Falling From The Stars

Away From Reality

"Charlie? Robbie? Andy? Ricky? Mike? Tre? Anybody?!" I had been screaming their names and knocking on the door for about five minutes now. How could those idiots dont hear me? Oh, I almost forgot. Some genius had had the brilliant idea of adding some music to their little party and now The Clash's London Calling was blasting on the stereo. Bunch of idiots! While they were out there partying, I was stuck in this stupid bathroom with Billie! Doesn't anyone notice that we're not there?

"Are you claustrophobic?" Billie Joe asked. Oh, I guess I should tell you how much he was helping: he had sat down on the floor, very awkwardly since the only thing covering his body was a towel, and had let me do all the hard work. All the hard work being knocking on the door and screaming the guys' names, acting like a freak, but whatever. He wasn't helping at all! And on top of it, now he was asking me stupid questions. Great, just great!

"No, I'm not claustrophobic." I answered annoyed and then raised my voice and kept calling them, hoping someone would hear me. But apparently, it still wasn't working.

"Do you have something important to do outside?" Billie asked again, his calm voice was making me even more pissed off. How could he be so relaxed? We were locked in a bathroom, for God's sake!

"No, not really." I said, taking my eyes off the door and looking at him while I talked. Why was he so peaceful?

I went back at frantically knock on the door; I seemed a crazy person who had lost control of herself again. But I didn't care! I wanted to get out of there!

"Do I make you nervous?" I heard Billie's calm voice again and this time I really wished I could kill him. If he made me nervous? Did he? I mean, despite the fact that he's only 'wearing' a towel and I'm trapped inside this damned bathroom with him, I didnt think so.

"No, you don't." I told him, paying him fully attention this time. What a dumb question he had made!

"Then stop wasting your time and your words and sit down! They'll notice we're not there and then they'll come rescue us sometime!" I stared at him, my eyes wide open, and for some reason I did exactly what he said. I gave up knocking on the door and sat on the floor right in front of him. He was right, eventually the guys would notice we were nowhere to be seen and they'd realize we must've been here. Then they would take us out. We only needed to wait.

Wait, wait, wait... God, I hate waiting!

"So, Billie Joe..." I started, though I had no idea what to say. I really just wanted to break the silence, pass the time... anything! "How's life treating you?" Jeez, what a stupid question!

"Hmm... Let me see... I'm locked in my tour bus' bathroom, I'm practically naked and I have Emily Green freaking out here... So, good I guess." He smirked, "Actually, I'm kinda horny right now."

What? I looked at him in disbelief, hoping I had totally misunderstood him. However, at the look on my face, Billie Joe started laughing stupidly and I realized it was just a joke.
Damn you, Armstrong!

"Haha, very funny." I said sarcastically and glared at him. Is this guy really 33? (Note: remember, this part of the story takes place in 2005, in October or something, since this is two months after the VMAs, therefore Billie Joe was still 33. Just thought I would remind you. On with the story now.)

He suddenly made a serious face and looked right at me. "But really, I am." He said and I wondered if this time he was telling the truth. Of course not, you don't just tell random people you're horny out of nowhere. And if he was, it was his problem, not mine. And a really big problem, since his wife was 2000 light years away. Not really, but she was back in America and I didn't think Billie Joe was the kind of guy to cheat.

I moved awkwardly in my sitting position to try and make myself more comfortable. It didn't work. I felt really odd, for some reason. I just wanted to get out of there, you know? Not because of Billie, but... well, maybe also because of Billie.

"See? I make you nervous." He stated and I just smiled at him for his silly comment. He did not make me nervous. Right?

"Of course you don't" I said, trying to sound convincing enough. "Well, maybe that towel does, but not you."

"If you have a problem with the towel, I can always get rid of it, and then..." he started, smirking, but I cut in quickly.

"No, no, no! You don't wanna do that!" I said, wondering if he really had the guts to do that, after so many attempts. "I thought we already had discussed that."

"And we did, but I was hoping you had changed your mind." He told me, smirking again. God, that smirk! I made an annoyed face, even though I wasn't minding the little joke at all, but he didn't need to know that.

"Emily, I'm just kidding." He explained, "I'm not horny, I don't wanna take off my towel and I'm not gonna rape you, if that's what you think." I smiled at the last part and he smiled too.

"Oh damn it!" I pretended to be pissed, "And here I was thinking I was gonna get laid..."

After about ten minutes of wasting conversation, the guys still hadn't missed us. Which really surprised me, since Charlie seemed like he couldn't pass a single second without me. They were apparently having lots of fun. Also, I was wondering why had Tre Cool indicated the bathroom to me and he hadn't told me to wait, since Billie Joe was there taking a shower.

"It's really hard for me to be away from them, you know? It just... it's really painful. I left just two days ago and I already miss them. It just really breaks my heart to leave them." Billie said, we were talking about what we missed the most when we were touring and, obviously, he was telling me about having to leave his kids and Adrienne. It was breaking my heart too to hear him talk about them and how hard it was to tour when you have a family at home. Of course I didn't know much about it, I only missed my mom and Christine, it wasn't the same as having to let your sons and wife (in my case it'd be husband) behind. "But anyways, I don't wanna bore you with my problems, you'll understand it when you get married and have..."

"Stop right there!" I interrupted him and raised my hand, "Since you don't know me that well, you couldn't possibly know, but I warn you that I have no intentions whatsoever of getting married. To anyone. Nor even to Johnny Depp. I will not get married, period." I studied his face to make sure he had understood. "Okay, you can go on now."

