What It Takes

What it Takes 6

I woke up the next morning around 9ish with a pretty decent hangover. I went into my bathroom,took a quick shower,and got dressed. I went in Matt's room to check on him knowing that he would be sleeping like a baby. But when i walked in, he was no where to be found.

"MATT!" I yelled as i walked down the steps. I walked in the kitchen to find him sitting down at the counter drinking a cup of coffee.

"Well it's about time sleeping beauty awoke! i was just bout to go wake you" He said in a mocking tone because that's what i always said to him when he woke up.

"Why are you up so early?......You are like always asleep till like one." I said with a puzzled look on my face.

"I got some good sleep last night....and plus we are supposed to go get some breakfast together and talk." he said smiling like a little kid.

"OH you must've slept real good with dreams about Lola all in your head.." I said as i made me a cup of coffee.

"You know it sis. now lets go bitchassness." He said laughing.
10 min. later we pulled into an Ihop. We walked in and ordered our food and as we ate, we caught up.

"You looked pretty bad this morning...how much did you drink last night." Matt said as he shoved a pancake in his mouth.

"Well thanks for dissing me....I just have a hangover, i think i had a Little to much Jack D. last night." I said as i pour syrup over my pancakes.

"To much Jack? Or to much Zacky." Matt said trying to poke jokes at me. "SHUT UP...So how did it feel to have my best friend shove her tongue down your throat" I said this in a rather bitchy manner, but i didn't mean for it to come off bitchy.

"Whoa Mel. are you sure you are okay wit me and Lola dating? Because you sound pretty bugged out about it" Matt asked as he looked at another pancake he was about to shove in his mouth.

" Yeah Matty it's all good." i said with a fake smile, the fake smiles that i am famous for. So we ate,drank our orange juices, and talked about last night and the last couple of days.

"Uh I'm sorry for being a Little snappy last night.....It's just that i fucking hate when mom and dad act like I'm fucking dumb and irresponsible when I'm not." He said now gulping down his juice.

"It's okay i understand that you were frustrated and you had a right to be." I said as i put the bill in front of him for him to pay. When we got in the car, i looked at Matt and asked if i could get another tattoo.

"Well I'll take you, but what do you wanna get tattooed?" He asked.

"Well you know that death bat thingy that johnny draws as y'all's band symbol?" i asked knowing that that was what i wanted.

"So you want a fucking death bat tattooed on you for life?" He asked seriously, i thought he was gonna drive me home at that second.

"Ye-yea i want it tattooed on my waistline" i said kinda intimidated.

"OH HELL YEAAA that's gonna be so kick ass, lets go!" Matt said very excitingly. I was so surprised because he acted like he hated the idea and then he just went crazy and was like hell yea.

As we were walking in the tattoo shop, Matt leaned over to me and said "Are you sure you want this....because you know you are gonna have to hide it from mom and dad.?"

"Matt of course I'm sure....and it's not like this will be my first tattoo" I said grabbing his hand and shoving him through the door.

"Ay Jason, my lil sis. here wants another tatt." He said to his friend, who did my first tattoo.

"So Mel. what well i be PERMANENTLY drilling in on your skin today?" Jason asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"Well i want a death bat on my waistline....Uhh i can sketch it out for you so you will know what the hell I'm talking about." i said really excited. " Oh the death bat i know what that is....Ummm what's his face.....Zacky? Yeah him, he came in a couple of weeks ago and got a big one tatted on his chest." Jason said grinning. Before i could say anything, Jason told us that he would be ready in a jiff, that all he needed to do was sketch it out and he'd meet us at the tattoo chair. Matt walked with me to the end of the shop, to sit me in the chair he always got his tattoos and piercings in.

"Oh my god i can't believe Zacky has this tattoo." I said kinda regretting this idea. I mean i didn't want Zacky to think i wanted everything he did just because i am his girlfriend. Well he can't think that because i didn't even know he had that tattoo until 5 secs. ago.

"Well now like you two like can like be matching like buddies tubular." Matt said as he batted his eyelashes trying to be like a girl.

"Fuck you bitch bag" i replyed as i laughed and took a deep breathe.

"Alrighty lets tattoo this sucker." said Jason as he started to get his tattoo needles ready. While he was tattooing the death bat on my waistline, i squeezed the living hell out of Matt's hand for support. It hurt 10x worse than my first tattoo. Finally it was done.

"It looks so fucking awesome." I said to Jason and Matt as i looked in a mirror.

"Yeah it really does." Said Jason.

"Um mm yea but Mel. you turned my fucking hand blue." Matt said as he shook his hand trying to get the blood flowing again.

We payed and left to go home. When we got home Matt said that he was going to go see a movie with Lola and that he would be back around 6p.m. While he was gone i called Zacky to come over 30 minutes after i called him, i heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" Icalled from the living room knowing that it was Zacky knocking.

He walked in and kissed me and said "Hey babe how was your morning?"

"It was good, me and Matt went to breakfast and then to the tattoo shop." I said as he sat down beside me on the couch.

"Ah cool! what did your bro. get done this time?" He asked expecting that it was Matt who got the tattoo.

"Well actually babe, i got a tattoo... Wanna see?" I said as i pulled the bandage thing off.

"Yeah!" He replyed excited.

"Whoa it looks great" he said "Want to see mine?"

"Yeah sure" i said back already knowing that it was a death bat. He lifted his shirt up reviling a nice body and his tattoo.

"It looks ultra sexy....Yummy yummy" I said with a childish giggle still looking at his abs. "Not as sexy as you." He said as he jumped on me and tickled me, making me laugh till i cried. He soon got off and asked me if i wanted to go out to lunch and i said 'yes.' As he waited in the living room, i ran upstairs and got dressed in a different outfit and redid my makeup. When i got downstairs i jumped on his back, as he gave me a piggyback ride to the front seat of his car.
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message me and tell me what you think of the story.