kept talking to me. I finally pinched Lola's arm to get her to say something to him.

She leaned over to me and said "ill talk to him at his practice ok?"

I replyed with " Talk to him now and at his practice or I will tell him you aren't interested!"

"Umm so Matt, Mel. tells me you are the lead singer." She said sheepishly. At hearing her finally speak to him, Matt looked a little shocked.

"Umm yeah I like to sing and I sing pretty good so I sing in the the group and I sing lead I
mean I am lead singer and I just sing you know?" Matt said stuttering and repeating himself.

We finally made to the studio that the guys had rented out. I got so excited because I was about to see my Zacky! i ran over to Jimmy,Zacky,Johnny, and Brian, leaving Matt and Lola to walk over by themselves, hopeing they would talk.

"Sup, Mel?" Brian chanted well reaching out for a hug.

"Don't you look good today!" Said Jimmy holding his arms out.

" Hey Mel. wanna bang....I mean uhhh listen to a band?" said Johnny laughing,stuttering,and holding his arms out.

"Hey Mel, you look really beautiful today, just like everyday." Zacky said as I hugged him and said 'Hey.' Matt and Lola walked up chatting and said hello to everyone as we all walked in the building. As we were walking, I felt someone grab my hand and hold it.
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