Billie Joe looked weirdly at me. "As I was saying..." he continued, "when you find someone you love and have..." he paused his speech and looked at me "Do you wanna have kids?" I nodded, "And have kids" he proceeded from where he had stopped, "you'll know what I mean."

"It really does change one's life, doesn't it?" I asked, referring to the having kids part. Billie nodded.

"Nothing ever is gonna be the same." He said, "It changes your whole way of thinking, the way you see life, everything... But it's completely worth it, you know? It's the best thing that can ever happen to you, it's a total bless."

I listened to him amazed. He certainly was a hell out of a father. And Adrienne was a really lucky girl...

"You know what?" I said "You just made me want to have a kid with you and that's scaring the shit out of me." I laughed and leaned my head against the bathroom wall, Billie smiled.

The last thing I knew, the music had stopped from outside of the bathroom and we could actually hear the guys talking. They sounded preoccupied, so maybe they had finally realized we weren't there and had started looking for us. Hopefully, Tre would remember I had asked him where the bathroom was and that that was the last time they had saw me. And then, again hopefully, they would try to open the door. Maybe they could from the outside, since from here the door seemed to be locked.

"I think they're looking for us." Billie said and got up, walking towards the door and placed his ear on it, so he could hear them. I got up from the floor too and joined him. However, we couldnt understand what they were saying, we could hear their voices but not their words. It was slightly frustrating.

"Guys, we're here!" I yelled, trying to be heard, but they just kept talking in the same tone. The most audible voice was Mike's, who was probably the closest to the bathroom.

"Michael Ryan Pritchard, get your fat ass over here!" Billie yelled, much louder than me, and we started to hear some steps towards our direction.

"Billie?" Mike asked from the other side of the door and I thanked God someone had finally found us.

"No, Santa!" Billie Joe replied sarcastically, "Of course it's me, now open the door!"

"Is Emily there with you?" we heard Mike ask.

"Yeah, I'm here." I told him.

"What are you guys doing in there?" the voice from the other side sounded like as if Mike thought we had been doing something we're not supposed to.

"Making babies." Billie answered sarcastically again. That's what I mean by 'something we're not supposed to'. I rolled my eyes.

"Guys, they're alive!" Mike yelled at the others and we could hear more steps while other voices became audible too. "Why are you guys locked in there?" he asked us.

"I told you, we're making..." Billie started but I cut in just in time.

"That's a good question, we don't know." I said, "We can't open the door!"

"Why did you go to the bathroom together, in the first place?" that was Charlie's voice. He didn't sound much happy.

"If only you guys knew..." Billie Joe said and I hit him on the arm. My boyfriend was a jealous guy and that wouldn't help when I would have to explain to him, with all the little details, what the hell I was doing with Billie Joe Armstrong in a tour bus' bathroom.

"Long story, we promise to tell you guys if you take us out of here." I replied. Then we heard the doorknob being forced several times, but the door kept closed. I found myself wondering if we were ever going to get out of there.

Five minutes of frustrated tries and the guys decided they would knock the door down. Finally someone had had a good idea!

"Get away from the door the most you can." Richard said, it was him who would be knocking down the door.

"Okay!" I yelled and turned away to walk to the other side of the bathroom. On that moment, the bus passed by a hole on the road, and the whole movement made me lost my balance. I fell onto the bathroom wall and apparently, I wasnt the only one with a fucked up equilibrium. Billie Joe had fell right onto the wall too, or would have, if I hadn't hit it first, which means he fell onto me.

"Ouch!" I let out when his barely naked body fell hard onto mine. I slowly looked up and he was looking down at me. Our eyes kept locked for a moment, a very strange moment. Every time I inhaled, my boobs touched his chest slightly, and I was breathing a lot heavier than normal.

For some reason, none of us was moving. I didn't want us to, though. I didn't want Billie to get off of me and ruin what I was feeling. What was I feeling? I didn't know. The only thing I was sure of was that I had never felt that way before. Not even with Charlie. I felt so... attracted to Billie, I couldn't explain it. It was the most irrational feeling I had ever experienced, so basic, but so real. My heart was beating faster and faster at each second that passed and his eyes... God, his eyes... they kept piercing mine, like they could see inside me, every little thing.

I could hear the guys' voices outside but I couldn't understand what they were saying. I didn't care, though. At that moment, I honestly wished they could never find a way of opening the door and that I could stay with Billie, forever like this.

I could feel his fresh breath on my neck and I wondered if he was feeling what I was feeling, I wondered how insane that was. He wasn't moving and I wanted to believe that that was because whatever was happening to me was happening to him too.

I don't know what took over me, I don't know what I was thinking, I probably wasn't thinking, but when I realized, my hands were moving and they stopped on Billie's sides. He looked down at them, as my hands slowly made their way down his body and stopped again at the edge of the towel. He then turned back at gazing into my eyes. And then, for some reason, our faces got really close, our lips almost met, a kiss almost happened but instead, the sound of the bathroom door coming down, followed by Richard and Charlie who fell on the floor, and Tre, Mike, Andy and Robbie who popped their heads into the bathroom to see what was going on, broke the whole moment, bringing us back to reality.

"What the hell is happening in here?" Billie had gotten off of me, but apparently not fast enough to stop Charlie from noticing how close we were.

"Finally free!" I said, crossed the bathroom, passed by the guys, got out of there and completely ignored Charlie's question. I didn't know what to answer him, since not even I knew what had just happened. Back to the real world, I now wondered what was I thinking. Billie was married, he had two kids! I just can't go around like that touching married people and feeling attracted to them, let alone expect them to kiss me! Besides, I wasn't exactly single either; I had a boyfriend and a relationship to take care of. But what can I say? I think that that door was keeping us away from reality...