What It Takes

What it Takes 9

Three hours later, I heard a car door slam and Matt walk through the front door. I ran downstairs hoping that he would be In a better mood.

"Hey Matty, how was band practice?" I said smiling.

"It was alright I guess." He said still looking a little discouraged from his argument with Lola earlier.

"Hey,I'm gonna go take a nap and uhh Zacky said he's coming over." He said as he headed upstairs. I soon went upstairs into my bedroom to get dolled up. I slipped into some black soffees and a ed. hardy tank.

I was in the kitchen with my back facing the front door, when I felt a pair of strong tattooed arms wrap around my waist. I turned around and faced Zacky.

"Wanna go drive to the beach and chill." He said as he gave me a small peck on the lips.

"Yeah, let me just to tell Matt real quick." I said as I glazed my eyes towards upstairs. I quietly walked in to Matt's messy room. I shook him gently and said "Matty I'm gonna go with Zacky to the beach, ill be back later"

"Mmmmmmhmmmmm!" He grunted as he turned to his side.

10 min. later Zacky was laying a blanket on the sand at the beach. We both layed down on the blanket and watched the ocean.

"I got you a little something." He said as he reached in his pocket.

"Zacky, my birthday isn't until tomorrow!" I said giggling.

"Yeah, I know, I just wanna give you one of your gifts now." He said as he reviled a black little box.

"Here, open it." He said as his ocean green eyes gazed into mine. When I opened the box , I was amazed at what it contained. Inside there was a beautiful charm bracelet with one charm,that was a pink death bat like my tattoo.

"Oh my god. it's beautiful Zacky." I said grabbing him and giving him a huge kiss.

"I'm glad you like it, I got it customized, every month I'm going to give you a new charm to put on it." He said grinning and proud at the gift he had gotten me.

"You are so cute and you are the best boyfriend in the whole wide wide world" I said batting my eyelashes as I put the bracelet on. We watched the ocean waves for an hour and then decided to leave. On the car ride back he asked me this "So what are you planning on doing now that you will be considered a big bad adult tomorrow?"

"Well I really wanna move out of my parents house and get my whole arm tattooed." I said grinning. "Ah two very big plans for such a little girl." He said as he pushed my head.

"Shut up!" I said as he pulled into my driveway.

"Bye babe." He said giving me a hug and kiss.

"Bye." I said as I returned the favor.

As Zacky pulled out of my driveway, I noticed Lola walking over to me,with a something wrapped in newspaper.

"It's bad enough I have to miss you birthday tomorrow but before I leave tonight, I wanted to give you your present." She said handing me the box and hugging me. I unwrapped the newspaper that was taped as if it were in handcuffs. Under all that mess there was a box. In the box there was a black jacket that had pink and purple skulls on it. It was the jacket we had seen in the mall one day that i really wanted.

"Thank you so much...I'll wear it everyday of my life." I said laughing as i put it on.

" I love you sweets and have a happy welcoming into adulthood tomorrow...And don't get laid or drunk!" She said sounding like my mother.

"You know i will!" I said as we both laughed. We hugged one last time and said our last goodbyes. I watched my friend climb into her car as the Uhaul moving truck followed.

I walked up to my room and hung my new jacket up that Lola had given me as i look at the bracelet Zacky had given me. It was getting late,and Matt was still trying to sleep his emotions aways; so i decided it was time for bed. I woke the next morning to the sound of my cell phone ringing.

"Hello." I said still half asleep. "Hello? Sweetheart, HAPPYYYYYYY BIRTHDAYYYYY!" I heard my parents say on the other line. "Thanks mom and dad." I said as I tried to snap out of my sleeping spell. "We love you and your present should be arriving in the mail in a couple of days..Tell Matthew we love him to bye sweetheart." They said in a loving tone. "Bye" I said. I hung up the phone and tried to go back to sleep. I woke up the next morning to the sound of smooth singing.

"HAHAAHAHHAPPPPPPYY BBUUURRTHHDAAAAYYY TAAA YOUUUUU..." Matt sung as he walked in my room with a cupcake that had a candle that said 21 on top of it.

"Matty I'm not turning 21 I'm turning 18" I said as I blew the candle out.

"I know they ran out of 18's at the store and this was all that was left." He said as he appeared to seem in a better mood than yesterday.

"So later I'm gonna take you out to dinner okay?" He said as he walked out of my room. It was almost 2 p.m. and Zacky still hadn't called me to wish me a happy birthday, so i decided to call him and see what was up.

"Why the hell haven't you wished me a happy birthday?" I said trying to sound upset.

"Oh! I'm sorry ....uh happy birthday. he said it like he was bored.

"Well um mm you said that in an exciting way...Come spend the day with me....You promised." I said kind of confused."

"About that....Well baby I can't....Um I gotta go bye." He said hanging up the phone quickly.

"MATT SANDERS! What the fuck is going on?" I yelled as I found Matt downstairs.

"What do you mean?" He said.

"ZackY promised me he was going spend the day with me and now he says he can't....And I also had to call him to get him to wish me a happy birthday." I said pissed off.

"Uhhhh I don't know." Matt said trying to change the subject.

***Matt's P.O.V.***
That was a close on! I thought she found out about her surprise party or something.....I hope she doesn't get pissed at Zacky because i told him to act really weird and try to avoid her till the party....so she would have a miserable day and then be super surprised tonight....And it looks like its sure working. I just hope she doesn't get to upset.

"Whatever! Matt I'm over this!" I said as I grew super pissed off at his ignorance.

"Hey! Just chill.....Uh you want to go to the mall?" He asked.

"I'll buy you stuff for your birthday." He said trying to tempt me.

"I'll be down in 3 seconds, I swear!" I yelled as I ran upstairs to get dressed knowing that i couldn't give up the opportunity.
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message me and tell me what ya think...love ya guys